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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { createEnumStyle } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-core-js\";\r\n/**\r\n * Defines the level of severity for the event.\r\n */\r\nexport var SeverityLevel = createEnumStyle({\r\n Verbose: 0 /* eSeverityLevel.Verbose */,\r\n Information: 1 /* eSeverityLevel.Information */,\r\n Warning: 2 /* eSeverityLevel.Warning */,\r\n Error: 3 /* eSeverityLevel.Error */,\r\n Critical: 4 /* eSeverityLevel.Critical */\r\n});\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=SeverityLevel.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { createEnum, createTypeMap } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\n/**\r\n * Create an enum style object which has both the key => value and value => key mappings\r\n * @param values - The values to populate on the new object\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport var createEnumStyle = createEnum;\r\n/**\r\n * Create a 2 index map that maps an enum's key and value to the defined map value, X[\"key\"] => mapValue and X[0] => mapValue.\r\n * Generic values\r\n * - E = the const enum type (typeof eRequestHeaders);\r\n * - V = Identifies the valid values for the keys, this should include both the enum numeric and string key of the type. The\r\n * resulting \"Value\" of each entry identifies the valid values withing the assignments.\r\n * @param values - The values to populate on the new object\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport var createValueMap = createTypeMap;\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=EnumHelperFuncs.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\r\nimport { getGlobal, objCreate, objHasOwnProperty, throwTypeError } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\n\r\ninterface DynamicGlobalSettings {\r\n /**\r\n * Stores the global options which will also be exposed on the runtime global\r\n */\r\n o: IDynamicProtoOpts,\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Internal Global used to generate a unique dynamic class name, every new class will increase this value\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\n n: number\r\n};\r\n\r\nconst UNDEFINED = \"undefined\";\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Constant string defined to support minimization\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nconst Constructor = 'constructor';\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Constant string defined to support minimization\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nconst Prototype = 'prototype';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * Constant string defined to support minimization\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nconst strFunction = 'function';\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Used to define the name of the instance function lookup table\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nconst DynInstFuncTable = '_dynInstFuncs';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * Name used to tag the dynamic prototype function\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nconst DynProxyTag = '_isDynProxy';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * Name added to a prototype to define the dynamic prototype \"class\" name used to lookup the function table\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nconst DynClassName = '_dynClass';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * Prefix added to the classname to avoid any name clashes with other instance level properties\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nconst DynClassNamePrefix = '_dynCls$';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * A tag which is used to check if we have already to attempted to set the instance function if one is not present\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nconst DynInstChkTag = '_dynInstChk';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * A tag which is used to check if we are allows to try and set an instance function is one is not present. Using the same \r\n * tag name as the function level but a different const name for readability only.\r\n */\r\nconst DynAllowInstChkTag = DynInstChkTag;\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * The global (imported) instances where the global performance options are stored\r\n */\r\nconst DynProtoDefaultOptions = '_dfOpts';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * Value used as the name of a class when it cannot be determined\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nconst UnknownValue = '_unknown_';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * Constant string defined to support minimization\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nconst str__Proto = \"__proto__\";\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * The polyfill version of __proto__ so that it doesn't cause issues for anyone not expecting it to exist\r\n */\r\nconst DynProtoBaseProto = \"_dyn\" + str__Proto;\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Runtime Global holder for dynamicProto settings\r\n */\r\nconst DynProtoGlobalSettings = \"__dynProto$Gbl\";\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Track the current prototype for IE8 as you can't look back to get the prototype\r\n */\r\nconst DynProtoCurrent = \"_dynInstProto\";\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * Constant string defined to support minimization\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nconst strUseBaseInst = 'useBaseInst';\r\n \r\n/**\r\n * Constant string defined to support minimization\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nconst strSetInstFuncs = 'setInstFuncs';\r\n \r\nconst Obj = Object;\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Pre-lookup to check if we are running on a modern browser (i.e. not IE8)\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nlet _objGetPrototypeOf = Obj[\"getPrototypeOf\"];\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Pre-lookup to check for the existence of this function\r\n */\r\nlet _objGetOwnProps = Obj[\"getOwnPropertyNames\"];\r\n\r\n// Since 1.1.7 moving these to the runtime global to work around mixed version and module issues\r\n// See Issue https://github.com/microsoft/DynamicProto-JS/issues/57 for details\r\nlet _gbl = getGlobal();\r\nlet _gblInst: DynamicGlobalSettings = _gbl[DynProtoGlobalSettings] || (_gbl[DynProtoGlobalSettings] = {\r\n o: {\r\n [strSetInstFuncs]: true,\r\n [strUseBaseInst]: true\r\n },\r\n n: 1000 // Start new global index @ 1000 so we \"fix\" some cases when mixed with 1.1.6 or earlier\r\n});\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Helper used to check whether the target is an Object prototype or Array prototype\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nfunction _isObjectOrArrayPrototype(target:any) {\r\n return target && (target === Obj[Prototype] || target === Array[Prototype]);\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Helper used to check whether the target is an Object prototype, Array prototype or Function prototype\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nfunction _isObjectArrayOrFunctionPrototype(target:any) {\r\n return _isObjectOrArrayPrototype(target) || target === Function[Prototype];\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Helper used to get the prototype of the target object as getPrototypeOf is not available in an ES3 environment.\r\n * @ignore\r\n */ \r\nfunction _getObjProto(target:any) {\r\n let newProto;\r\n\r\n if (target) {\r\n // This method doesn't exist in older browsers (e.g. IE8)\r\n if (_objGetPrototypeOf) {\r\n return _objGetPrototypeOf(target);\r\n }\r\n\r\n let curProto = target[str__Proto] || target[Prototype] || (target[Constructor] ? target[Constructor][Prototype] : null);\r\n\r\n // Using the pre-calculated value as IE8 doesn't support looking up the prototype of a prototype and thus fails for more than 1 base class\r\n newProto = target[DynProtoBaseProto] || curProto;\r\n if (!objHasOwnProperty(target, DynProtoBaseProto)) {\r\n // As this prototype doesn't have this property then this is from an inherited class so newProto is the base to return so save it\r\n // so we can look it up value (which for a multiple hierarchy dynamicProto will be the base class)\r\n delete target[DynProtoCurrent]; // Delete any current value allocated to this instance so we pick up the value from prototype hierarchy\r\n newProto = target[DynProtoBaseProto] = target[DynProtoCurrent] || target[DynProtoBaseProto];\r\n target[DynProtoCurrent] = curProto;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return newProto;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Helper to get the properties of an object, including none enumerable ones as functions on a prototype in ES6\r\n * are not enumerable.\r\n * @param target \r\n */\r\nfunction _forEachProp(target: any, func: (name: string) => void) {\r\n let props: string[] = [];\r\n if (_objGetOwnProps) {\r\n props = _objGetOwnProps(target);\r\n } else {\r\n for (let name in target) {\r\n if (typeof name === \"string\" && objHasOwnProperty(target, name)) {\r\n props.push(name);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (props && props.length > 0) {\r\n for (let lp = 0; lp < props.length; lp++) {\r\n func(props[lp]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Helper function to check whether the provided function name is a potential candidate for dynamic\r\n * callback and prototype generation.\r\n * @param target The target object, may be a prototype or class object\r\n * @param funcName The function name\r\n * @param skipOwn Skips the check for own property\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nfunction _isDynamicCandidate(target:any, funcName:string, skipOwn:boolean) {\r\n return (funcName !== Constructor && typeof target[funcName] === strFunction && (skipOwn || objHasOwnProperty(target, funcName)) && funcName !== str__Proto && funcName !== Prototype);\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Helper to throw a TypeError exception\r\n * @param message the message\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nfunction _throwTypeError(message:string) {\r\n throwTypeError(\"DynamicProto: \" + message);\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Returns a collection of the instance functions that are defined directly on the thisTarget object, it does \r\n * not return any inherited functions\r\n * @param thisTarget The object to get the instance functions from\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nfunction _getInstanceFuncs(thisTarget:any): any {\r\n // Get the base proto\r\n var instFuncs = objCreate(null);\r\n\r\n // Save any existing instance functions\r\n _forEachProp(thisTarget, (name) => {\r\n // Don't include any dynamic prototype instances - as we only want the real functions\r\n if (!instFuncs[name] && _isDynamicCandidate(thisTarget, name, false)) {\r\n // Create an instance callback for passing the base function to the caller\r\n instFuncs[name] = thisTarget[name];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n return instFuncs;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Returns whether the value is included in the array\r\n * @param values The array of values\r\n * @param value The value\r\n */\r\nfunction _hasVisited(values:any[], value:any) {\r\n for (let lp = values.length - 1; lp >= 0; lp--) {\r\n if (values[lp] === value) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Returns an object that contains callback functions for all \"base/super\" functions, this is used to \"save\"\r\n * enabling calling super.xxx() functions without requiring that the base \"class\" has defined a prototype references\r\n * @param target The current instance\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nfunction _getBaseFuncs(classProto:any, thisTarget:any, instFuncs:any, useBaseInst:boolean): any {\r\n function _instFuncProxy(target:any, funcHost: any, funcName: string) {\r\n let theFunc = funcHost[funcName];\r\n if (theFunc[DynProxyTag] && useBaseInst) {\r\n // grab and reuse the hosted looking function (if available) otherwise the original passed function\r\n let instFuncTable = target[DynInstFuncTable] || {};\r\n if (instFuncTable[DynAllowInstChkTag] !== false) {\r\n theFunc = (instFuncTable[funcHost[DynClassName]] || {})[funcName] || theFunc;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return function() {\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params\r\n return theFunc.apply(target, arguments);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Start creating a new baseFuncs by creating proxies for the instance functions (as they may get replaced)\r\n var baseFuncs = objCreate(null);\r\n _forEachProp(instFuncs, (name) => {\r\n // Create an instance callback for passing the base function to the caller\r\n baseFuncs[name] = _instFuncProxy(thisTarget, instFuncs, name);\r\n });\r\n \r\n // Get the base prototype functions\r\n var baseProto = _getObjProto(classProto);\r\n let visited:any[] = [];\r\n\r\n // Don't include base object functions for Object, Array or Function\r\n while (baseProto && !_isObjectArrayOrFunctionPrototype(baseProto) && !_hasVisited(visited, baseProto)) {\r\n // look for prototype functions\r\n _forEachProp(baseProto, (name) => {\r\n // Don't include any dynamic prototype instances - as we only want the real functions\r\n // For IE 7/8 the prototype lookup doesn't provide the full chain so we need to bypass the \r\n // hasOwnProperty check we get all of the methods, main difference is that IE7/8 doesn't return\r\n // the Object prototype methods while bypassing the check\r\n if (!baseFuncs[name] && _isDynamicCandidate(baseProto, name, !_objGetPrototypeOf)) {\r\n // Create an instance callback for passing the base function to the caller\r\n baseFuncs[name] = _instFuncProxy(thisTarget, baseProto, name);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n\r\n // We need to find all possible functions that might be overloaded by walking the entire prototype chain\r\n // This avoids the caller from needing to check whether it's direct base class implements the function or not\r\n // by walking the entire chain it simplifies the usage and issues from upgrading any of the base classes.\r\n visited.push(baseProto);\r\n baseProto = _getObjProto(baseProto);\r\n }\r\n\r\n return baseFuncs;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction _getInstFunc(target: any, funcName: string, proto: any, currentDynProtoProxy: any) {\r\n let instFunc = null;\r\n\r\n // We need to check whether the class name is defined directly on this prototype otherwise\r\n // it will walk the proto chain and return any parent proto classname.\r\n if (target && objHasOwnProperty(proto, DynClassName)) {\r\n\r\n let instFuncTable = target[DynInstFuncTable] || objCreate(null);\r\n instFunc = (instFuncTable[proto[DynClassName]] || objCreate(null))[funcName];\r\n\r\n if (!instFunc) {\r\n // Avoid stack overflow from recursive calling the same function\r\n _throwTypeError(\"Missing [\" + funcName + \"] \" + strFunction);\r\n }\r\n\r\n // We have the instance function, lets check it we can speed up further calls\r\n // by adding the instance function back directly on the instance (avoiding the dynamic func lookup)\r\n if (!instFunc[DynInstChkTag] && instFuncTable[DynAllowInstChkTag] !== false) {\r\n // If the instance already has an instance function we can't replace it\r\n let canAddInst = !objHasOwnProperty(target, funcName);\r\n\r\n // Get current prototype\r\n let objProto = _getObjProto(target);\r\n let visited:any[] = [];\r\n\r\n // Lookup the function starting at the top (instance level prototype) and traverse down, if the first matching function\r\n // if nothing is found or if the first hit is a dynamic proto instance then we can safely add an instance shortcut\r\n while (canAddInst && objProto && !_isObjectArrayOrFunctionPrototype(objProto) && !_hasVisited(visited, objProto)) {\r\n let protoFunc = objProto[funcName];\r\n if (protoFunc) {\r\n canAddInst = (protoFunc === currentDynProtoProxy);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // We need to find all possible initial functions to ensure that we don't bypass a valid override function\r\n visited.push(objProto);\r\n objProto = _getObjProto(objProto);\r\n }\r\n\r\n try {\r\n if (canAddInst) {\r\n // This instance doesn't have an instance func and the class hierarchy does have a higher level prototype version\r\n // so it's safe to directly assign for any subsequent calls (for better performance)\r\n target[funcName] = instFunc;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Block further attempts to set the instance function for any\r\n instFunc[DynInstChkTag] = 1;\r\n } catch (e) {\r\n // Don't crash if the object is readonly or the runtime doesn't allow changing this\r\n // And set a flag so we don't try again for any function\r\n instFuncTable[DynAllowInstChkTag] = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return instFunc;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction _getProtoFunc(funcName: string, proto: any, currentDynProtoProxy: any) {\r\n let protoFunc = proto[funcName];\r\n\r\n // Check that the prototype function is not a self reference -- try to avoid stack overflow!\r\n if (protoFunc === currentDynProtoProxy) {\r\n // It is so lookup the base prototype\r\n protoFunc = _getObjProto(proto)[funcName];\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (typeof protoFunc !== strFunction) {\r\n _throwTypeError(\"[\" + funcName + \"] is not a \" + strFunction);\r\n }\r\n\r\n return protoFunc;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Add the required dynamic prototype methods to the the class prototype\r\n * @param proto - The class prototype\r\n * @param className - The instance classname \r\n * @param target - The target instance\r\n * @param baseInstFuncs - The base instance functions\r\n * @param setInstanceFunc - Flag to allow prototype function to reset the instance function if one does not exist\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nfunction _populatePrototype(proto:any, className:string, target:any, baseInstFuncs:any, setInstanceFunc:boolean) {\r\n function _createDynamicPrototype(proto:any, funcName:string) {\r\n let dynProtoProxy = function() {\r\n // Use the instance or prototype function\r\n let instFunc = _getInstFunc(this, funcName, proto, dynProtoProxy) || _getProtoFunc(funcName, proto, dynProtoProxy);\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params\r\n return instFunc.apply(this, arguments);\r\n };\r\n \r\n // Tag this function as a proxy to support replacing dynamic proxy elements (primary use case is for unit testing\r\n // via which can dynamically replace the prototype function reference)\r\n (dynProtoProxy as any)[DynProxyTag] = 1;\r\n return dynProtoProxy;\r\n }\r\n \r\n if (!_isObjectOrArrayPrototype(proto)) {\r\n let instFuncTable = target[DynInstFuncTable] = target[DynInstFuncTable] || objCreate(null);\r\n if (!_isObjectOrArrayPrototype(instFuncTable)) {\r\n let instFuncs = instFuncTable[className] = (instFuncTable[className] || objCreate(null)); // fetch and assign if as it may not exist yet\r\n\r\n // Set whether we are allow to lookup instances, if someone has set to false then do not re-enable\r\n if (instFuncTable[DynAllowInstChkTag] !== false) {\r\n instFuncTable[DynAllowInstChkTag] = !!setInstanceFunc;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (!_isObjectOrArrayPrototype(instFuncs)) {\r\n _forEachProp(target, (name) => {\r\n // Only add overridden functions\r\n if (_isDynamicCandidate(target, name, false) && target[name] !== baseInstFuncs[name] ) {\r\n // Save the instance Function to the lookup table and remove it from the instance as it's not a dynamic proto function\r\n instFuncs[name] = target[name];\r\n delete target[name];\r\n \r\n // Add a dynamic proto if one doesn't exist or if a prototype function exists and it's not a dynamic one\r\n if (!objHasOwnProperty(proto, name) || (proto[name] && !proto[name][DynProxyTag])) {\r\n proto[name] = _createDynamicPrototype(proto, name);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Checks whether the passed prototype object appears to be correct by walking the prototype hierarchy of the instance\r\n * @param classProto The class prototype instance\r\n * @param thisTarget The current instance that will be checked whether the passed prototype instance is in the hierarchy\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nfunction _checkPrototype(classProto:any, thisTarget:any) {\r\n // This method doesn't existing in older browsers (e.g. IE8)\r\n if (_objGetPrototypeOf) {\r\n // As this is primarily a coding time check, don't bother checking if running in IE8 or lower\r\n let visited:any[] = [];\r\n let thisProto = _getObjProto(thisTarget);\r\n while (thisProto && !_isObjectArrayOrFunctionPrototype(thisProto) && !_hasVisited(visited, thisProto)) {\r\n if (thisProto === classProto) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // This avoids the caller from needing to check whether it's direct base class implements the function or not\r\n // by walking the entire chain it simplifies the usage and issues from upgrading any of the base classes.\r\n visited.push(thisProto);\r\n thisProto = _getObjProto(thisProto);\r\n }\r\n\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // If objGetPrototypeOf doesn't exist then just assume everything is ok.\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Gets the current prototype name using the ES6 name if available otherwise falling back to a use unknown as the name.\r\n * It's not critical for this to return a name, it's used to decorate the generated unique name for easier debugging only.\r\n * @param target \r\n * @param unknownValue \r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nfunction _getObjName(target:any, unknownValue?:string) {\r\n if (objHasOwnProperty(target, Prototype)) {\r\n // Look like a prototype\r\n return target.name || unknownValue || UnknownValue\r\n }\r\n\r\n return (((target || {})[Constructor]) || {}).name || unknownValue || UnknownValue;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Interface to define additional configuration options to control how the dynamic prototype functions operate.\r\n */\r\nexport interface IDynamicProtoOpts {\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Should the dynamic prototype attempt to set an instance function for instances that do not already have an\r\n * function of the same name or have been extended by a class with a (non-dynamic proto) prototype function.\r\n */\r\n setInstFuncs: boolean,\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * When looking for base (super) functions if it finds a dynamic proto instances can it use the instance functions\r\n * and bypass the prototype lookups. Defaults to true.\r\n */\r\n useBaseInst?: boolean\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * The delegate signature for the function used as the callback for dynamicProto() \r\n * @typeparam DPType This is the generic type of the class, used to keep intellisense valid for the proxy instance, even \r\n * though it is only a proxy that only contains the functions \r\n * @param theTarget This is the real \"this\" of the current target object\r\n * @param baseFuncProxy The is a proxy object which ONLY contains this function that existed on the \"this\" instance before\r\n * calling dynamicProto, it does NOT contain properties of this. This is basically equivalent to using the \"super\" keyword.\r\n */\r\nexport type DynamicProtoDelegate = (theTarget:DPType, baseFuncProxy?:DPType) => void;\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Helper function when creating dynamic (inline) functions for classes, this helper performs the following tasks :-\r\n * - Saves references to all defined base class functions\r\n * - Calls the delegateFunc with the current target (this) and a base object reference that can be used to call all \"super\" functions.\r\n * - Will populate the class prototype for all overridden functions to support class extension that call the prototype instance.\r\n * Callers should use this helper when declaring all function within the constructor of a class, as mentioned above the delegateFunc is \r\n * passed both the target \"this\" and an object that can be used to call any base (super) functions, using this based object in place of\r\n * super.XXX() (which gets expanded to _super.prototype.XXX()) provides a better minification outcome and also ensures the correct \"this\"\r\n * context is maintained as TypeScript creates incorrect references using super.XXXX() for dynamically defined functions i.e. Functions\r\n * defined in the constructor or some other function (rather than declared as complete typescript functions).\r\n * ### Usage\r\n * ```typescript\r\n * import dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\n * class ExampleClass extends BaseClass {\r\n * constructor() {\r\n * dynamicProto(ExampleClass, this, (_self, base) => {\r\n * // This will define a function that will be converted to a prototype function\r\n * _self.newFunc = () => {\r\n * // Access any \"this\" instance property \r\n * if (_self.someProperty) {\r\n * ...\r\n * }\r\n * }\r\n * // This will define a function that will be converted to a prototype function\r\n * _self.myFunction = () => {\r\n * // Access any \"this\" instance property\r\n * if (_self.someProperty) {\r\n * // Call the base version of the function that we are overriding\r\n * base.myFunction();\r\n * }\r\n * ...\r\n * }\r\n * _self.initialize = () => {\r\n * ...\r\n * }\r\n * // Warnings: While the following will work as _self is simply a reference to\r\n * // this, if anyone overrides myFunction() the overridden will be called first\r\n * // as the normal JavaScript method resolution will occur and the defined\r\n * // _self.initialize() function is actually gets removed from the instance and\r\n * // a proxy prototype version is created to reference the created method.\r\n * _self.initialize();\r\n * });\r\n * }\r\n * }\r\n * ```\r\n * @typeparam DPType This is the generic type of the class, used to keep intellisense valid\r\n * @typeparam DPCls The type that contains the prototype of the current class\r\n * @param theClass - This is the current class instance which contains the prototype for the current class\r\n * @param target - The current \"this\" (target) reference, when the class has been extended this.prototype will not be the 'theClass' value.\r\n * @param delegateFunc - The callback function (closure) that will create the dynamic function\r\n * @param options - Additional options to configure how the dynamic prototype operates\r\n */\r\nexport default function dynamicProto(theClass:DPCls, target:DPType, delegateFunc: DynamicProtoDelegate, options?:IDynamicProtoOpts): void {\r\n // Make sure that the passed theClass argument looks correct\r\n if (!objHasOwnProperty(theClass, Prototype)) {\r\n _throwTypeError(\"theClass is an invalid class definition.\");\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Quick check to make sure that the passed theClass argument looks correct (this is a common copy/paste error)\r\n let classProto = theClass[Prototype];\r\n if (!_checkPrototype(classProto, target)) {\r\n _throwTypeError(\"[\" + _getObjName(theClass) + \"] not in hierarchy of [\" + _getObjName(target) + \"]\");\r\n }\r\n\r\n let className = null;\r\n if (objHasOwnProperty(classProto, DynClassName)) {\r\n // Only grab the class name if it's defined on this prototype (i.e. don't walk the prototype chain)\r\n className = classProto[DynClassName];\r\n } else {\r\n // As not all browser support name on the prototype creating a unique dynamic one if we have not already\r\n // assigned one, so we can use a simple string as the lookup rather than an object for the dynamic instance\r\n // function table lookup.\r\n className = DynClassNamePrefix + _getObjName(theClass, \"_\") + \"$\" + _gblInst.n ;\r\n _gblInst.n++;\r\n classProto[DynClassName] = className;\r\n }\r\n\r\n let perfOptions = dynamicProto[DynProtoDefaultOptions];\r\n let useBaseInst = !!perfOptions[strUseBaseInst];\r\n if (useBaseInst && options && options[strUseBaseInst] !== undefined) {\r\n useBaseInst = !!options[strUseBaseInst];\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Get the current instance functions\r\n let instFuncs = _getInstanceFuncs(target);\r\n\r\n // Get all of the functions for any base instance (before they are potentially overridden)\r\n let baseFuncs = _getBaseFuncs(classProto, target, instFuncs, useBaseInst);\r\n\r\n // Execute the delegate passing in both the current target \"this\" and \"base\" function references\r\n // Note casting the same type as we don't actually have the base class here and this will provide some intellisense support\r\n delegateFunc(target, baseFuncs as DPType);\r\n\r\n // Don't allow setting instance functions for older IE instances\r\n let setInstanceFunc = !!_objGetPrototypeOf && !!perfOptions[strSetInstFuncs];\r\n if (setInstanceFunc && options) {\r\n setInstanceFunc = !!options[strSetInstFuncs];\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Populate the Prototype for any overridden instance functions\r\n _populatePrototype(classProto, className, target, instFuncs, setInstanceFunc !== false);\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Exposes the default global options to allow global configuration, if the global values are disabled these will override\r\n * any passed values. This is primarily exposed to support unit-testing without the need for individual classes to expose\r\n * their internal usage of dynamic proto.\r\n */\r\ndynamicProto[DynProtoDefaultOptions] = _gblInst.o;\r\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n// @skip-file-minify\r\n// ##############################################################\r\n// AUTO GENERATED FILE: This file is Auto Generated during build.\r\n// ##############################################################\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n// Note: DON'T Export these const from the package as we are still targeting ES3 this will export a mutable variables that someone could change!!!\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\nexport var _DYN_SPLIT = \"split\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_LENGTH = \"length\"; // Count: 41\r\nexport var _DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE = \"toLowerCase\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_INGESTIONENDPOINT = \"ingestionendpoint\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_TO_STRING = \"toString\"; // Count: 9\r\nexport var _DYN_REMOVE_ITEM = \"removeItem\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_NAME = \"name\"; // Count: 11\r\nexport var _DYN_MESSAGE = \"message\"; // Count: 10\r\nexport var _DYN_COUNT = \"count\"; // Count: 8\r\nexport var _DYN_PRE_TRIGGER_DATE = \"preTriggerDate\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLED = \"disabled\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_INTERVAL = \"interval\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_DAYS_OF_MONTH = \"daysOfMonth\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_DATE = \"date\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_GET_UTCDATE = \"getUTCDate\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_STRINGIFY = \"stringify\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_PATHNAME = \"pathname\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_CORRELATION_HEADER_E0 = \"correlationHeaderExcludePatterns\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_EXTENSION_CONFIG = \"extensionConfig\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_EXCEPTIONS = \"exceptions\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_PARSED_STACK = \"parsedStack\"; // Count: 13\r\nexport var _DYN_PROPERTIES = \"properties\"; // Count: 9\r\nexport var _DYN_MEASUREMENTS = \"measurements\"; // Count: 9\r\nexport var _DYN_SIZE_IN_BYTES = \"sizeInBytes\"; // Count: 11\r\nexport var _DYN_TYPE_NAME = \"typeName\"; // Count: 11\r\nexport var _DYN_SEVERITY_LEVEL = \"severityLevel\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_PROBLEM_GROUP = \"problemGroup\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_IS_MANUAL = \"isManual\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN__CREATE_FROM_INTERFA1 = \"CreateFromInterface\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_ASSEMBLY = \"assembly\"; // Count: 7\r\nexport var _DYN_HAS_FULL_STACK = \"hasFullStack\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_LEVEL = \"level\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_METHOD = \"method\"; // Count: 7\r\nexport var _DYN_FILE_NAME = \"fileName\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_LINE = \"line\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_DURATION = \"duration\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_RECEIVED_RESPONSE = \"receivedResponse\"; // Count: 2\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=__DynamicConstants.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { arrReduce, objKeys } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-core-js\";\r\nimport { DEFAULT_BREEZE_ENDPOINT } from \"./Constants\";\r\nimport { _DYN_INGESTIONENDPOINT, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_SPLIT, _DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE } from \"./__DynamicConstants\";\r\nvar _FIELDS_SEPARATOR = \";\";\r\nvar _FIELD_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR = \"=\";\r\nexport function parseConnectionString(connectionString) {\r\n if (!connectionString) {\r\n return {};\r\n }\r\n var kvPairs = connectionString[_DYN_SPLIT /* @min:%2esplit */](_FIELDS_SEPARATOR);\r\n var result = arrReduce(kvPairs, function (fields, kv) {\r\n var kvParts = kv[_DYN_SPLIT /* @min:%2esplit */](_FIELD_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR);\r\n if (kvParts[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] === 2) { // only save fields with valid formats\r\n var key = kvParts[0][_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */]();\r\n var value = kvParts[1];\r\n fields[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n return fields;\r\n }, {});\r\n if (objKeys(result)[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n // this is a valid connection string, so parse the results\r\n if (result.endpointsuffix) {\r\n // use endpoint suffix where overrides are not provided\r\n var locationPrefix = result.location ? result.location + \".\" : \"\";\r\n result[_DYN_INGESTIONENDPOINT /* @min:%2eingestionendpoint */] = result[_DYN_INGESTIONENDPOINT /* @min:%2eingestionendpoint */] || (\"https://\" + locationPrefix + \"dc.\" + result.endpointsuffix);\r\n }\r\n // apply the default endpoints\r\n result[_DYN_INGESTIONENDPOINT /* @min:%2eingestionendpoint */] = result[_DYN_INGESTIONENDPOINT /* @min:%2eingestionendpoint */] || DEFAULT_BREEZE_ENDPOINT;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexport var ConnectionStringParser = {\r\n parse: parseConnectionString\r\n};\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=ConnectionStringParser.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n/**\r\n * This is an internal property used to cause internal (reporting) requests to be ignored from reporting\r\n * additional telemetry, to handle polyfil implementations ALL urls used with a disabled request will\r\n * also be ignored for future requests even when this property is not provided.\r\n * Tagging as Ignore as this is an internal value and is not expected to be used outside of the SDK\r\n * @ignore\r\n */\r\nexport var DisabledPropertyName = \"Microsoft_ApplicationInsights_BypassAjaxInstrumentation\";\r\nexport var SampleRate = \"sampleRate\";\r\nexport var ProcessLegacy = \"ProcessLegacy\";\r\nexport var HttpMethod = \"http.method\";\r\nexport var DEFAULT_BREEZE_ENDPOINT = \"https://dc.services.visualstudio.com\";\r\nexport var DEFAULT_BREEZE_PATH = \"/v2/track\";\r\nexport var strNotSpecified = \"not_specified\";\r\nexport var strIkey = \"iKey\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=Constants.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n// @skip-file-minify\r\n// ##############################################################\r\n// AUTO GENERATED FILE: This file is Auto Generated during build.\r\n// ##############################################################\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n// Note: DON'T Export these const from the package as we are still targeting ES3 this will export a mutable variables that someone could change!!!\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\nexport var _DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE = \"toLowerCase\"; // Count: 9\r\nexport var _DYN_BLK_VAL = \"blkVal\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_LENGTH = \"length\"; // Count: 42\r\nexport var _DYN_RD_ONLY = \"rdOnly\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_NOTIFY = \"notify\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_WARN_TO_CONSOLE = \"warnToConsole\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_THROW_INTERNAL = \"throwInternal\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_SET_DF = \"setDf\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_WATCH = \"watch\"; // Count: 9\r\nexport var _DYN_LOGGER = \"logger\"; // Count: 21\r\nexport var _DYN_APPLY = \"apply\"; // Count: 7\r\nexport var _DYN_PUSH = \"push\"; // Count: 31\r\nexport var _DYN_SPLICE = \"splice\"; // Count: 8\r\nexport var _DYN_HDLR = \"hdlr\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_CANCEL = \"cancel\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_INITIALIZE = \"initialize\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_IDENTIFIER = \"identifier\"; // Count: 8\r\nexport var _DYN_IS_INITIALIZED = \"isInitialized\"; // Count: 10\r\nexport var _DYN_GET_PLUGIN = \"getPlugin\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS = \"pollInternalLogs\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_NAME = \"name\"; // Count: 11\r\nexport var _DYN_TIME = \"time\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_PROCESS_NEXT = \"processNext\"; // Count: 15\r\nexport var _DYN_GET_PROCESS_TEL_CONT0 = \"getProcessTelContext\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_GET_NOTIFY_MGR = \"getNotifyMgr\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LIS1 = \"addNotificationListener\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_2 = \"removeNotificationListener\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_ENABLED = \"enabled\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_STOP_POLLING_INTERNA3 = \"stopPollingInternalLogs\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_UNLOAD = \"unload\"; // Count: 9\r\nexport var _DYN_ON_COMPLETE = \"onComplete\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_VERSION = \"version\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_LOGGING_LEVEL_CONSOL4 = \"loggingLevelConsole\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_CREATE_NEW = \"createNew\"; // Count: 7\r\nexport var _DYN_TEARDOWN = \"teardown\"; // Count: 9\r\nexport var _DYN_MESSAGE_ID = \"messageId\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_MESSAGE = \"message\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_IS_ASYNC = \"isAsync\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_DIAG_LOG = \"diagLog\"; // Count: 10\r\nexport var _DYN__DO_TEARDOWN = \"_doTeardown\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_UPDATE = \"update\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_GET_NEXT = \"getNext\"; // Count: 12\r\nexport var _DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN = \"setNextPlugin\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_USER_AGENT = \"userAgent\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_SPLIT = \"split\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_NODE_TYPE = \"nodeType\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_REPLACE = \"replace\"; // Count: 8\r\nexport var _DYN_LOG_INTERNAL_MESSAGE = \"logInternalMessage\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_TYPE = \"type\"; // Count: 14\r\nexport var _DYN_HANDLER = \"handler\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_IS_CHILD_EVT = \"isChildEvt\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_GET_CTX = \"getCtx\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_SET_CTX = \"setCtx\"; // Count: 10\r\nexport var _DYN_COMPLETE = \"complete\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_TRACE_ID = \"traceId\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_SPAN_ID = \"spanId\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_TRACE_FLAGS = \"traceFlags\"; // Count: 6\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=__DynamicConstants.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n// ###################################################################################################################################################\r\n// Note: DON'T Export these const from the package as we are still targeting IE/ES5 this will export a mutable variables that someone could change ###\r\n// ###################################################################################################################################################\r\nexport var UNDEFINED_VALUE = undefined;\r\nexport var STR_EMPTY = \"\";\r\nexport var STR_CHANNELS = \"channels\";\r\nexport var STR_CORE = \"core\";\r\nexport var STR_CREATE_PERF_MGR = \"createPerfMgr\";\r\nexport var STR_DISABLED = \"disabled\";\r\nexport var STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG = \"extensionConfig\";\r\nexport var STR_EXTENSIONS = \"extensions\";\r\nexport var STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY = \"processTelemetry\";\r\nexport var STR_PRIORITY = \"priority\";\r\nexport var STR_EVENTS_SENT = \"eventsSent\";\r\nexport var STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED = \"eventsDiscarded\";\r\nexport var STR_EVENTS_SEND_REQUEST = \"eventsSendRequest\";\r\nexport var STR_PERF_EVENT = \"perfEvent\";\r\nexport var STR_GET_PERF_MGR = \"getPerfMgr\";\r\nexport var STR_DOMAIN = \"domain\";\r\nexport var STR_PATH = \"path\";\r\nexport var STR_NOT_DYNAMIC_ERROR = \"Not dynamic - \";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=InternalConstants.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { ObjAssign, ObjClass } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-shims\";\r\nimport { arrForEach, asString as asString21, isArray, isBoolean, isError, isFunction, isNullOrUndefined, isObject, isPlainObject, isString, isUndefined, objDeepFreeze, objDefine, objForEachKey, objHasOwn, strIndexOf } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_APPLY, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_NAME, _DYN_REPLACE } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { STR_EMPTY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\n// RESTRICT and AVOID circular dependencies you should not import other contained modules or export the contents of this file directly\r\n// Added to help with minification\r\nvar strGetPrototypeOf = \"getPrototypeOf\";\r\nvar rCamelCase = /-([a-z])/g;\r\nvar rNormalizeInvalid = /([^\\w\\d_$])/g;\r\nvar rLeadingNumeric = /^(\\d+[\\w\\d_$])/;\r\nexport var _getObjProto = Object[strGetPrototypeOf];\r\nexport function isNotUndefined(value) {\r\n return !isUndefined(value);\r\n}\r\nexport function isNotNullOrUndefined(value) {\r\n return !isNullOrUndefined(value);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Validates that the string name conforms to the JS IdentifierName specification and if not\r\n * normalizes the name so that it would. This method does not identify or change any keywords\r\n * meaning that if you pass in a known keyword the same value will be returned.\r\n * This is a simplified version\r\n * @param name - The name to validate\r\n */\r\nexport function normalizeJsName(name) {\r\n var value = name;\r\n if (value && isString(value)) {\r\n // CamelCase everything after the \"-\" and remove the dash\r\n value = value[_DYN_REPLACE /* @min:%2ereplace */](rCamelCase, function (_all, letter) {\r\n return letter.toUpperCase();\r\n });\r\n value = value[_DYN_REPLACE /* @min:%2ereplace */](rNormalizeInvalid, \"_\");\r\n value = value[_DYN_REPLACE /* @min:%2ereplace */](rLeadingNumeric, function (_all, match) {\r\n return \"_\" + match;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * A simple wrapper (for minification support) to check if the value contains the search string.\r\n * @param value - The string value to check for the existence of the search value\r\n * @param search - The value search within the value\r\n */\r\nexport function strContains(value, search) {\r\n if (value && search) {\r\n return strIndexOf(value, search) !== -1;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Convert a date to I.S.O. format in IE8\r\n */\r\nexport function toISOString(date) {\r\n return date && date.toISOString() || \"\";\r\n}\r\nexport var deepFreeze = objDeepFreeze;\r\n/**\r\n * Returns the name of object if it's an Error. Otherwise, returns empty string.\r\n */\r\nexport function getExceptionName(object) {\r\n if (isError(object)) {\r\n return object[_DYN_NAME /* @min:%2ename */];\r\n }\r\n return STR_EMPTY;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Sets the provided value on the target instance using the field name when the provided chk function returns true, the chk\r\n * function will only be called if the new value is no equal to the original value.\r\n * @param target - The target object\r\n * @param field - The key of the target\r\n * @param value - The value to set\r\n * @param valChk - [Optional] Callback to check the value that if supplied will be called check if the new value can be set\r\n * @param srcChk - [Optional] Callback to check to original value that if supplied will be called if the new value should be set (if allowed)\r\n * @returns The existing or new value, depending what was set\r\n */\r\nexport function setValue(target, field, value, valChk, srcChk) {\r\n var theValue = value;\r\n if (target) {\r\n theValue = target[field];\r\n if (theValue !== value && (!srcChk || srcChk(theValue)) && (!valChk || valChk(value))) {\r\n theValue = value;\r\n target[field] = theValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return theValue;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Returns the current value from the target object if not null or undefined otherwise sets the new value and returns it\r\n * @param target - The target object to return or set the default value\r\n * @param field - The key for the field to set on the target\r\n * @param defValue - [Optional] The value to set if not already present, when not provided a empty object will be added\r\n */\r\nexport function getSetValue(target, field, defValue) {\r\n var theValue;\r\n if (target) {\r\n theValue = target[field];\r\n if (!theValue && isNullOrUndefined(theValue)) {\r\n // Supports having the default as null\r\n theValue = !isUndefined(defValue) ? defValue : {};\r\n target[field] = theValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Expanded for performance so we only check defValue if required\r\n theValue = !isUndefined(defValue) ? defValue : {};\r\n }\r\n return theValue;\r\n}\r\nfunction _createProxyFunction(source, funcName) {\r\n var srcFunc = null;\r\n var src = null;\r\n if (isFunction(source)) {\r\n srcFunc = source;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n src = source;\r\n }\r\n return function () {\r\n // Capture the original arguments passed to the method\r\n var originalArguments = arguments;\r\n if (srcFunc) {\r\n src = srcFunc();\r\n }\r\n if (src) {\r\n return src[funcName][_DYN_APPLY /* @min:%2eapply */](src, originalArguments);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Effectively assigns all enumerable properties (not just own properties) and functions (including inherited prototype) from\r\n * the source object to the target, it attempts to use proxy getters / setters (if possible) and proxy functions to avoid potential\r\n * implementation issues by assigning prototype functions as instance ones\r\n *\r\n * This method is the primary method used to \"update\" the snippet proxy with the ultimate implementations.\r\n *\r\n * Special ES3 Notes:\r\n * Updates (setting) of direct property values on the target or indirectly on the source object WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY, updates to the\r\n * properties of \"referenced\" object will work (target.context.newValue = 10 => will be reflected in the source.context as it's the\r\n * same object). ES3 Failures: assigning target.myProp = 3 -> Won't change source.myProp = 3, likewise the reverse would also fail.\r\n * @param target - The target object to be assigned with the source properties and functions\r\n * @param source - The source object which will be assigned / called by setting / calling the targets proxies\r\n * @param chkSet - An optional callback to determine whether a specific property/function should be proxied\r\n */\r\nexport function proxyAssign(target, source, chkSet) {\r\n if (target && source && isObject(target) && isObject(source)) {\r\n var _loop_1 = function (field) {\r\n if (isString(field)) {\r\n var value = source[field];\r\n if (isFunction(value)) {\r\n if (!chkSet || chkSet(field, true, source, target)) {\r\n // Create a proxy function rather than just copying the (possible) prototype to the new object as an instance function\r\n target[field] = _createProxyFunction(source, field);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!chkSet || chkSet(field, false, source, target)) {\r\n if (objHasOwn(target, field)) {\r\n // Remove any previous instance property\r\n delete target[field];\r\n }\r\n objDefine(target, field, {\r\n g: function () {\r\n return source[field];\r\n },\r\n s: function (theValue) {\r\n source[field] = theValue;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n // effectively apply/proxy full source to the target instance\r\n for (var field in source) {\r\n _loop_1(field);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return target;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates a proxy function on the target which internally will call the source version with all arguments passed to the target method.\r\n *\r\n * @param target - The target object to be assigned with the source properties and functions\r\n * @param name - The function name that will be added on the target\r\n * @param source - The source object which will be assigned / called by setting / calling the targets proxies\r\n * @param theFunc - The function name on the source that will be proxied on the target\r\n * @param overwriteTarget - If `false` this will not replace any pre-existing name otherwise (the default) it will overwrite any existing name\r\n */\r\nexport function proxyFunctionAs(target, name, source, theFunc, overwriteTarget) {\r\n if (target && name && source) {\r\n if (overwriteTarget !== false || isUndefined(target[name])) {\r\n target[name] = _createProxyFunction(source, theFunc);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates proxy functions on the target which internally will call the source version with all arguments passed to the target method.\r\n *\r\n * @param target - The target object to be assigned with the source properties and functions\r\n * @param source - The source object which will be assigned / called by setting / calling the targets proxies\r\n * @param functionsToProxy - An array of function names that will be proxied on the target\r\n * @param overwriteTarget - If false this will not replace any pre-existing name otherwise (the default) it will overwrite any existing name\r\n */\r\nexport function proxyFunctions(target, source, functionsToProxy, overwriteTarget) {\r\n if (target && source && isObject(target) && isArray(functionsToProxy)) {\r\n arrForEach(functionsToProxy, function (theFuncName) {\r\n if (isString(theFuncName)) {\r\n proxyFunctionAs(target, theFuncName, source, theFuncName, overwriteTarget);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return target;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Simpler helper to create a dynamic class that implements the interface and populates the values with the defaults.\r\n * Only instance properties (hasOwnProperty) values are copied from the defaults to the new instance\r\n * @param defaults - Simple helper\r\n */\r\nexport function createClassFromInterface(defaults) {\r\n return /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function class_1() {\r\n var _this = this;\r\n if (defaults) {\r\n objForEachKey(defaults, function (field, value) {\r\n _this[field] = value;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return class_1;\r\n }());\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * A helper function to assist with JIT performance for objects that have properties added / removed dynamically\r\n * this is primarily for chromium based browsers and has limited effects on Firefox and none of IE. Only call this\r\n * function after you have finished \"updating\" the object, calling this within loops reduces or defeats the benefits.\r\n * This helps when iterating using for..in, objKeys() and objForEach()\r\n * @param theObject - The object to be optimized if possible\r\n */\r\nexport function optimizeObject(theObject) {\r\n // V8 Optimization to cause the JIT compiler to create a new optimized object for looking up the own properties\r\n // primarily for object with <= 19 properties for >= 20 the effect is reduced or non-existent\r\n if (theObject && ObjAssign) {\r\n theObject = ObjClass(ObjAssign({}, theObject));\r\n }\r\n return theObject;\r\n}\r\nexport function objExtend(obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5, obj6) {\r\n // Variables\r\n var theArgs = arguments;\r\n var extended = theArgs[0] || {};\r\n var argLen = theArgs[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */];\r\n var deep = false;\r\n var idx = 1;\r\n // Check for \"Deep\" flag\r\n if (argLen > 0 && isBoolean(extended)) {\r\n deep = extended;\r\n extended = theArgs[idx] || {};\r\n idx++;\r\n }\r\n // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)\r\n if (!isObject(extended)) {\r\n extended = {};\r\n }\r\n // Loop through each remaining object and conduct a merge\r\n for (; idx < argLen; idx++) {\r\n var arg = theArgs[idx];\r\n var isArgArray = isArray(arg);\r\n var isArgObj = isObject(arg);\r\n for (var prop in arg) {\r\n var propOk = (isArgArray && (prop in arg)) || (isArgObj && objHasOwn(arg, prop));\r\n if (!propOk) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n var newValue = arg[prop];\r\n var isNewArray = void 0;\r\n // If deep merge and property is an object, merge properties\r\n if (deep && newValue && ((isNewArray = isArray(newValue)) || isPlainObject(newValue))) {\r\n // Grab the current value of the extended object\r\n var clone = extended[prop];\r\n if (isNewArray) {\r\n if (!isArray(clone)) {\r\n // We can't \"merge\" an array with a non-array so overwrite the original\r\n clone = [];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!isPlainObject(clone)) {\r\n // We can't \"merge\" an object with a non-object\r\n clone = {};\r\n }\r\n // Never move the original objects always clone them\r\n newValue = objExtend(deep, clone, newValue);\r\n }\r\n // Assign the new (or previous) value (unless undefined)\r\n if (newValue !== undefined) {\r\n extended[prop] = newValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return extended;\r\n}\r\nexport var asString = asString21;\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=HelperFuncs.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\r\nexport const strShimFunction = \"function\";\r\nexport const strShimObject = \"object\";\r\nexport const strShimUndefined = \"undefined\";\r\nexport const strShimPrototype = \"prototype\";\r\nexport const strDefault = \"default\";\r\n\r\nexport const ObjClass = Object;\r\nexport const ObjProto = ObjClass[strShimPrototype];\r\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\"use strict\";\r\nimport { strShimObject, strShimPrototype, strShimUndefined } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-shims\";\r\nimport { getDocument, getInst, getNavigator, getPerformance, hasNavigator, isString, isUndefined, strIndexOf } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_NAME, _DYN_SPLIT, _DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE, _DYN_USER_AGENT } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { strContains } from \"./HelperFuncs\";\r\nimport { STR_EMPTY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\n/**\r\n * This file exists to hold environment utilities that are required to check and\r\n * validate the current operating environment. Unless otherwise required, please\r\n * only use defined methods (functions) in this class so that users of these\r\n * functions/properties only need to include those that are used within their own modules.\r\n */\r\nvar strDocumentMode = \"documentMode\";\r\nvar strLocation = \"location\";\r\nvar strConsole = \"console\";\r\nvar strPerformance = \"performance\";\r\nvar strJSON = \"JSON\";\r\nvar strCrypto = \"crypto\";\r\nvar strMsCrypto = \"msCrypto\";\r\nvar strReactNative = \"ReactNative\";\r\nvar strMsie = \"msie\";\r\nvar strTrident = \"trident/\";\r\nvar strXMLHttpRequest = \"XMLHttpRequest\";\r\nvar _isTrident = null;\r\nvar _navUserAgentCheck = null;\r\nvar _enableMocks = false;\r\nvar _useXDomainRequest = null;\r\nvar _beaconsSupported = null;\r\nfunction _hasProperty(theClass, property) {\r\n var supported = false;\r\n if (theClass) {\r\n try {\r\n supported = property in theClass;\r\n if (!supported) {\r\n var proto = theClass[strShimPrototype];\r\n if (proto) {\r\n supported = property in proto;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Do Nothing\r\n }\r\n if (!supported) {\r\n try {\r\n var tmp = new theClass();\r\n supported = !isUndefined(tmp[property]);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Do Nothing\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return supported;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Enable the lookup of test mock objects if requested\r\n * @param enabled\r\n */\r\nexport function setEnableEnvMocks(enabled) {\r\n _enableMocks = enabled;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Returns the global location object if it is present otherwise null.\r\n * This helper is used to access the location object without causing an exception\r\n * \"Uncaught ReferenceError: location is not defined\"\r\n */\r\nexport function getLocation(checkForMock) {\r\n if (checkForMock && _enableMocks) {\r\n var mockLocation = getInst(\"__mockLocation\");\r\n if (mockLocation) {\r\n return mockLocation;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (typeof location === strShimObject && location) {\r\n return location;\r\n }\r\n return getInst(strLocation);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Returns the global console object\r\n */\r\nexport function getConsole() {\r\n if (typeof console !== strShimUndefined) {\r\n return console;\r\n }\r\n return getInst(strConsole);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Checks if JSON object is available, this is required as we support the API running without a\r\n * window /document (eg. Node server, electron webworkers) and if we attempt to assign a history\r\n * object to a local variable or pass as an argument an \"Uncaught ReferenceError: JSON is not defined\"\r\n * exception will be thrown.\r\n * Defined as a function to support lazy / late binding environments.\r\n */\r\nexport function hasJSON() {\r\n return Boolean((typeof JSON === strShimObject && JSON) || getInst(strJSON) !== null);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Returns the global JSON object if it is present otherwise null.\r\n * This helper is used to access the JSON object without causing an exception\r\n * \"Uncaught ReferenceError: JSON is not defined\"\r\n */\r\nexport function getJSON() {\r\n if (hasJSON()) {\r\n return JSON || getInst(strJSON);\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Returns the crypto object if it is present otherwise null.\r\n * This helper is used to access the crypto object from the current\r\n * global instance which could be window or globalThis for a web worker\r\n */\r\nexport function getCrypto() {\r\n return getInst(strCrypto);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Returns the crypto object if it is present otherwise null.\r\n * This helper is used to access the crypto object from the current\r\n * global instance which could be window or globalThis for a web worker\r\n */\r\nexport function getMsCrypto() {\r\n return getInst(strMsCrypto);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Returns whether the environment is reporting that we are running in a React Native Environment\r\n */\r\nexport function isReactNative() {\r\n // If running in React Native, navigator.product will be populated\r\n var nav = getNavigator();\r\n if (nav && nav.product) {\r\n return nav.product === strReactNative;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Identifies whether the current environment appears to be IE\r\n */\r\nexport function isIE() {\r\n var nav = getNavigator();\r\n if (nav && (nav[_DYN_USER_AGENT /* @min:%2euserAgent */] !== _navUserAgentCheck || _isTrident === null)) {\r\n // Added to support test mocking of the user agent\r\n _navUserAgentCheck = nav[_DYN_USER_AGENT /* @min:%2euserAgent */];\r\n var userAgent = (_navUserAgentCheck || STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */]();\r\n _isTrident = (strContains(userAgent, strMsie) || strContains(userAgent, strTrident));\r\n }\r\n return _isTrident;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Gets IE version returning the document emulation mode if we are running on IE, or null otherwise\r\n */\r\nexport function getIEVersion(userAgentStr) {\r\n if (userAgentStr === void 0) { userAgentStr = null; }\r\n if (!userAgentStr) {\r\n var navigator_1 = getNavigator() || {};\r\n userAgentStr = navigator_1 ? (navigator_1.userAgent || STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */]() : STR_EMPTY;\r\n }\r\n var ua = (userAgentStr || STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */]();\r\n // Also check for documentMode in case X-UA-Compatible meta tag was included in HTML.\r\n if (strContains(ua, strMsie)) {\r\n var doc = getDocument() || {};\r\n return Math.max(parseInt(ua[_DYN_SPLIT /* @min:%2esplit */](strMsie)[1]), (doc[strDocumentMode] || 0));\r\n }\r\n else if (strContains(ua, strTrident)) {\r\n var tridentVer = parseInt(ua[_DYN_SPLIT /* @min:%2esplit */](strTrident)[1]);\r\n if (tridentVer) {\r\n return tridentVer + 4;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nexport function isSafari(userAgentStr) {\r\n if (!userAgentStr || !isString(userAgentStr)) {\r\n var navigator_2 = getNavigator() || {};\r\n userAgentStr = navigator_2 ? (navigator_2.userAgent || STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */]() : STR_EMPTY;\r\n }\r\n var ua = (userAgentStr || STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */]();\r\n return (strIndexOf(ua, \"safari\") >= 0);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Checks if HTML5 Beacons are supported in the current environment.\r\n * @returns True if supported, false otherwise.\r\n */\r\nexport function isBeaconsSupported() {\r\n if (_beaconsSupported === null) {\r\n _beaconsSupported = hasNavigator() && Boolean(getNavigator().sendBeacon);\r\n }\r\n return _beaconsSupported;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Checks if the Fetch API is supported in the current environment.\r\n * @param withKeepAlive - [Optional] If True, check if fetch is available and it supports the keepalive feature, otherwise only check if fetch is supported\r\n * @returns True if supported, otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function isFetchSupported(withKeepAlive) {\r\n var isSupported = false;\r\n try {\r\n isSupported = !!getInst(\"fetch\");\r\n var request = getInst(\"Request\");\r\n if (isSupported && withKeepAlive && request) {\r\n isSupported = _hasProperty(request, \"keepalive\");\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Just Swallow any failure during availability checks\r\n }\r\n return isSupported;\r\n}\r\nexport function useXDomainRequest() {\r\n if (_useXDomainRequest === null) {\r\n _useXDomainRequest = (typeof XDomainRequest !== strShimUndefined);\r\n if (_useXDomainRequest && isXhrSupported()) {\r\n _useXDomainRequest = _useXDomainRequest && !_hasProperty(getInst(strXMLHttpRequest), \"withCredentials\");\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return _useXDomainRequest;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Checks if XMLHttpRequest is supported\r\n * @returns True if supported, otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function isXhrSupported() {\r\n var isSupported = false;\r\n try {\r\n var xmlHttpRequest = getInst(strXMLHttpRequest);\r\n isSupported = !!xmlHttpRequest;\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Just Swallow any failure during availability checks\r\n }\r\n return isSupported;\r\n}\r\nfunction _getNamedValue(values, name) {\r\n if (values) {\r\n for (var i = 0; i < values[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]; i++) {\r\n var value = values[i];\r\n if (value[_DYN_NAME /* @min:%2ename */]) {\r\n if (value[_DYN_NAME /* @min:%2ename */] === name) {\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return {};\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper function to fetch the named meta-tag from the page.\r\n * @param name\r\n */\r\nexport function findMetaTag(name) {\r\n var doc = getDocument();\r\n if (doc && name) {\r\n // Look for a meta-tag\r\n return _getNamedValue(doc.querySelectorAll(\"meta\"), name).content;\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper function to fetch the named server timing value from the page response (first navigation event).\r\n * @param name\r\n */\r\nexport function findNamedServerTiming(name) {\r\n var value;\r\n var perf = getPerformance();\r\n if (perf) {\r\n // Try looking for a server-timing header\r\n var navPerf = perf.getEntriesByType(\"navigation\") || [];\r\n value = _getNamedValue((navPerf[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0 ? navPerf[0] : {}).serverTiming, name).description;\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=EnvUtils.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { utcNow } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_LENGTH } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { getCrypto, getMsCrypto, isIE } from \"./EnvUtils\";\r\nimport { STR_EMPTY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nvar UInt32Mask = 0x100000000;\r\nvar MaxUInt32 = 0xffffffff;\r\nvar SEED1 = 123456789;\r\nvar SEED2 = 987654321;\r\n// MWC based Random generator (for IE)\r\nvar _mwcSeeded = false;\r\nvar _mwcW = SEED1;\r\nvar _mwcZ = SEED2;\r\n// Takes any integer\r\nfunction _mwcSeed(seedValue) {\r\n if (seedValue < 0) {\r\n // Make sure we end up with a positive number and not -ve one.\r\n seedValue >>>= 0;\r\n }\r\n _mwcW = (SEED1 + seedValue) & MaxUInt32;\r\n _mwcZ = (SEED2 - seedValue) & MaxUInt32;\r\n _mwcSeeded = true;\r\n}\r\nfunction _autoSeedMwc() {\r\n // Simple initialization using default Math.random() - So we inherit any entropy from the browser\r\n // and bitwise XOR with the current milliseconds\r\n try {\r\n var now = utcNow() & 0x7fffffff;\r\n _mwcSeed(((Math.random() * UInt32Mask) ^ now) + now);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Don't crash if something goes wrong\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Generate a random value between 0 and maxValue, max value should be limited to a 32-bit maximum.\r\n * So maxValue(16) will produce a number from 0..16 (range of 17)\r\n * @param maxValue\r\n */\r\nexport function randomValue(maxValue) {\r\n if (maxValue > 0) {\r\n return Math.floor((random32() / MaxUInt32) * (maxValue + 1)) >>> 0;\r\n }\r\n return 0;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * generate a random 32-bit number (0x000000..0xFFFFFFFF) or (-0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF), defaults un-unsigned.\r\n * @param signed - True to return a signed 32-bit number (-0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF) otherwise an unsigned one (0x000000..0xFFFFFFFF)\r\n */\r\nexport function random32(signed) {\r\n var value = 0;\r\n var c = getCrypto() || getMsCrypto();\r\n if (c && c.getRandomValues) {\r\n // Make sure the number is converted into the specified range (-0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF)\r\n value = c.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] & MaxUInt32;\r\n }\r\n if (value === 0 && isIE()) {\r\n // For IE 6, 7, 8 (especially on XP) Math.random is not very random\r\n if (!_mwcSeeded) {\r\n // Set the seed for the Mwc algorithm\r\n _autoSeedMwc();\r\n }\r\n // Don't use Math.random for IE\r\n // Make sure the number is converted into the specified range (-0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF)\r\n value = mwcRandom32() & MaxUInt32;\r\n }\r\n if (value === 0) {\r\n // Make sure the number is converted into the specified range (-0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF)\r\n value = Math.floor((UInt32Mask * Math.random()) | 0);\r\n }\r\n if (!signed) {\r\n // Make sure we end up with a positive number and not -ve one.\r\n value >>>= 0;\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Seed the MWC random number generator with the specified seed or a random value\r\n * @param value - optional the number to used as the seed, if undefined, null or zero a random value will be chosen\r\n */\r\nexport function mwcRandomSeed(value) {\r\n if (!value) {\r\n _autoSeedMwc();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _mwcSeed(value);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Generate a random 32-bit number between (0x000000..0xFFFFFFFF) or (-0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF), using MWC (Multiply with carry)\r\n * instead of Math.random() defaults to un-signed.\r\n * Used as a replacement random generator for IE to avoid issues with older IE instances.\r\n * @param signed - True to return a signed 32-bit number (-0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF) otherwise an unsigned one (0x000000..0xFFFFFFFF)\r\n */\r\nexport function mwcRandom32(signed) {\r\n _mwcZ = (36969 * (_mwcZ & 0xFFFF) + (_mwcZ >> 16)) & MaxUInt32;\r\n _mwcW = (18000 * (_mwcW & 0xFFFF) + (_mwcW >> 16)) & MaxUInt32;\r\n var value = (((_mwcZ << 16) + (_mwcW & 0xFFFF)) >>> 0) & MaxUInt32 | 0;\r\n if (!signed) {\r\n // Make sure we end up with a positive number and not -ve one.\r\n value >>>= 0;\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Generate random base64 id string.\r\n * The default length is 22 which is 132-bits so almost the same as a GUID but as base64 (the previous default was 5)\r\n * @param maxLength - Optional value to specify the length of the id to be generated, defaults to 22\r\n */\r\nexport function newId(maxLength) {\r\n if (maxLength === void 0) { maxLength = 22; }\r\n var base64chars = \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\";\r\n // Start with an initial random number, consuming the value in reverse byte order\r\n var number = random32() >>> 0; // Make sure it's a +ve number\r\n var chars = 0;\r\n var result = STR_EMPTY;\r\n while (result[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] < maxLength) {\r\n chars++;\r\n result += base64chars.charAt(number & 0x3F);\r\n number >>>= 6; // Zero fill with right shift\r\n if (chars === 5) {\r\n // 5 base64 characters === 30 bits so we don't have enough bits for another base64 char\r\n // So add on another 30 bits and make sure it's +ve\r\n number = (((random32() << 2) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (number & 0x03)) >>> 0;\r\n chars = 0; // We need to reset the number every 5 chars (30 bits)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=RandomHelper.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { objDefine } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_NODE_TYPE } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { normalizeJsName } from \"./HelperFuncs\";\r\nimport { STR_EMPTY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { newId } from \"./RandomHelper\";\r\nvar version = '3.0.2';\r\nvar instanceName = \".\" + newId(6);\r\nvar _dataUid = 0;\r\n// Accepts only:\r\n// - Node\r\n// - Node.ELEMENT_NODE\r\n// - Node.DOCUMENT_NODE\r\n// - Object\r\n// - Any\r\nfunction _canAcceptData(target) {\r\n return target[_DYN_NODE_TYPE /* @min:%2enodeType */] === 1 || target[_DYN_NODE_TYPE /* @min:%2enodeType */] === 9 || !(+target[_DYN_NODE_TYPE /* @min:%2enodeType */]);\r\n}\r\nfunction _getCache(data, target) {\r\n var theCache = target[data.id];\r\n if (!theCache) {\r\n theCache = {};\r\n try {\r\n if (_canAcceptData(target)) {\r\n objDefine(target, data.id, {\r\n e: false,\r\n v: theCache\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Not all environments allow extending all objects, so just ignore the cache in those cases\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return theCache;\r\n}\r\nexport function createUniqueNamespace(name, includeVersion) {\r\n if (includeVersion === void 0) { includeVersion = false; }\r\n return normalizeJsName(name + (_dataUid++) + (includeVersion ? \".\" + version : STR_EMPTY) + instanceName);\r\n}\r\nexport function createElmNodeData(name) {\r\n var data = {\r\n id: createUniqueNamespace(\"_aiData-\" + (name || STR_EMPTY) + \".\" + version),\r\n accept: function (target) {\r\n return _canAcceptData(target);\r\n },\r\n get: function (target, name, defValue, addDefault) {\r\n var theCache = target[data.id];\r\n if (!theCache) {\r\n if (addDefault) {\r\n // Side effect is adds the cache\r\n theCache = _getCache(data, target);\r\n theCache[normalizeJsName(name)] = defValue;\r\n }\r\n return defValue;\r\n }\r\n return theCache[normalizeJsName(name)];\r\n },\r\n kill: function (target, name) {\r\n if (target && target[name]) {\r\n try {\r\n delete target[name];\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Just cleaning up, so if this fails -- ignore\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return data;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=DataCacheHelper.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { asString, isArray, isDefined, isNullOrUndefined, isObject, isPlainObject, isUndefined, objForEachKey, objHasOwn } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_BLK_VAL, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_RD_ONLY } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nfunction _isConfigDefaults(value) {\r\n return (value && isObject(value) && (value.isVal || value.fb || objHasOwn(value, \"v\") || objHasOwn(value, \"mrg\") || objHasOwn(value, \"ref\") || value.set));\r\n}\r\nfunction _getDefault(dynamicHandler, theConfig, cfgDefaults) {\r\n var defValue;\r\n var isDefaultValid = cfgDefaults.dfVal || isDefined;\r\n // There is a fallback config key so try and grab that first\r\n if (theConfig && cfgDefaults.fb) {\r\n var fallbacks = cfgDefaults.fb;\r\n if (!isArray(fallbacks)) {\r\n fallbacks = [fallbacks];\r\n }\r\n for (var lp = 0; lp < fallbacks[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]; lp++) {\r\n var fallback = fallbacks[lp];\r\n var fbValue = theConfig[fallback];\r\n if (isDefaultValid(fbValue)) {\r\n defValue = fbValue;\r\n }\r\n else if (dynamicHandler) {\r\n // Needed to ensure that the fallback value (and potentially) new field is also dynamic even if null/undefined\r\n fbValue = dynamicHandler.cfg[fallback];\r\n if (isDefaultValid(fbValue)) {\r\n defValue = fbValue;\r\n }\r\n // Needed to ensure that the fallback value (and potentially) new field is also dynamic even if null/undefined\r\n dynamicHandler.set(dynamicHandler.cfg, asString(fallback), fbValue);\r\n }\r\n if (isDefaultValid(defValue)) {\r\n // We have a valid default so break out of the look\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // If the value is still not defined and we have a default value then use that\r\n if (!isDefaultValid(defValue) && isDefaultValid(cfgDefaults.v)) {\r\n defValue = cfgDefaults.v;\r\n }\r\n return defValue;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Recursively resolve the default value\r\n * @param dynamicHandler\r\n * @param theConfig\r\n * @param cfgDefaults\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nfunction _resolveDefaultValue(dynamicHandler, theConfig, cfgDefaults) {\r\n var theValue = cfgDefaults;\r\n if (cfgDefaults && _isConfigDefaults(cfgDefaults)) {\r\n theValue = _getDefault(dynamicHandler, theConfig, cfgDefaults);\r\n }\r\n if (theValue) {\r\n if (_isConfigDefaults(theValue)) {\r\n theValue = _resolveDefaultValue(dynamicHandler, theConfig, theValue);\r\n }\r\n var newValue_1;\r\n if (isArray(theValue)) {\r\n newValue_1 = [];\r\n newValue_1[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] = theValue[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */];\r\n }\r\n else if (isPlainObject(theValue)) {\r\n newValue_1 = {};\r\n }\r\n if (newValue_1) {\r\n objForEachKey(theValue, function (key, value) {\r\n if (value && _isConfigDefaults(value)) {\r\n value = _resolveDefaultValue(dynamicHandler, theConfig, value);\r\n }\r\n newValue_1[key] = value;\r\n });\r\n theValue = newValue_1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return theValue;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Applies the default value on the config property and makes sure that it's dynamic\r\n * @param theConfig\r\n * @param name\r\n * @param defaultValue\r\n */\r\nexport function _applyDefaultValue(dynamicHandler, theConfig, name, defaultValue) {\r\n // Resolve the initial config value from the provided value or use the defined default\r\n var isValid;\r\n var setFn;\r\n var defValue;\r\n var cfgDefaults = defaultValue;\r\n var mergeDf;\r\n var reference;\r\n var readOnly;\r\n var blkDynamicValue;\r\n if (_isConfigDefaults(cfgDefaults)) {\r\n // looks like a IConfigDefault\r\n isValid = cfgDefaults.isVal;\r\n setFn = cfgDefaults.set;\r\n readOnly = cfgDefaults[_DYN_RD_ONLY /* @min:%2erdOnly */];\r\n blkDynamicValue = cfgDefaults[_DYN_BLK_VAL /* @min:%2eblkVal */];\r\n mergeDf = cfgDefaults.mrg;\r\n reference = cfgDefaults.ref;\r\n if (!reference && isUndefined(reference)) {\r\n reference = !!mergeDf;\r\n }\r\n defValue = _getDefault(dynamicHandler, theConfig, cfgDefaults);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n defValue = defaultValue;\r\n }\r\n if (blkDynamicValue) {\r\n // Mark the property so that any value assigned will be blocked from conversion, we need to do this\r\n // before assigning or fetching the value to ensure it's not converted\r\n dynamicHandler[_DYN_BLK_VAL /* @min:%2eblkVal */](theConfig, name);\r\n }\r\n // Set the value to the default value;\r\n var theValue;\r\n var usingDefault = true;\r\n var cfgValue = theConfig[name];\r\n // try and get and user provided values\r\n if (cfgValue || !isNullOrUndefined(cfgValue)) {\r\n // Use the defined theConfig[name] value\r\n theValue = cfgValue;\r\n usingDefault = false;\r\n // The values are different and we have a special default value check, which is used to\r\n // override config values like empty strings to continue using the default\r\n if (isValid && theValue !== defValue && !isValid(theValue)) {\r\n theValue = defValue;\r\n usingDefault = true;\r\n }\r\n if (setFn) {\r\n theValue = setFn(theValue, defValue, theConfig);\r\n usingDefault = theValue === defValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!usingDefault) {\r\n if (isPlainObject(theValue) || isArray(defValue)) {\r\n // we are using the user supplied value and it's an object\r\n if (mergeDf && defValue && (isPlainObject(defValue) || isArray(defValue))) {\r\n // Resolve/apply the defaults\r\n objForEachKey(defValue, function (dfName, dfValue) {\r\n // Sets the value and makes it dynamic (if it doesn't already exist)\r\n _applyDefaultValue(dynamicHandler, theValue, dfName, dfValue);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (defValue) {\r\n // Just resolve the default\r\n theValue = _resolveDefaultValue(dynamicHandler, theConfig, defValue);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n theValue = defValue;\r\n }\r\n // if (theValue && usingDefault && (isPlainObject(theValue) || isArray(theValue))) {\r\n // theValue = _cfgDeepCopy(theValue);\r\n // }\r\n // Needed to ensure that the (potentially) new field is dynamic even if null/undefined\r\n dynamicHandler.set(theConfig, name, theValue);\r\n if (reference) {\r\n dynamicHandler.ref(theConfig, name);\r\n }\r\n if (readOnly) {\r\n dynamicHandler[_DYN_RD_ONLY /* @min:%2erdOnly */](theConfig, name);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=ConfigDefaults.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { isArray, isPlainObject, objForEachKey, symbolFor, throwTypeError } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_LENGTH } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\n// Using Symbol.for so that if the same symbol was already created it would be returned\r\n// To handle multiple instances using potentially different versions we are not using\r\n// createUniqueNamespace()\r\nexport var CFG_HANDLER_LINK = symbolFor(\"[[ai_dynCfg_1]]\");\r\n/**\r\n * @internal\r\n * @ignore\r\n * The symbol to tag objects / arrays with if they should not be converted\r\n */\r\nvar BLOCK_DYNAMIC = symbolFor(\"[[ai_blkDynCfg_1]]\");\r\n/**\r\n * @internal\r\n * @ignore\r\n * The symbol to tag objects to indicate that when included into the configuration that\r\n * they should be converted into a trackable dynamic object.\r\n */\r\nvar FORCE_DYNAMIC = symbolFor(\"[[ai_frcDynCfg_1]]\");\r\nexport function _cfgDeepCopy(source) {\r\n if (source) {\r\n var target_1;\r\n if (isArray(source)) {\r\n target_1 = [];\r\n target_1[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] = source[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */];\r\n }\r\n else if (isPlainObject(source)) {\r\n target_1 = {};\r\n }\r\n if (target_1) {\r\n // Copying index values by property name as the extensionConfig can be an array or object\r\n objForEachKey(source, function (key, value) {\r\n // Perform a deep copy of the object\r\n target_1[key] = _cfgDeepCopy(value);\r\n });\r\n return target_1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return source;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * @internal\r\n * Get the dynamic config handler if the value is already dynamic\r\n * @param value\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function getDynamicConfigHandler(value) {\r\n if (value) {\r\n var handler = value[CFG_HANDLER_LINK] || value;\r\n if (handler.cfg && (handler.cfg === value || handler.cfg[CFG_HANDLER_LINK] === handler)) {\r\n return handler;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Mark the provided value so that if it's included into the configuration it will NOT have\r\n * its properties converted into a dynamic (reactive) object. If the object is not a plain object\r\n * or an array (ie. a class) this function has not affect as only Objects and Arrays are converted\r\n * into dynamic objects in the dynamic configuration.\r\n *\r\n * When you have tagged a value as both {@link forceDynamicConversion} and blocked force will take precedence.\r\n *\r\n * You should only need to use this function, if you are creating dynamic \"classes\" from objects\r\n * which confirm to the require interface. A common case for this is during unit testing where it's\r\n * easier to create mock extensions.\r\n *\r\n * If `value` is falsy (null / undefined / 0 / empty string etc) it will not be tagged and\r\n * if there is an exception adding the property to the value (because its frozen etc) the\r\n * exception will be swallowed\r\n *\r\n * @example\r\n * ```ts\r\n * // This is a valid \"extension\", but it is technically an object\r\n * // So when included in the config.extensions it WILL be cloned and then\r\n * // converted into a dynamic object, where all of its properties will become\r\n * // get/set object properties and will be tracked. While this WILL still\r\n * // function, when attempt to use a mocking framework on top of this the\r\n * // functions are now technically get accessors which return a function\r\n * // and this can cause some mocking frameworks to fail.\r\n * let mockChannel = {\r\n * pause: () => { },\r\n* resume: () => { },\r\n* teardown: () => { },\r\n* flush: (async: any, callBack: any) => { },\r\n* processTelemetry: (env: any) => { },\r\n* setNextPlugin: (next: any) => { },\r\n* initialize: (config: any, core: any, extensions: any) => { },\r\n* identifier: \"testChannel\",\r\n* priority: 1003\r\n* };\r\n * ```\r\n * @param value - The object that you want to block from being converted into a\r\n * trackable dynamic object\r\n * @returns The original value\r\n */\r\nexport function blockDynamicConversion(value) {\r\n if (value && (isPlainObject(value) || isArray(value))) {\r\n try {\r\n value[BLOCK_DYNAMIC] = true;\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Don't throw for this case as it's an ask only\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * This is the reverse case of {@link blockDynamicConversion} in that this will tag an\r\n * object to indicate that it should always be converted into a dynamic trackable object\r\n * even when not an object or array. So all properties of this object will become\r\n * get / set accessor functions.\r\n *\r\n * When you have tagged a value as both {@link forceDynamicConversion} and blocked force will take precedence.\r\n *\r\n * If `value` is falsy (null / undefined / 0 / empty string etc) it will not be tagged and\r\n * if there is an exception adding the property to the value (because its frozen etc) the\r\n * exception will be swallowed.\r\n * @param value - The object that should be tagged and converted if included into a dynamic\r\n * configuration.\r\n * @returns The original value\r\n */\r\nexport function forceDynamicConversion(value) {\r\n if (value) {\r\n try {\r\n value[FORCE_DYNAMIC] = true;\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Don't throw for this case as it's an ask only\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * @internal\r\n * @ignore\r\n * Helper function to check whether an object can or should be converted into a dynamic\r\n * object.\r\n * @param value - The object to check whether it should be converted\r\n * @returns `true` if the value should be converted otherwise `false`.\r\n */\r\nexport function _canMakeDynamic(getFunc, state, value) {\r\n var result = false;\r\n // Object must exist and be truthy\r\n if (value && !getFunc[state.blkVal]) {\r\n // Tagged as always convert\r\n result = value[FORCE_DYNAMIC];\r\n // Check that it's not explicitly tagged as blocked\r\n if (!result && !value[BLOCK_DYNAMIC]) {\r\n // Only convert plain objects or arrays by default\r\n result = isPlainObject(value) || isArray(value);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Throws an invalid access exception\r\n * @param message - The message to include in the exception\r\n */\r\nexport function throwInvalidAccess(message) {\r\n throwTypeError(\"InvalidAccess:\" + message);\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=DynamicSupport.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { arrForEach, arrIndexOf, dumpObj, isArray, objDefine, objDefineProp, objForEachKey, objGetOwnPropertyDescriptor } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { UNDEFINED_VALUE } from \"../JavaScriptSDK/InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { _DYN_APPLY, _DYN_HDLR, _DYN_LOGGER, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_SPLICE, _DYN_THROW_INTERNAL } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { CFG_HANDLER_LINK, _canMakeDynamic, blockDynamicConversion, throwInvalidAccess } from \"./DynamicSupport\";\r\nvar arrayMethodsToPatch = [\r\n \"push\",\r\n \"pop\",\r\n \"shift\",\r\n \"unshift\",\r\n \"splice\"\r\n];\r\nexport var _throwDynamicError = function (logger, name, desc, e) {\r\n logger && logger[_DYN_THROW_INTERNAL /* @min:%2ethrowInternal */](3 /* eLoggingSeverity.DEBUG */, 108 /* _eInternalMessageId.DynamicConfigException */, \"\".concat(desc, \" [\").concat(name, \"] failed - \") + dumpObj(e));\r\n};\r\nfunction _patchArray(state, target, name) {\r\n if (isArray(target)) {\r\n // Monkey Patch the methods that might change the array\r\n arrForEach(arrayMethodsToPatch, function (method) {\r\n var orgMethod = target[method];\r\n target[method] = function () {\r\n var args = [];\r\n for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\r\n args[_i] = arguments[_i];\r\n }\r\n var result = orgMethod[_DYN_APPLY /* @min:%2eapply */](this, args);\r\n // items may be added, removed or moved so need to make some new dynamic properties\r\n _makeDynamicObject(state, target, name, \"Patching\");\r\n return result;\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction _getOwnPropGetter(target, name) {\r\n var propDesc = objGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name);\r\n return propDesc && propDesc.get;\r\n}\r\nfunction _createDynamicProperty(state, theConfig, name, value) {\r\n // Does not appear to be dynamic so lets make it so\r\n var detail = {\r\n n: name,\r\n h: [],\r\n trk: function (handler) {\r\n if (handler && handler.fn) {\r\n if (arrIndexOf(detail.h, handler) === -1) {\r\n // Add this handler to the collection that should be notified when the value changes\r\n detail.h[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](handler);\r\n }\r\n state.trk(handler, detail);\r\n }\r\n },\r\n clr: function (handler) {\r\n var idx = arrIndexOf(detail.h, handler);\r\n if (idx !== -1) {\r\n detail.h[_DYN_SPLICE /* @min:%2esplice */](idx, 1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n // Flag to optimize lookup response time by avoiding additional function calls\r\n var checkDynamic = true;\r\n var isObjectOrArray = false;\r\n function _getProperty() {\r\n if (checkDynamic) {\r\n isObjectOrArray = isObjectOrArray || _canMakeDynamic(_getProperty, state, value);\r\n // Make sure that if it's an object that we make it dynamic\r\n if (value && !value[CFG_HANDLER_LINK] && isObjectOrArray) {\r\n // It doesn't look like it's already dynamic so lets make sure it's converted the object into a dynamic Config as well\r\n value = _makeDynamicObject(state, value, name, \"Converting\");\r\n }\r\n // If it needed to be converted it now has been\r\n checkDynamic = false;\r\n }\r\n // If there is an active handler then add it to the tracking set of handlers\r\n var activeHandler = state.act;\r\n if (activeHandler) {\r\n detail.trk(activeHandler);\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n // Tag this getter as our dynamic property and provide shortcut for notifying a change\r\n _getProperty[state.prop] = {\r\n chng: function () {\r\n state.add(detail);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n function _setProperty(newValue) {\r\n if (value !== newValue) {\r\n if (!!_getProperty[state.ro] && !state.upd) {\r\n // field is marked as readonly so return false\r\n throwInvalidAccess(\"[\" + name + \"] is read-only:\" + dumpObj(theConfig));\r\n }\r\n if (checkDynamic) {\r\n isObjectOrArray = isObjectOrArray || _canMakeDynamic(_getProperty, state, value);\r\n checkDynamic = false;\r\n }\r\n // The value must be a plain object or an array to enforce the reference (in-place updates)\r\n var isReferenced = isObjectOrArray && _getProperty[state.rf];\r\n if (isObjectOrArray) {\r\n // We are about to replace a plain object or an array\r\n if (isReferenced) {\r\n // Reassign the properties from the current value to the same properties from the newValue\r\n // This will set properties not in the newValue to undefined\r\n objForEachKey(value, function (key) {\r\n value[key] = newValue ? newValue[key] : UNDEFINED_VALUE;\r\n });\r\n // Now assign / re-assign value with all of the keys from newValue\r\n try {\r\n objForEachKey(newValue, function (key, theValue) {\r\n _setDynamicProperty(state, value, key, theValue);\r\n });\r\n // Now drop newValue so when we assign value later it keeps the existing reference\r\n newValue = value;\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Unable to convert to dynamic property so just leave as non-dynamic\r\n _throwDynamicError((state.hdlr || {})[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */], name, \"Assigning\", e);\r\n // Mark as not an object or array so we don't try and do this again\r\n isObjectOrArray = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (value && value[CFG_HANDLER_LINK]) {\r\n // As we are replacing the value, if it's already dynamic then we need to notify the listeners\r\n // for every property it has already\r\n objForEachKey(value, function (key) {\r\n // Check if the value is dynamic\r\n var getter = _getOwnPropGetter(value, key);\r\n if (getter) {\r\n // And if it is tell it's listeners that the value has changed\r\n var valueState = getter[state.prop];\r\n valueState && valueState.chng();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (newValue !== value) {\r\n var newIsObjectOrArray = newValue && _canMakeDynamic(_getProperty, state, newValue);\r\n if (!isReferenced && newIsObjectOrArray) {\r\n // As the newValue is an object/array lets preemptively make it dynamic\r\n newValue = _makeDynamicObject(state, newValue, name, \"Converting\");\r\n }\r\n // Now assign the internal \"value\" to the newValue\r\n value = newValue;\r\n isObjectOrArray = newIsObjectOrArray;\r\n }\r\n // Cause any listeners to be scheduled for notification\r\n state.add(detail);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n objDefine(theConfig, detail.n, { g: _getProperty, s: _setProperty });\r\n}\r\nexport function _setDynamicProperty(state, target, name, value) {\r\n if (target) {\r\n // To be a dynamic property it needs to have a get function\r\n var getter = _getOwnPropGetter(target, name);\r\n var isDynamic = getter && !!getter[state.prop];\r\n if (!isDynamic) {\r\n _createDynamicProperty(state, target, name, value);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Looks like it's already dynamic just assign the new value\r\n target[name] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return target;\r\n}\r\nexport function _setDynamicPropertyState(state, target, name, flags) {\r\n if (target) {\r\n // To be a dynamic property it needs to have a get function\r\n var getter = _getOwnPropGetter(target, name);\r\n var isDynamic = getter && !!getter[state.prop];\r\n var inPlace = flags && flags[0 /* _eSetDynamicPropertyFlags.inPlace */];\r\n var rdOnly = flags && flags[1 /* _eSetDynamicPropertyFlags.readOnly */];\r\n var blkProp = flags && flags[2 /* _eSetDynamicPropertyFlags.blockDynamicProperty */];\r\n if (!isDynamic) {\r\n if (blkProp) {\r\n try {\r\n // Attempt to mark the target as blocked from conversion\r\n blockDynamicConversion(target);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n _throwDynamicError((state.hdlr || {})[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */], name, \"Blocking\", e);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n // Make sure it's dynamic so that we can tag the property as per the state\r\n _setDynamicProperty(state, target, name, target[name]);\r\n getter = _getOwnPropGetter(target, name);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Unable to convert to dynamic property so just leave as non-dynamic\r\n _throwDynamicError((state.hdlr || {})[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */], name, \"State\", e);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Assign the optional flags if true\r\n if (inPlace) {\r\n getter[state.rf] = inPlace;\r\n }\r\n if (rdOnly) {\r\n getter[state.ro] = rdOnly;\r\n }\r\n if (blkProp) {\r\n getter[state.blkVal] = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return target;\r\n}\r\nexport function _makeDynamicObject(state, target, name, desc) {\r\n try {\r\n // Assign target with new value properties (converting into dynamic properties in the process)\r\n objForEachKey(target, function (key, value) {\r\n // Assign and/or make the property dynamic\r\n _setDynamicProperty(state, target, key, value);\r\n });\r\n if (!target[CFG_HANDLER_LINK]) {\r\n // Link the config back to the dynamic config details\r\n objDefineProp(target, CFG_HANDLER_LINK, {\r\n get: function () {\r\n return state[_DYN_HDLR /* @min:%2ehdlr */];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n _patchArray(state, target, name);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Unable to convert to dynamic property so just leave as non-dynamic\r\n _throwDynamicError((state.hdlr || {})[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */], name, desc, e);\r\n }\r\n return target;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=DynamicProperty.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { arrForEach, createCustomError, dumpObj } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_LENGTH } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nvar aggregationErrorType;\r\n/**\r\n * Throws an Aggregation Error which includes all of the errors that led to this error occurring\r\n * @param message - The message describing the aggregation error (the sourceError details are added to this)\r\n * @param sourceErrors - An array of the errors that caused this situation\r\n */\r\nexport function throwAggregationError(message, sourceErrors) {\r\n if (!aggregationErrorType) {\r\n aggregationErrorType = createCustomError(\"AggregationError\", function (self, args) {\r\n if (args[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 1) {\r\n // Save the provided errors\r\n self.errors = args[1];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n var theMessage = message || \"One or more errors occurred.\";\r\n arrForEach(sourceErrors, function (srcError, idx) {\r\n theMessage += \"\\n\".concat(idx, \" > \").concat(dumpObj(srcError));\r\n });\r\n throw new aggregationErrorType(theMessage, sourceErrors || []);\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=AggregationError.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { arrForEach, arrIndexOf, dumpObj, newSymbol, scheduleTimeout } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { throwAggregationError } from \"../JavaScriptSDK/AggregationError\";\r\nimport { _DYN_BLK_VAL, _DYN_CANCEL, _DYN_HDLR, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_LOGGER, _DYN_NOTIFY, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_RD_ONLY, _DYN_SET_DF, _DYN_THROW_INTERNAL } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nvar symPrefix = \"[[ai_\";\r\nvar symPostfix = \"]]\";\r\nexport function _createState(cfgHandler) {\r\n var _a;\r\n var dynamicPropertySymbol = newSymbol(symPrefix + \"get\" + cfgHandler.uid + symPostfix);\r\n var dynamicPropertyReadOnly = newSymbol(symPrefix + \"ro\" + cfgHandler.uid + symPostfix);\r\n var dynamicPropertyReferenced = newSymbol(symPrefix + \"rf\" + cfgHandler.uid + symPostfix);\r\n var dynamicPropertyBlockValue = newSymbol(symPrefix + \"blkVal\" + cfgHandler.uid + symPostfix);\r\n var dynamicPropertyDetail = newSymbol(symPrefix + \"dtl\" + cfgHandler.uid + symPostfix);\r\n var _waitingHandlers = null;\r\n var _watcherTimer = null;\r\n var theState;\r\n function _useHandler(activeHandler, callback) {\r\n var prevWatcher = theState.act;\r\n try {\r\n theState.act = activeHandler;\r\n if (activeHandler && activeHandler[dynamicPropertyDetail]) {\r\n // Clear out the previously tracked details for this handler, so that access are re-evaluated\r\n arrForEach(activeHandler[dynamicPropertyDetail], function (detail) {\r\n detail.clr(activeHandler);\r\n });\r\n activeHandler[dynamicPropertyDetail] = [];\r\n }\r\n callback({\r\n cfg: cfgHandler.cfg,\r\n set: cfgHandler.set.bind(cfgHandler),\r\n setDf: cfgHandler[_DYN_SET_DF /* @min:%2esetDf */].bind(cfgHandler),\r\n ref: cfgHandler.ref.bind(cfgHandler),\r\n rdOnly: cfgHandler[_DYN_RD_ONLY /* @min:%2erdOnly */].bind(cfgHandler)\r\n });\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n var logger = cfgHandler[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */];\r\n if (logger) {\r\n // Don't let one individual failure break everyone\r\n logger[_DYN_THROW_INTERNAL /* @min:%2ethrowInternal */](1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */, 107 /* _eInternalMessageId.ConfigWatcherException */, dumpObj(e));\r\n }\r\n // Re-throw the exception so that any true \"error\" is reported back to the called\r\n throw e;\r\n }\r\n finally {\r\n theState.act = prevWatcher || null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _notifyWatchers() {\r\n if (_waitingHandlers) {\r\n var notifyHandlers = _waitingHandlers;\r\n _waitingHandlers = null;\r\n // Stop any timer as we are running them now anyway\r\n _watcherTimer && _watcherTimer[_DYN_CANCEL /* @min:%2ecancel */]();\r\n _watcherTimer = null;\r\n var watcherFailures_1 = [];\r\n // Now run the handlers\r\n arrForEach(notifyHandlers, function (handler) {\r\n if (handler) {\r\n if (handler[dynamicPropertyDetail]) {\r\n arrForEach(handler[dynamicPropertyDetail], function (detail) {\r\n // Clear out this handler from previously tracked details, so that access are re-evaluated\r\n detail.clr(handler);\r\n });\r\n handler[dynamicPropertyDetail] = null;\r\n }\r\n // The handler may have self removed as part of another handler so re-check\r\n if (handler.fn) {\r\n try {\r\n _useHandler(handler, handler.fn);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Don't let a single failing watcher cause other watches to fail\r\n watcherFailures_1[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](e);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n // During notification we may have had additional updates -- so notify those updates as well\r\n if (_waitingHandlers) {\r\n try {\r\n _notifyWatchers();\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n watcherFailures_1[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](e);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (watcherFailures_1[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n throwAggregationError(\"Watcher error(s): \", watcherFailures_1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _addWatcher(detail) {\r\n if (detail && detail.h[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n if (!_waitingHandlers) {\r\n _waitingHandlers = [];\r\n }\r\n if (!_watcherTimer) {\r\n _watcherTimer = scheduleTimeout(function () {\r\n _watcherTimer = null;\r\n _notifyWatchers();\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n // Add all of the handlers for this detail (if not already present) - using normal for-loop for performance\r\n for (var idx = 0; idx < detail.h[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]; idx++) {\r\n var handler = detail.h[idx];\r\n // Add this handler to the collection of handlers to re-execute\r\n if (handler && arrIndexOf(_waitingHandlers, handler) === -1) {\r\n _waitingHandlers[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](handler);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _trackHandler(handler, detail) {\r\n if (handler) {\r\n var details = handler[dynamicPropertyDetail] = handler[dynamicPropertyDetail] || [];\r\n if (arrIndexOf(details, detail) === -1) {\r\n // If this detail is not already listed as tracked then add it so that we re-evaluate it's usage\r\n details[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](detail);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n theState = (_a = {\r\n prop: dynamicPropertySymbol,\r\n ro: dynamicPropertyReadOnly,\r\n rf: dynamicPropertyReferenced\r\n },\r\n _a[_DYN_BLK_VAL /* @min:blkVal */] = dynamicPropertyBlockValue,\r\n _a[_DYN_HDLR /* @min:hdlr */] = cfgHandler,\r\n _a.add = _addWatcher,\r\n _a[_DYN_NOTIFY /* @min:notify */] = _notifyWatchers,\r\n _a.use = _useHandler,\r\n _a.trk = _trackHandler,\r\n _a);\r\n return theState;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=DynamicState.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { dumpObj, isUndefined, objDefine, objForEachKey } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { createUniqueNamespace } from \"../JavaScriptSDK/DataCacheHelper\";\r\nimport { STR_NOT_DYNAMIC_ERROR } from \"../JavaScriptSDK/InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { _DYN_BLK_VAL, _DYN_LOGGER, _DYN_NOTIFY, _DYN_RD_ONLY, _DYN_SET_DF, _DYN_THROW_INTERNAL, _DYN_WARN_TO_CONSOLE, _DYN_WATCH } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { _applyDefaultValue } from \"./ConfigDefaults\";\r\nimport { _makeDynamicObject, _setDynamicProperty, _setDynamicPropertyState, _throwDynamicError } from \"./DynamicProperty\";\r\nimport { _createState } from \"./DynamicState\";\r\nimport { CFG_HANDLER_LINK, _cfgDeepCopy, getDynamicConfigHandler, throwInvalidAccess } from \"./DynamicSupport\";\r\n/**\r\n * Identifies a function which will be re-called whenever any of it's accessed configuration values\r\n * change.\r\n * @param configHandler - The callback that will be called for the initial request and then whenever any\r\n * accessed configuration changes are identified.\r\n */\r\nfunction _createAndUseHandler(state, configHandler) {\r\n var handler = {\r\n fn: configHandler,\r\n rm: function () {\r\n // Clear all references to the handler so it can be garbage collected\r\n // This will also cause this handler to never get called and eventually removed\r\n handler.fn = null;\r\n state = null;\r\n configHandler = null;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n state.use(handler, configHandler);\r\n return handler;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates the dynamic config handler and associates with the target config as the root object\r\n * @param target - The config that you want to be root of the dynamic config\r\n * @param inPlace - Should the passed config be converted in-place or a new proxy returned\r\n * @returns The existing dynamic handler or a new instance with the provided config values\r\n */\r\nfunction _createDynamicHandler(logger, target, inPlace) {\r\n var _a;\r\n var dynamicHandler = getDynamicConfigHandler(target);\r\n if (dynamicHandler) {\r\n // The passed config is already dynamic so return it's tracker\r\n return dynamicHandler;\r\n }\r\n var uid = createUniqueNamespace(\"dyncfg\", true);\r\n var newTarget = (target && inPlace !== false) ? target : _cfgDeepCopy(target);\r\n var theState;\r\n function _notifyWatchers() {\r\n theState[_DYN_NOTIFY /* @min:%2enotify */]();\r\n }\r\n function _setValue(target, name, value) {\r\n try {\r\n target = _setDynamicProperty(theState, target, name, value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Unable to convert to dynamic property so just leave as non-dynamic\r\n _throwDynamicError(logger, name, \"Setting value\", e);\r\n }\r\n return target[name];\r\n }\r\n function _watch(configHandler) {\r\n return _createAndUseHandler(theState, configHandler);\r\n }\r\n function _block(configHandler, allowUpdate) {\r\n theState.use(null, function (details) {\r\n var prevUpd = theState.upd;\r\n try {\r\n if (!isUndefined(allowUpdate)) {\r\n theState.upd = allowUpdate;\r\n }\r\n configHandler(details);\r\n }\r\n finally {\r\n theState.upd = prevUpd;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n function _ref(target, name) {\r\n var _a;\r\n // Make sure it's dynamic and mark as referenced with it's current value\r\n return _setDynamicPropertyState(theState, target, name, (_a = {}, _a[0 /* _eSetDynamicPropertyFlags.inPlace */] = true, _a))[name];\r\n }\r\n function _rdOnly(target, name) {\r\n var _a;\r\n // Make sure it's dynamic and mark as readonly with it's current value\r\n return _setDynamicPropertyState(theState, target, name, (_a = {}, _a[1 /* _eSetDynamicPropertyFlags.readOnly */] = true, _a))[name];\r\n }\r\n function _blkPropValue(target, name) {\r\n var _a;\r\n // Make sure it's dynamic and mark as readonly with it's current value\r\n return _setDynamicPropertyState(theState, target, name, (_a = {}, _a[2 /* _eSetDynamicPropertyFlags.blockDynamicProperty */] = true, _a))[name];\r\n }\r\n function _applyDefaults(theConfig, defaultValues) {\r\n if (defaultValues) {\r\n // Resolve/apply the defaults\r\n objForEachKey(defaultValues, function (name, value) {\r\n // Sets the value and makes it dynamic (if it doesn't already exist)\r\n _applyDefaultValue(cfgHandler, theConfig, name, value);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return theConfig;\r\n }\r\n var cfgHandler = (_a = {\r\n uid: null,\r\n cfg: newTarget\r\n },\r\n _a[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:logger */] = logger,\r\n _a[_DYN_NOTIFY /* @min:notify */] = _notifyWatchers,\r\n _a.set = _setValue,\r\n _a[_DYN_SET_DF /* @min:setDf */] = _applyDefaults,\r\n _a[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:watch */] = _watch,\r\n _a.ref = _ref,\r\n _a[_DYN_RD_ONLY /* @min:rdOnly */] = _rdOnly,\r\n _a[_DYN_BLK_VAL /* @min:blkVal */] = _blkPropValue,\r\n _a._block = _block,\r\n _a);\r\n objDefine(cfgHandler, \"uid\", {\r\n c: false,\r\n e: false,\r\n w: false,\r\n v: uid\r\n });\r\n theState = _createState(cfgHandler);\r\n // Setup tracking for all defined default keys\r\n _makeDynamicObject(theState, newTarget, \"config\", \"Creating\");\r\n return cfgHandler;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Log an invalid access message to the console\r\n * @param message\r\n */\r\nfunction _logInvalidAccess(logger, message) {\r\n if (logger) {\r\n logger[_DYN_WARN_TO_CONSOLE /* @min:%2ewarnToConsole */](message);\r\n logger[_DYN_THROW_INTERNAL /* @min:%2ethrowInternal */](2 /* eLoggingSeverity.WARNING */, 108 /* _eInternalMessageId.DynamicConfigException */, message);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // We don't have a logger so just throw an exception\r\n throwInvalidAccess(message);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Create or return a dynamic version of the passed config, if it is not already dynamic\r\n * @param config - The config to be converted into a dynamic config\r\n * @param defaultConfig - The default values to apply on the config if the properties don't already exist\r\n * @param inPlace - Should the config be converted in-place into a dynamic config or a new instance returned, defaults to true\r\n * @returns The dynamic config handler for the config (whether new or existing)\r\n */\r\nexport function createDynamicConfig(config, defaultConfig, logger, inPlace) {\r\n var dynamicHandler = _createDynamicHandler(logger, config || {}, inPlace);\r\n if (defaultConfig) {\r\n dynamicHandler[_DYN_SET_DF /* @min:%2esetDf */](dynamicHandler.cfg, defaultConfig);\r\n }\r\n return dynamicHandler;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Watch and track changes for accesses to the current config, the provided config MUST already be\r\n * a dynamic config or a child accessed via the dynamic config\r\n * @param config\r\n * @param configHandler\r\n * @param logger - The logger instance to use if there is no existing handler\r\n * @returns A watcher handler instance that can be used to remove itself when being unloaded\r\n * @throws TypeError if the provided config is not a dynamic config instance\r\n */\r\nexport function onConfigChange(config, configHandler, logger) {\r\n var handler = config[CFG_HANDLER_LINK] || config;\r\n if (handler.cfg && (handler.cfg === config || handler.cfg[CFG_HANDLER_LINK] === handler)) {\r\n return handler[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:%2ewatch */](configHandler);\r\n }\r\n _logInvalidAccess(logger, STR_NOT_DYNAMIC_ERROR + dumpObj(config));\r\n return createDynamicConfig(config, null, logger)[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:%2ewatch */](configHandler);\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=DynamicConfig.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\r\nimport { getGlobal, objAssign, objCreate, objDefineProp, objHasOwnProperty, throwTypeError } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport {\r\n ObjClass, ObjProto,\r\n strDefault, strShimFunction, strShimPrototype\r\n} from \"./Constants\";\r\n\r\n// Most of these functions have been directly shamelessly \"lifted\" from the https://github.com/@microsoft/tslib and\r\n// modified to be ES5 compatible and applying several minification and tree-shaking techniques so that Application Insights\r\n// can successfully use TypeScript \"importHelpers\" which imports tslib during compilation but it will use these at runtime\r\n// Which is also why all of the functions have not been included as Application Insights currently doesn't use or require\r\n// them.\r\n\r\nexport const SymbolObj = (getGlobal()||{})[\"Symbol\"];\r\nexport const ReflectObj = (getGlobal()||{})[\"Reflect\"];\r\nexport const __hasReflect = !!ReflectObj;\r\n\r\nconst strDecorate = \"decorate\";\r\nconst strMetadata = \"metadata\";\r\nconst strGetOwnPropertySymbols = \"getOwnPropertySymbols\";\r\nconst strIterator = \"iterator\";\r\nconst strHasOwnProperty = \"hasOwnProperty\";\r\n\r\nexport declare type ObjAssignFunc = (t: any, ...sources:any[]) => any;\r\n\r\nexport var __objAssignFnImpl: ObjAssignFunc = function(t: any): any {\r\n // tslint:disable-next-line: ban-comma-operator\r\n for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\r\n s = arguments[i];\r\n for (var p in s) {\r\n if (ObjProto[strHasOwnProperty].call(s, p)) {\r\n (t as any)[p] = s[p];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport var __assignFn: ObjAssignFunc = objAssign || __objAssignFnImpl;\r\n\r\n// tslint:disable-next-line: only-arrow-functions\r\nvar extendStaticsFn = function(d: any, b: any): any {\r\n extendStaticsFn = ObjClass[\"setPrototypeOf\"] ||\r\n // tslint:disable-next-line: only-arrow-functions\r\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d: any, b: any) {\r\n d.__proto__ = b;\r\n }) ||\r\n // tslint:disable-next-line: only-arrow-functions\r\n function (d: any, b: any) {\r\n for (var p in b) {\r\n if (b[strHasOwnProperty](p)) {\r\n d[p] = b[p];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return extendStaticsFn(d, b);\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __extendsFn(d: any, b: any) {\r\n if (typeof b !== strShimFunction && b !== null) {\r\n throwTypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(b) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\r\n }\r\n extendStaticsFn(d, b);\r\n function __(this: any) {\r\n this.constructor = d;\r\n }\r\n // tslint:disable-next-line: ban-comma-operator\r\n d[strShimPrototype] = b === null ? objCreate(b) : (__[strShimPrototype] = b[strShimPrototype], new (__ as any)());\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __restFn(s: any, e: any) {\r\n var t = {};\r\n for (var k in s) {\r\n if (objHasOwnProperty(s, k) && e.indexOf(k) < 0) {\r\n t[k] = s[k];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (s != null && typeof ObjClass[strGetOwnPropertySymbols] === strShimFunction) {\r\n for (var i = 0, p = ObjClass[strGetOwnPropertySymbols](s); i < p.length; i++) {\r\n if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && ObjProto[\"propertyIsEnumerable\"].call(s, p[i])) {\r\n t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __decorateFn(decorators: any, target: any, key: any, desc: any) {\r\n var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = ObjClass[\"getOwnPropertyDescriptor\"](target, key) : desc, d;\r\n if (__hasReflect && typeof ReflectObj[strDecorate] === strShimFunction) {\r\n r = ReflectObj[strDecorate](decorators, target, key, desc);\r\n } else {\r\n for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign\r\n if (d = decorators[i]) {\r\n r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-comma-operator\r\n return c > 3 && r && objDefineProp(target, key, r), r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __paramFn(paramIndex: number, decorator: Function) {\r\n return function (target: any, key: any) {\r\n decorator(target, key, paramIndex);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __metadataFn(metadataKey: any, metadataValue: any) {\r\n if (__hasReflect && ReflectObj[strMetadata] === strShimFunction) {\r\n return ReflectObj[strMetadata](metadataKey, metadataValue);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __exportStarFn(m: any, o: any) {\r\n for (var p in m) {\r\n if (p !== strDefault && !objHasOwnProperty(o, p)) {\r\n __createBindingFn(o, m, p);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __createBindingFn(o: any, m: any, k: any, k2?: any) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) {\r\n k2 = k;\r\n }\r\n \r\n if (!!objDefineProp) {\r\n objDefineProp(o, k2, {\r\n enumerable: true,\r\n get() {\r\n return m[k];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __valuesFn(o: any) {\r\n var s = typeof SymbolObj === strShimFunction && SymbolObj[strIterator], m = s && o[s], i = 0;\r\n if (m) {\r\n return m.call(o);\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (o && typeof o.length === \"number\") {\r\n return {\r\n next () {\r\n if (o && i >= o.length) {\r\n o = void 0;\r\n }\r\n return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\r\n }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n\r\n throwTypeError(s ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __readFn(o: any, n: any) {\r\n var m = typeof SymbolObj === strShimFunction && o[SymbolObj[strIterator]];\r\n if (!m) {\r\n return o;\r\n }\r\n\r\n var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\r\n try {\r\n while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) {\r\n ar.push(r.value);\r\n }\r\n } catch (error) {\r\n e = {\r\n error\r\n };\r\n } finally {\r\n try {\r\n // tslint:disable-next-line:no-conditional-assignment\r\n if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) {\r\n m.call(i);\r\n }\r\n } finally {\r\n if (e) {\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsafe-finally\r\n throw e.error;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** @deprecated */\r\nexport function __spreadArraysFn() {\r\n var theArgs = arguments;\r\n // Calculate new total size\r\n for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = theArgs.length; i < il; i++) {\r\n s += theArgs[i].length;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Create new full array\r\n for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++) {\r\n for (var a = theArgs[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++) {\r\n r[k] = a[j];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __spreadArrayFn(to: any, from: any) {\r\n for (var i = 0, il = from.length, j = to.length; i < il; i++, j++) {\r\n to[j] = from[i];\r\n }\r\n\r\n return to;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __makeTemplateObjectFn(cooked: any, raw: any) {\r\n if (objDefineProp) {\r\n objDefineProp(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw });\r\n } else {\r\n cooked.raw = raw;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return cooked;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __importStarFn(mod: any) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) {\r\n return mod;\r\n }\r\n\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) {\r\n for (var k in mod) {\r\n if (k !== strDefault && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) {\r\n __createBindingFn(result, mod, k);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Set default module\r\n if (!!objDefineProp) {\r\n objDefineProp( result, strDefault, { enumerable: true, value: mod });\r\n } else {\r\n result[strDefault] = mod;\r\n }\r\n\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __importDefaultFn(mod:any) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { strDefault: mod };\r\n}\r\n","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { createPromise, doAwaitResponse } from \"@nevware21/ts-async\";\r\nimport { arrSlice, getLength } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_UNLOAD } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\n/**\r\n * Run the unload function of the target object if it exists\r\n * @param target - The target object that contains the unload function\r\n * @param isAsync - The caller identifies whether it is expecting the operation to complete synchronously or asynchronously. Even\r\n * if the caller is not waiting the operation may still be performed asynchronously depending on the component and the reverse is\r\n * also true.\r\n * @returns The result of the target function\r\n */\r\nexport function runTargetUnload(target, isAsync) {\r\n if (target && target[_DYN_UNLOAD /* @min:%2eunload */]) {\r\n return target[_DYN_UNLOAD /* @min:%2eunload */](isAsync);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Call the unload function on all targets handling any returned [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * / Promise before calling the next targets unload\r\n * @param targets - An array of the targets to unload\r\n * @param isAsync - The caller identifies whether it is expecting the operations to complete synchronously or asynchronously. Even\r\n * if the caller is not waiting the operation may still be performed asynchronously depending on the component and the reverse is\r\n * also true.\r\n * @param done - Optional callback function to call once all of the unload functions have been called.\r\n */\r\nexport function doUnloadAll(targets, isAsync, done) {\r\n var result;\r\n if (!done) {\r\n result = createPromise(function (resolved) {\r\n done = resolved;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (targets && getLength(targets) > 0) {\r\n doAwaitResponse(runTargetUnload(targets[0], isAsync), function () {\r\n doUnloadAll(arrSlice(targets, 1), isAsync, done);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n done();\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=AsyncUtils.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nexport var ChannelControllerPriority = 500;\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=Constants.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { getInst } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_APPLY, _DYN_LENGTH } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED, STR_EVENTS_SEND_REQUEST, STR_EVENTS_SENT, STR_PERF_EVENT } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nvar listenerFuncs = [STR_EVENTS_SENT, STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED, STR_EVENTS_SEND_REQUEST, STR_PERF_EVENT];\r\nvar _aiNamespace = null;\r\nvar _debugListener;\r\nfunction _listenerProxyFunc(name, config) {\r\n return function () {\r\n var args = arguments;\r\n var dbgExt = getDebugExt(config);\r\n if (dbgExt) {\r\n var listener = dbgExt.listener;\r\n if (listener && listener[name]) {\r\n listener[name][_DYN_APPLY /* @min:%2eapply */](listener, args);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n}\r\nfunction _getExtensionNamespace() {\r\n // Cache the lookup of the global namespace object\r\n var target = getInst(\"Microsoft\");\r\n if (target) {\r\n _aiNamespace = target[\"ApplicationInsights\"];\r\n }\r\n return _aiNamespace;\r\n}\r\nexport function getDebugExt(config) {\r\n var ns = _aiNamespace;\r\n if (!ns && config.disableDbgExt !== true) {\r\n ns = _aiNamespace || _getExtensionNamespace();\r\n }\r\n return ns ? ns[\"ChromeDbgExt\"] : null;\r\n}\r\nexport function getDebugListener(config) {\r\n if (!_debugListener) {\r\n _debugListener = {};\r\n for (var lp = 0; lp < listenerFuncs[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]; lp++) {\r\n _debugListener[listenerFuncs[lp]] = _listenerProxyFunc(listenerFuncs[lp], config);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return _debugListener;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=DbgExtensionUtils.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\"use strict\";\r\nvar _a;\r\nimport dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\nimport { dumpObj, isFunction, isUndefined } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { createDynamicConfig, onConfigChange } from \"../Config/DynamicConfig\";\r\nimport { _DYN_DIAG_LOG, _DYN_LOGGER, _DYN_LOGGING_LEVEL_CONSOL4, _DYN_LOG_INTERNAL_MESSAGE, _DYN_MESSAGE, _DYN_MESSAGE_ID, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_REPLACE, _DYN_THROW_INTERNAL, _DYN_UNLOAD, _DYN_WARN_TO_CONSOLE } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { getDebugExt } from \"./DbgExtensionUtils\";\r\nimport { getConsole, getJSON, hasJSON } from \"./EnvUtils\";\r\nimport { STR_EMPTY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nvar STR_WARN_TO_CONSOLE = \"warnToConsole\";\r\n/**\r\n * For user non actionable traces use AI Internal prefix.\r\n */\r\nvar AiNonUserActionablePrefix = \"AI (Internal): \";\r\n/**\r\n * Prefix of the traces in portal.\r\n */\r\nvar AiUserActionablePrefix = \"AI: \";\r\n/**\r\n * Session storage key for the prefix for the key indicating message type already logged\r\n */\r\nvar AIInternalMessagePrefix = \"AITR_\";\r\nvar defaultValues = {\r\n loggingLevelConsole: 0,\r\n loggingLevelTelemetry: 1,\r\n maxMessageLimit: 25,\r\n enableDebug: false\r\n};\r\nvar _logFuncs = (_a = {},\r\n _a[0 /* eLoggingSeverity.DISABLED */] = null,\r\n _a[1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */] = \"errorToConsole\",\r\n _a[2 /* eLoggingSeverity.WARNING */] = STR_WARN_TO_CONSOLE,\r\n _a[3 /* eLoggingSeverity.DEBUG */] = \"debugToConsole\",\r\n _a);\r\nfunction _sanitizeDiagnosticText(text) {\r\n if (text) {\r\n return \"\\\"\" + text[_DYN_REPLACE /* @min:%2ereplace */](/\\\"/g, STR_EMPTY) + \"\\\"\";\r\n }\r\n return STR_EMPTY;\r\n}\r\nfunction _logToConsole(func, message) {\r\n var theConsole = getConsole();\r\n if (!!theConsole) {\r\n var logFunc = \"log\";\r\n if (theConsole[func]) {\r\n logFunc = func;\r\n }\r\n if (isFunction(theConsole[logFunc])) {\r\n theConsole[logFunc](message);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nvar _InternalLogMessage = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function _InternalLogMessage(msgId, msg, isUserAct, properties) {\r\n if (isUserAct === void 0) { isUserAct = false; }\r\n var _self = this;\r\n _self[_DYN_MESSAGE_ID /* @min:%2emessageId */] = msgId;\r\n _self[_DYN_MESSAGE /* @min:%2emessage */] =\r\n (isUserAct ? AiUserActionablePrefix : AiNonUserActionablePrefix) +\r\n msgId;\r\n var strProps = STR_EMPTY;\r\n if (hasJSON()) {\r\n strProps = getJSON().stringify(properties);\r\n }\r\n var diagnosticText = (msg ? \" message:\" + _sanitizeDiagnosticText(msg) : STR_EMPTY) +\r\n (properties ? \" props:\" + _sanitizeDiagnosticText(strProps) : STR_EMPTY);\r\n _self[_DYN_MESSAGE /* @min:%2emessage */] += diagnosticText;\r\n }\r\n _InternalLogMessage.dataType = \"MessageData\";\r\n return _InternalLogMessage;\r\n}());\r\nexport { _InternalLogMessage };\r\nexport function safeGetLogger(core, config) {\r\n return (core || {})[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */] || new DiagnosticLogger(config);\r\n}\r\nvar DiagnosticLogger = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function DiagnosticLogger(config) {\r\n this.identifier = \"DiagnosticLogger\";\r\n /**\r\n * The internal logging queue\r\n */\r\n this.queue = [];\r\n /**\r\n * Count of internal messages sent\r\n */\r\n var _messageCount = 0;\r\n /**\r\n * Holds information about what message types were already logged to console or sent to server.\r\n */\r\n var _messageLogged = {};\r\n var _loggingLevelConsole;\r\n var _loggingLevelTelemetry;\r\n var _maxInternalMessageLimit;\r\n var _enableDebug;\r\n var _unloadHandler;\r\n dynamicProto(DiagnosticLogger, this, function (_self) {\r\n _unloadHandler = _setDefaultsFromConfig(config || {});\r\n _self.consoleLoggingLevel = function () { return _loggingLevelConsole; };\r\n /**\r\n * This method will throw exceptions in debug mode or attempt to log the error as a console warning.\r\n * @param severity - {LoggingSeverity} - The severity of the log message\r\n * @param message - {_InternalLogMessage} - The log message.\r\n */\r\n _self[_DYN_THROW_INTERNAL /* @min:%2ethrowInternal */] = function (severity, msgId, msg, properties, isUserAct) {\r\n if (isUserAct === void 0) { isUserAct = false; }\r\n var message = new _InternalLogMessage(msgId, msg, isUserAct, properties);\r\n if (_enableDebug) {\r\n throw dumpObj(message);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Get the logging function and fallback to warnToConsole of for some reason errorToConsole doesn't exist\r\n var logFunc = _logFuncs[severity] || STR_WARN_TO_CONSOLE;\r\n if (!isUndefined(message[_DYN_MESSAGE /* @min:%2emessage */])) {\r\n if (isUserAct) {\r\n // check if this message type was already logged to console for this page view and if so, don't log it again\r\n var messageKey = +message[_DYN_MESSAGE_ID /* @min:%2emessageId */];\r\n if (!_messageLogged[messageKey] && _loggingLevelConsole >= severity) {\r\n _self[logFunc](message[_DYN_MESSAGE /* @min:%2emessage */]);\r\n _messageLogged[messageKey] = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Only log traces if the console Logging Level is >= the throwInternal severity level\r\n if (_loggingLevelConsole >= severity) {\r\n _self[logFunc](message[_DYN_MESSAGE /* @min:%2emessage */]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n _logInternalMessage(severity, message);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _debugExtMsg(\"throw\" + (severity === 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */ ? \"Critical\" : \"Warning\"), message);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self.debugToConsole = function (message) {\r\n _logToConsole(\"debug\", message);\r\n _debugExtMsg(\"warning\", message);\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_WARN_TO_CONSOLE /* @min:%2ewarnToConsole */] = function (message) {\r\n _logToConsole(\"warn\", message);\r\n _debugExtMsg(\"warning\", message);\r\n };\r\n _self.errorToConsole = function (message) {\r\n _logToConsole(\"error\", message);\r\n _debugExtMsg(\"error\", message);\r\n };\r\n _self.resetInternalMessageCount = function () {\r\n _messageCount = 0;\r\n _messageLogged = {};\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_LOG_INTERNAL_MESSAGE /* @min:%2elogInternalMessage */] = _logInternalMessage;\r\n _self[_DYN_UNLOAD /* @min:%2eunload */] = function (isAsync) {\r\n _unloadHandler && _unloadHandler.rm();\r\n _unloadHandler = null;\r\n };\r\n function _logInternalMessage(severity, message) {\r\n if (_areInternalMessagesThrottled()) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n // check if this message type was already logged for this session and if so, don't log it again\r\n var logMessage = true;\r\n var messageKey = AIInternalMessagePrefix + message[_DYN_MESSAGE_ID /* @min:%2emessageId */];\r\n // if the session storage is not available, limit to only one message type per page view\r\n if (_messageLogged[messageKey]) {\r\n logMessage = false;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _messageLogged[messageKey] = true;\r\n }\r\n if (logMessage) {\r\n // Push the event in the internal queue\r\n if (severity <= _loggingLevelTelemetry) {\r\n _self.queue[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](message);\r\n _messageCount++;\r\n _debugExtMsg((severity === 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */ ? \"error\" : \"warn\"), message);\r\n }\r\n // When throttle limit reached, send a special event\r\n if (_messageCount === _maxInternalMessageLimit) {\r\n var throttleLimitMessage = \"Internal events throttle limit per PageView reached for this app.\";\r\n var throttleMessage = new _InternalLogMessage(23 /* _eInternalMessageId.MessageLimitPerPVExceeded */, throttleLimitMessage, false);\r\n _self.queue[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](throttleMessage);\r\n if (severity === 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */) {\r\n _self.errorToConsole(throttleLimitMessage);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _self[_DYN_WARN_TO_CONSOLE /* @min:%2ewarnToConsole */](throttleLimitMessage);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _setDefaultsFromConfig(config) {\r\n // make sure the config is dynamic\r\n return onConfigChange(createDynamicConfig(config, defaultValues, _self).cfg, function (details) {\r\n var config = details.cfg;\r\n _loggingLevelConsole = config[_DYN_LOGGING_LEVEL_CONSOL4 /* @min:%2eloggingLevelConsole */];\r\n _loggingLevelTelemetry = config.loggingLevelTelemetry;\r\n _maxInternalMessageLimit = config.maxMessageLimit;\r\n _enableDebug = config.enableDebug;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n function _areInternalMessagesThrottled() {\r\n return _messageCount >= _maxInternalMessageLimit;\r\n }\r\n function _debugExtMsg(name, data) {\r\n var dbgExt = getDebugExt(config || {});\r\n if (dbgExt && dbgExt[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */]) {\r\n dbgExt[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */](name, data);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * 0: OFF (default)\r\n * 1: CRITICAL\r\n * 2: >= WARNING\r\n */\r\n DiagnosticLogger.prototype.consoleLoggingLevel = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return 0;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * This method will throw exceptions in debug mode or attempt to log the error as a console warning.\r\n * @param severity - {LoggingSeverity} - The severity of the log message\r\n * @param message - {_InternalLogMessage} - The log message.\r\n */\r\n DiagnosticLogger.prototype.throwInternal = function (severity, msgId, msg, properties, isUserAct) {\r\n if (isUserAct === void 0) { isUserAct = false; }\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * This will write a debug message to the console if possible\r\n * @param message - {string} - The debug message\r\n */\r\n DiagnosticLogger.prototype.debugToConsole = function (message) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * This will write a warning to the console if possible\r\n * @param message - {string} - The warning message\r\n */\r\n DiagnosticLogger.prototype.warnToConsole = function (message) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * This will write an error to the console if possible\r\n * @param message - {string} - The warning message\r\n */\r\n DiagnosticLogger.prototype.errorToConsole = function (message) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Resets the internal message count\r\n */\r\n DiagnosticLogger.prototype.resetInternalMessageCount = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Logs a message to the internal queue.\r\n * @param severity - {LoggingSeverity} - The severity of the log message\r\n * @param message - {_InternalLogMessage} - The message to log.\r\n */\r\n DiagnosticLogger.prototype.logInternalMessage = function (severity, message) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Unload and remove any state that this IDiagnosticLogger may be holding, this is generally called when the\r\n * owning SDK is being unloaded.\r\n * @param isAsync - Can the unload be performed asynchronously (default)\r\n * @return If the unload occurs synchronously then nothing should be returned, if happening asynchronously then\r\n * the function should return an [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * / Promise to allow any listeners to wait for the operation to complete.\r\n */\r\n DiagnosticLogger.prototype.unload = function (isAsync) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n return DiagnosticLogger;\r\n}());\r\nexport { DiagnosticLogger };\r\nfunction _getLogger(logger) {\r\n return (logger || new DiagnosticLogger());\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * This is a helper method which will call throwInternal on the passed logger, will throw exceptions in\r\n * debug mode or attempt to log the error as a console warning. This helper is provided mostly to better\r\n * support minification as logger.throwInternal() will not compress the publish \"throwInternal\" used throughout\r\n * the code.\r\n * @param logger - The Diagnostic Logger instance to use.\r\n * @param severity - {LoggingSeverity} - The severity of the log message\r\n * @param message - {_InternalLogMessage} - The log message.\r\n */\r\nexport function _throwInternal(logger, severity, msgId, msg, properties, isUserAct) {\r\n if (isUserAct === void 0) { isUserAct = false; }\r\n _getLogger(logger)[_DYN_THROW_INTERNAL /* @min:%2ethrowInternal */](severity, msgId, msg, properties, isUserAct);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * This is a helper method which will call warnToConsole on the passed logger with the provided message.\r\n * @param logger - The Diagnostic Logger instance to use.\r\n * @param message - {_InternalLogMessage} - The log message.\r\n */\r\nexport function _warnToConsole(logger, message) {\r\n _getLogger(logger)[_DYN_WARN_TO_CONSOLE /* @min:%2ewarnToConsole */](message);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Logs a message to the internal queue.\r\n * @param logger - The Diagnostic Logger instance to use.\r\n * @param severity - {LoggingSeverity} - The severity of the log message\r\n * @param message - {_InternalLogMessage} - The message to log.\r\n */\r\nexport function _logInternalMessage(logger, severity, message) {\r\n _getLogger(logger)[_DYN_LOG_INTERNAL_MESSAGE /* @min:%2elogInternalMessage */](severity, message);\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=DiagnosticLogger.js.map","var _a, _b;\r\nimport { arrForEach, arrIndexOf, dumpObj, getDocument, getLazy, getNavigator, isArray, isFunction, isNullOrUndefined, isString, isTruthy, isUndefined, objForEachKey, strEndsWith, strIndexOf, strLeft, strSubstring, strTrim, utcNow } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { cfgDfMerge } from \"../Config/ConfigDefaultHelpers\";\r\nimport { createDynamicConfig, onConfigChange } from \"../Config/DynamicConfig\";\r\nimport { _DYN_ENABLED, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_LOGGER, _DYN_SET_DF, _DYN_SPLIT, _DYN_UNLOAD, _DYN_USER_AGENT } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { _throwInternal } from \"./DiagnosticLogger\";\r\nimport { getLocation, isIE } from \"./EnvUtils\";\r\nimport { getExceptionName, isNotNullOrUndefined, setValue, strContains } from \"./HelperFuncs\";\r\nimport { STR_DOMAIN, STR_EMPTY, STR_PATH, UNDEFINED_VALUE } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nvar strToGMTString = \"toGMTString\";\r\nvar strToUTCString = \"toUTCString\";\r\nvar strCookie = \"cookie\";\r\nvar strExpires = \"expires\";\r\nvar strIsCookieUseDisabled = \"isCookieUseDisabled\";\r\nvar strDisableCookiesUsage = \"disableCookiesUsage\";\r\nvar strConfigCookieMgr = \"_ckMgr\";\r\nvar _supportsCookies = null;\r\nvar _allowUaSameSite = null;\r\nvar _parsedCookieValue = null;\r\nvar _doc;\r\nvar _cookieCache = {};\r\nvar _globalCookieConfig = {};\r\n// // `isCookieUseDisabled` is deprecated, so explicitly casting as a key of IConfiguration to avoid typing error\r\n// // when both isCookieUseDisabled and disableCookiesUsage are used disableCookiesUsage will take precedent, which is\r\n// // why its listed first\r\n/**\r\n * Set the supported dynamic config values as undefined (or an empty object) so that\r\n * any listeners will be informed of any changes.\r\n * Explicitly NOT including the deprecated `isCookieUseDisabled` as we don't want to support\r\n * the v1 deprecated field as dynamic for updates\r\n */\r\nvar rootDefaultConfig = (_a = {\r\n cookieCfg: cfgDfMerge((_b = {},\r\n _b[STR_DOMAIN] = { fb: \"cookieDomain\", dfVal: isNotNullOrUndefined },\r\n _b.path = { fb: \"cookiePath\", dfVal: isNotNullOrUndefined },\r\n _b.enabled = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _b.ignoreCookies = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _b.blockedCookies = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _b)),\r\n cookieDomain: UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n cookiePath: UNDEFINED_VALUE\r\n },\r\n _a[strDisableCookiesUsage] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _a);\r\nfunction _getDoc() {\r\n !_doc && (_doc = getLazy(function () { return getDocument(); }));\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * @ignore\r\n * DO NOT USE or export from the module, this is exposed as public to support backward compatibility of previous static utility methods only.\r\n * If you want to manager cookies either use the ICookieMgr available from the core instance via getCookieMgr() or create\r\n * your own instance of the CookieMgr and use that.\r\n * Using this directly for enabling / disabling cookie handling will not only affect your usage but EVERY user of cookies.\r\n * Example, if you are using a shared component that is also using Application Insights you will affect their cookie handling.\r\n * @param logger - The DiagnosticLogger to use for reporting errors.\r\n */\r\nfunction _gblCookieMgr(config, logger) {\r\n // Stash the global instance against the BaseCookieMgr class\r\n var inst = createCookieMgr[strConfigCookieMgr] || _globalCookieConfig[strConfigCookieMgr];\r\n if (!inst) {\r\n // Note: not using the getSetValue() helper as that would require always creating a temporary cookieMgr\r\n // that ultimately is never used\r\n inst = createCookieMgr[strConfigCookieMgr] = createCookieMgr(config, logger);\r\n _globalCookieConfig[strConfigCookieMgr] = inst;\r\n }\r\n return inst;\r\n}\r\nfunction _isMgrEnabled(cookieMgr) {\r\n if (cookieMgr) {\r\n return cookieMgr.isEnabled();\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\nfunction _isIgnoredCookie(cookieMgrCfg, name) {\r\n if (name && cookieMgrCfg && isArray(cookieMgrCfg.ignoreCookies)) {\r\n return arrIndexOf(cookieMgrCfg.ignoreCookies, name) !== -1;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\nfunction _isBlockedCookie(cookieMgrCfg, name) {\r\n if (name && cookieMgrCfg && isArray(cookieMgrCfg.blockedCookies)) {\r\n if (arrIndexOf(cookieMgrCfg.blockedCookies, name) !== -1) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return _isIgnoredCookie(cookieMgrCfg, name);\r\n}\r\nfunction _isCfgEnabled(rootConfig, cookieMgrConfig) {\r\n var isCfgEnabled = cookieMgrConfig[_DYN_ENABLED /* @min:%2eenabled */];\r\n if (isNullOrUndefined(isCfgEnabled)) {\r\n // Set the enabled from the provided setting or the legacy root values\r\n var cookieEnabled = void 0;\r\n // This field is deprecated and dynamic updates will not be fully supported\r\n if (!isUndefined(rootConfig[strIsCookieUseDisabled])) {\r\n cookieEnabled = !rootConfig[strIsCookieUseDisabled];\r\n }\r\n // If this value is defined it takes precedent over the above\r\n if (!isUndefined(rootConfig[strDisableCookiesUsage])) {\r\n cookieEnabled = !rootConfig[strDisableCookiesUsage];\r\n }\r\n // Not setting the cookieMgrConfig.enabled as that will update (set) the global dynamic config\r\n // So future \"updates\" then may not be as expected\r\n isCfgEnabled = cookieEnabled;\r\n }\r\n return isCfgEnabled;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper to return the ICookieMgr from the core (if not null/undefined) or a default implementation\r\n * associated with the configuration or a legacy default.\r\n * @param core\r\n * @param config\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function safeGetCookieMgr(core, config) {\r\n var cookieMgr;\r\n if (core) {\r\n // Always returns an instance\r\n cookieMgr = core.getCookieMgr();\r\n }\r\n else if (config) {\r\n var cookieCfg = config.cookieCfg;\r\n if (cookieCfg && cookieCfg[strConfigCookieMgr]) {\r\n cookieMgr = cookieCfg[strConfigCookieMgr];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n cookieMgr = createCookieMgr(config);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!cookieMgr) {\r\n // Get or initialize the default global (legacy) cookie manager if we couldn't find one\r\n cookieMgr = _gblCookieMgr(config, (core || {})[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */]);\r\n }\r\n return cookieMgr;\r\n}\r\nexport function createCookieMgr(rootConfig, logger) {\r\n var _a;\r\n var cookieMgrConfig;\r\n var _path;\r\n var _domain;\r\n var unloadHandler;\r\n // Explicitly checking against false, so that setting to undefined will === true\r\n var _enabled;\r\n var _getCookieFn;\r\n var _setCookieFn;\r\n var _delCookieFn;\r\n // Make sure the root config is dynamic as it may be the global config\r\n rootConfig = createDynamicConfig(rootConfig || _globalCookieConfig, null, logger).cfg;\r\n // Will get recalled if the referenced configuration is changed\r\n unloadHandler = onConfigChange(rootConfig, function (details) {\r\n // Make sure the root config has all of the the defaults to the root config to ensure they are dynamic\r\n details[_DYN_SET_DF /* @min:%2esetDf */](details.cfg, rootDefaultConfig);\r\n // Create and apply the defaults to the cookieCfg element\r\n cookieMgrConfig = details.ref(details.cfg, \"cookieCfg\"); // details.setDf(details.cfg.cookieCfg, defaultConfig);\r\n _path = cookieMgrConfig[STR_PATH /* @min:%2epath */] || \"/\";\r\n _domain = cookieMgrConfig[STR_DOMAIN /* @min:%2edomain */];\r\n // Explicitly checking against false, so that setting to undefined will === true\r\n _enabled = _isCfgEnabled(rootConfig, cookieMgrConfig) !== false;\r\n _getCookieFn = cookieMgrConfig.getCookie || _getCookieValue;\r\n _setCookieFn = cookieMgrConfig.setCookie || _setCookieValue;\r\n _delCookieFn = cookieMgrConfig.delCookie || _setCookieValue;\r\n }, logger);\r\n var cookieMgr = (_a = {\r\n isEnabled: function () {\r\n var enabled = _isCfgEnabled(rootConfig, cookieMgrConfig) !== false && _enabled && areCookiesSupported(logger);\r\n // Using an indirect lookup for any global cookie manager to support tree shaking for SDK's\r\n // that don't use the \"applicationinsights-core\" version of the default cookie function\r\n var gblManager = _globalCookieConfig[strConfigCookieMgr];\r\n if (enabled && gblManager && cookieMgr !== gblManager) {\r\n // Make sure the GlobalCookie Manager instance (if not this instance) is also enabled.\r\n // As the global (deprecated) functions may have been called (for backward compatibility)\r\n enabled = _isMgrEnabled(gblManager);\r\n }\r\n return enabled;\r\n },\r\n setEnabled: function (value) {\r\n // Explicitly checking against false, so that setting to undefined will === true\r\n _enabled = value !== false;\r\n cookieMgrConfig[_DYN_ENABLED /* @min:%2eenabled */] = value;\r\n },\r\n set: function (name, value, maxAgeSec, domain, path) {\r\n var result = false;\r\n if (_isMgrEnabled(cookieMgr) && !_isBlockedCookie(cookieMgrConfig, name)) {\r\n var values = {};\r\n var theValue = strTrim(value || STR_EMPTY);\r\n var idx = strIndexOf(theValue, \";\");\r\n if (idx !== -1) {\r\n theValue = strTrim(strLeft(value, idx));\r\n values = _extractParts(strSubstring(value, idx + 1));\r\n }\r\n // Only update domain if not already present (isUndefined) and the value is truthy (not null, undefined or empty string)\r\n setValue(values, STR_DOMAIN, domain || _domain, isTruthy, isUndefined);\r\n if (!isNullOrUndefined(maxAgeSec)) {\r\n var _isIE = isIE();\r\n if (isUndefined(values[strExpires])) {\r\n var nowMs = utcNow();\r\n // Only add expires if not already present\r\n var expireMs = nowMs + (maxAgeSec * 1000);\r\n // Sanity check, if zero or -ve then ignore\r\n if (expireMs > 0) {\r\n var expiry = new Date();\r\n expiry.setTime(expireMs);\r\n setValue(values, strExpires, _formatDate(expiry, !_isIE ? strToUTCString : strToGMTString) || _formatDate(expiry, _isIE ? strToGMTString : strToUTCString) || STR_EMPTY, isTruthy);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!_isIE) {\r\n // Only replace if not already present\r\n setValue(values, \"max-age\", STR_EMPTY + maxAgeSec, null, isUndefined);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var location_1 = getLocation();\r\n if (location_1 && location_1.protocol === \"https:\") {\r\n setValue(values, \"secure\", null, null, isUndefined);\r\n // Only set same site if not also secure\r\n if (_allowUaSameSite === null) {\r\n _allowUaSameSite = !uaDisallowsSameSiteNone((getNavigator() || {})[_DYN_USER_AGENT /* @min:%2euserAgent */]);\r\n }\r\n if (_allowUaSameSite) {\r\n setValue(values, \"SameSite\", \"None\", null, isUndefined);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setValue(values, STR_PATH, path || _path, null, isUndefined);\r\n //let setCookieFn = cookieMgrConfig.setCookie || _setCookieValue;\r\n _setCookieFn(name, _formatCookieValue(theValue, values));\r\n result = true;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n },\r\n get: function (name) {\r\n var value = STR_EMPTY;\r\n if (_isMgrEnabled(cookieMgr) && !_isIgnoredCookie(cookieMgrConfig, name)) {\r\n value = _getCookieFn(name);\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n },\r\n del: function (name, path) {\r\n var result = false;\r\n if (_isMgrEnabled(cookieMgr)) {\r\n // Only remove the cookie if the manager and cookie support has not been disabled\r\n result = cookieMgr.purge(name, path);\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n },\r\n purge: function (name, path) {\r\n var _a;\r\n var result = false;\r\n if (areCookiesSupported(logger)) {\r\n // Setting the expiration date in the past immediately removes the cookie\r\n var values = (_a = {},\r\n _a[STR_PATH] = path ? path : \"/\",\r\n _a[strExpires] = \"Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT\",\r\n _a);\r\n if (!isIE()) {\r\n // Set max age to expire now\r\n values[\"max-age\"] = \"0\";\r\n }\r\n // let delCookie = cookieMgrConfig.delCookie || _setCookieValue;\r\n _delCookieFn(name, _formatCookieValue(STR_EMPTY, values));\r\n result = true;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n },\r\n _a[_DYN_UNLOAD /* @min:unload */] = function (isAsync) {\r\n unloadHandler && unloadHandler.rm();\r\n unloadHandler = null;\r\n },\r\n _a);\r\n // Associated this cookie manager with the config\r\n cookieMgr[strConfigCookieMgr] = cookieMgr;\r\n return cookieMgr;\r\n}\r\n/*\r\n* Helper method to tell if document.cookie object is supported by the runtime\r\n*/\r\nexport function areCookiesSupported(logger) {\r\n if (_supportsCookies === null) {\r\n _supportsCookies = false;\r\n !_doc && _getDoc();\r\n try {\r\n var doc = _doc.v || {};\r\n _supportsCookies = doc[strCookie] !== undefined;\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n _throwInternal(logger, 2 /* eLoggingSeverity.WARNING */, 68 /* _eInternalMessageId.CannotAccessCookie */, \"Cannot access document.cookie - \" + getExceptionName(e), { exception: dumpObj(e) });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return _supportsCookies;\r\n}\r\nfunction _extractParts(theValue) {\r\n var values = {};\r\n if (theValue && theValue[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]) {\r\n var parts = strTrim(theValue)[_DYN_SPLIT /* @min:%2esplit */](\";\");\r\n arrForEach(parts, function (thePart) {\r\n thePart = strTrim(thePart || STR_EMPTY);\r\n if (thePart) {\r\n var idx = strIndexOf(thePart, \"=\");\r\n if (idx === -1) {\r\n values[thePart] = null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n values[strTrim(strLeft(thePart, idx))] = strTrim(strSubstring(thePart, idx + 1));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return values;\r\n}\r\nfunction _formatDate(theDate, func) {\r\n if (isFunction(theDate[func])) {\r\n return theDate[func]();\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nfunction _formatCookieValue(value, values) {\r\n var cookieValue = value || STR_EMPTY;\r\n objForEachKey(values, function (name, theValue) {\r\n cookieValue += \"; \" + name + (!isNullOrUndefined(theValue) ? \"=\" + theValue : STR_EMPTY);\r\n });\r\n return cookieValue;\r\n}\r\nfunction _getCookieValue(name) {\r\n var cookieValue = STR_EMPTY;\r\n !_doc && _getDoc();\r\n if (_doc.v) {\r\n var theCookie = _doc.v[strCookie] || STR_EMPTY;\r\n if (_parsedCookieValue !== theCookie) {\r\n _cookieCache = _extractParts(theCookie);\r\n _parsedCookieValue = theCookie;\r\n }\r\n cookieValue = strTrim(_cookieCache[name] || STR_EMPTY);\r\n }\r\n return cookieValue;\r\n}\r\nfunction _setCookieValue(name, cookieValue) {\r\n !_doc && _getDoc();\r\n if (_doc.v) {\r\n _doc.v[strCookie] = name + \"=\" + cookieValue;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexport function uaDisallowsSameSiteNone(userAgent) {\r\n if (!isString(userAgent)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n // Cover all iOS based browsers here. This includes:\r\n // - Safari on iOS 12 for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad\r\n // - WkWebview on iOS 12 for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad\r\n // - Chrome on iOS 12 for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad\r\n // All of which are broken by SameSite=None, because they use the iOS networking stack\r\n if (strContains(userAgent, \"CPU iPhone OS 12\") || strContains(userAgent, \"iPad; CPU OS 12\")) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // Cover Mac OS X based browsers that use the Mac OS networking stack. This includes:\r\n // - Safari on Mac OS X\r\n // This does not include:\r\n // - Internal browser on Mac OS X\r\n // - Chrome on Mac OS X\r\n // - Chromium on Mac OS X\r\n // Because they do not use the Mac OS networking stack.\r\n if (strContains(userAgent, \"Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14\") && strContains(userAgent, \"Version/\") && strContains(userAgent, \"Safari\")) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // Cover Mac OS X internal browsers that use the Mac OS networking stack. This includes:\r\n // - Internal browser on Mac OS X\r\n // This does not include:\r\n // - Safari on Mac OS X\r\n // - Chrome on Mac OS X\r\n // - Chromium on Mac OS X\r\n // Because they do not use the Mac OS networking stack.\r\n if (strContains(userAgent, \"Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14\") && strEndsWith(userAgent, \"AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko)\")) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // Cover Chrome 50-69, because some versions are broken by SameSite=None, and none in this range require it.\r\n // Note: this covers some pre-Chromium Edge versions, but pre-Chromim Edge does not require SameSite=None, so this is fine.\r\n // Note: this regex applies to Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, deliberately.\r\n if (strContains(userAgent, \"Chrome/5\") || strContains(userAgent, \"Chrome/6\")) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // Unreal Engine runs Chromium 59, but does not advertise as Chrome until 4.23. Treat versions of Unreal\r\n // that don't specify their Chrome version as lacking support for SameSite=None.\r\n if (strContains(userAgent, \"UnrealEngine\") && !strContains(userAgent, \"Chrome\")) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // UCBrowser < 12.13.2 ignores Set-Cookie headers with SameSite=None\r\n // NB: this rule isn't complete - you need regex to make a complete rule.\r\n // See: https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site/incompatible-clients\r\n if (strContains(userAgent, \"UCBrowser/12\") || strContains(userAgent, \"UCBrowser/11\")) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=CookieMgr.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { asString, isBoolean, isFunction, isNullOrUndefined, isString } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { STR_EMPTY } from \"../JavaScriptSDK/InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { _DYN_BLK_VAL, _DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\n/**\r\n * @internal\r\n * @ignore\r\n * @param str\r\n * @param defaultValue\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nfunction _stringToBoolOrDefault(theValue, defaultValue, theConfig) {\r\n if (!theValue && isNullOrUndefined(theValue)) {\r\n return defaultValue;\r\n }\r\n if (isBoolean(theValue)) {\r\n return theValue;\r\n }\r\n return asString(theValue)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */]() === \"true\";\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper which returns an IConfigDefaultCheck instance with the field defined as an object\r\n * that should be merged\r\n * @param defaultValue - The default value to apply it not provided or it's not valid\r\n * @returns a new IConfigDefaultCheck structure\r\n */\r\nexport function cfgDfMerge(defaultValue) {\r\n return {\r\n mrg: true,\r\n v: defaultValue\r\n };\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper which returns an IConfigDefaultCheck instance with the provided field set function\r\n * @param setter - The IConfigCheckFn function to validate the user provided value\r\n * @param defaultValue - The default value to apply it not provided or it's not valid\r\n * @returns a new IConfigDefaultCheck structure\r\n */\r\nexport function cfgDfSet(setter, defaultValue) {\r\n return {\r\n set: setter,\r\n v: defaultValue\r\n };\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper which returns an IConfigDefaultCheck instance with the provided field validator\r\n * @param validator - The IConfigCheckFn function to validate the user provided value\r\n * @param defaultValue - The default value to apply it not provided or it's not valid\r\n * @param fallBackName - The fallback configuration name if the current value is not available\r\n * @returns a new IConfigDefaultCheck structure\r\n */\r\nexport function cfgDfValidate(validator, defaultValue, fallBackName) {\r\n return {\r\n fb: fallBackName,\r\n isVal: validator,\r\n v: defaultValue\r\n };\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper which returns an IConfigDefaultCheck instance that will validate and convert the user\r\n * provided value to a boolean from a string or boolean value\r\n * @param defaultValue - The default value to apply it not provided or it's not valid\r\n * @param fallBackName - The fallback configuration name if the current value is not available\r\n * @returns a new IConfigDefaultCheck structure\r\n */\r\nexport function cfgDfBoolean(defaultValue, fallBackName) {\r\n return {\r\n fb: fallBackName,\r\n set: _stringToBoolOrDefault,\r\n v: !!defaultValue\r\n };\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper which returns an IConfigDefaultCheck instance that will validate that the user\r\n * provided value is a function.\r\n * @param defaultValue - The default value to apply it not provided or it's not valid\r\n * @returns a new IConfigDefaultCheck structure\r\n */\r\nexport function cfgDfFunc(defaultValue) {\r\n return {\r\n isVal: isFunction,\r\n v: defaultValue || null\r\n };\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper which returns an IConfigDefaultCheck instance that will validate that the user\r\n * provided value is a function.\r\n * @param defaultValue - The default string value to apply it not provided or it's not valid, defaults to an empty string\r\n * @returns a new IConfigDefaultCheck structure\r\n */\r\nexport function cfgDfString(defaultValue) {\r\n return {\r\n isVal: isString,\r\n v: asString(defaultValue || STR_EMPTY)\r\n };\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper which returns an IConfigDefaultCheck instance identifying that value associated with this property\r\n * should not have it's properties converted into a dynamic config properties.\r\n * @param defaultValue - The default value to apply it not provided or it's not valid\r\n * @returns a new IConfigDefaultCheck structure\r\n */\r\nexport function cfgDfBlockPropValue(defaultValue) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return _a = {},\r\n _a[_DYN_BLK_VAL /* @min:blkVal */] = true,\r\n _a.v = defaultValue,\r\n _a;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=ConfigDefaultHelpers.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\nimport { createAllPromise, createPromise, doAwaitResponse } from \"@nevware21/ts-async\";\r\nimport { arrForEach, arrIndexOf, objDefine, scheduleTimeout } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { createDynamicConfig } from \"../Config/DynamicConfig\";\r\nimport { _DYN_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LIS1, _DYN_IS_ASYNC, _DYN_IS_CHILD_EVT, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_2, _DYN_SPLICE, _DYN_UNLOAD, _DYN_WATCH } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED, STR_EVENTS_SEND_REQUEST, STR_EVENTS_SENT, STR_PERF_EVENT } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nvar defaultValues = {\r\n perfEvtsSendAll: false\r\n};\r\nfunction _runListeners(listeners, name, isAsync, callback) {\r\n arrForEach(listeners, function (listener) {\r\n if (listener && listener[name]) {\r\n if (isAsync) {\r\n scheduleTimeout(function () { return callback(listener); }, 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n try {\r\n callback(listener);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Catch errors to ensure we don't block sending the requests\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Class to manage sending notifications to all the listeners.\r\n */\r\nvar NotificationManager = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function NotificationManager(config) {\r\n this.listeners = [];\r\n var perfEvtsSendAll;\r\n var unloadHandler;\r\n var _listeners = [];\r\n var cfgHandler = createDynamicConfig(config, defaultValues);\r\n unloadHandler = cfgHandler[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:%2ewatch */](function (details) {\r\n perfEvtsSendAll = !!details.cfg.perfEvtsSendAll;\r\n });\r\n dynamicProto(NotificationManager, this, function (_self) {\r\n objDefine(_self, \"listeners\", {\r\n g: function () { return _listeners; }\r\n });\r\n _self[_DYN_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LIS1 /* @min:%2eaddNotificationListener */] = function (listener) {\r\n _listeners[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](listener);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Removes all instances of the listener.\r\n * @param listener - AWTNotificationListener to remove.\r\n */\r\n _self[_DYN_REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_2 /* @min:%2eremoveNotificationListener */] = function (listener) {\r\n var index = arrIndexOf(_listeners, listener);\r\n while (index > -1) {\r\n _listeners[_DYN_SPLICE /* @min:%2esplice */](index, 1);\r\n index = arrIndexOf(_listeners, listener);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Notification for events sent.\r\n * @param events - The array of events that have been sent.\r\n */\r\n _self[STR_EVENTS_SENT /* @min:%2eeventsSent */] = function (events) {\r\n _runListeners(_listeners, STR_EVENTS_SENT, true, function (listener) {\r\n listener[STR_EVENTS_SENT /* @min:%2eeventsSent */](events);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Notification for events being discarded.\r\n * @param events - The array of events that have been discarded by the SDK.\r\n * @param reason - The reason for which the SDK discarded the events. The EventsDiscardedReason\r\n * constant should be used to check the different values.\r\n */\r\n _self[STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED /* @min:%2eeventsDiscarded */] = function (events, reason) {\r\n _runListeners(_listeners, STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED, true, function (listener) {\r\n listener[STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED /* @min:%2eeventsDiscarded */](events, reason);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * [Optional] A function called when the events have been requested to be sent to the sever.\r\n * @param sendReason - The reason why the event batch is being sent.\r\n * @param isAsync - A flag which identifies whether the requests are being sent in an async or sync manner.\r\n */\r\n _self[STR_EVENTS_SEND_REQUEST /* @min:%2eeventsSendRequest */] = function (sendReason, isAsync) {\r\n _runListeners(_listeners, STR_EVENTS_SEND_REQUEST, isAsync, function (listener) {\r\n listener[STR_EVENTS_SEND_REQUEST /* @min:%2eeventsSendRequest */](sendReason, isAsync);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n _self[STR_PERF_EVENT /* @min:%2eperfEvent */] = function (perfEvent) {\r\n if (perfEvent) {\r\n // Send all events or only parent events\r\n if (perfEvtsSendAll || !perfEvent[_DYN_IS_CHILD_EVT /* @min:%2eisChildEvt */]()) {\r\n _runListeners(_listeners, STR_PERF_EVENT, false, function (listener) {\r\n if (perfEvent[_DYN_IS_ASYNC /* @min:%2eisAsync */]) {\r\n scheduleTimeout(function () { return listener[STR_PERF_EVENT /* @min:%2eperfEvent */](perfEvent); }, 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n listener[STR_PERF_EVENT /* @min:%2eperfEvent */](perfEvent);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_UNLOAD /* @min:%2eunload */] = function (isAsync) {\r\n var _finishUnload = function () {\r\n unloadHandler && unloadHandler.rm();\r\n unloadHandler = null;\r\n _listeners = [];\r\n };\r\n var waiting;\r\n _runListeners(_listeners, \"unload\", false, function (listener) {\r\n var asyncUnload = listener[_DYN_UNLOAD /* @min:%2eunload */](isAsync);\r\n if (asyncUnload) {\r\n if (!waiting) {\r\n waiting = [];\r\n }\r\n waiting[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](asyncUnload);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (waiting) {\r\n return createPromise(function (resolve) {\r\n return doAwaitResponse(createAllPromise(waiting), function () {\r\n _finishUnload();\r\n resolve();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _finishUnload();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Adds a notification listener.\r\n * @param listener - The notification listener to be added.\r\n */\r\n NotificationManager.prototype.addNotificationListener = function (listener) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Removes all instances of the listener.\r\n * @param listener - AWTNotificationListener to remove.\r\n */\r\n NotificationManager.prototype.removeNotificationListener = function (listener) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Notification for events sent.\r\n * @param events - The array of events that have been sent.\r\n */\r\n NotificationManager.prototype.eventsSent = function (events) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Notification for events being discarded.\r\n * @param events - The array of events that have been discarded by the SDK.\r\n * @param reason - The reason for which the SDK discarded the events. The EventsDiscardedReason\r\n * constant should be used to check the different values.\r\n */\r\n NotificationManager.prototype.eventsDiscarded = function (events, reason) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * [Optional] A function called when the events have been requested to be sent to the sever.\r\n * @param sendReason - The reason why the event batch is being sent.\r\n * @param isAsync - A flag which identifies whether the requests are being sent in an async or sync manner.\r\n */\r\n NotificationManager.prototype.eventsSendRequest = function (sendReason, isAsync) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * [Optional] This event is sent if you have enabled perf events, they are primarily used to track internal performance testing and debugging\r\n * the event can be displayed via the debug plugin extension.\r\n * @param perfEvent\r\n */\r\n NotificationManager.prototype.perfEvent = function (perfEvent) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Unload and remove any state that this INotificationManager may be holding, this is generally called when the\r\n * owning SDK is being unloaded.\r\n * @param isAsync - Can the unload be performed asynchronously (default)\r\n * @return If the unload occurs synchronously then nothing should be returned, if happening asynchronously then\r\n * the function should return an [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * / Promise to allow any listeners to wait for the operation to complete.\r\n */\r\n NotificationManager.prototype.unload = function (isAsync) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n return NotificationManager;\r\n}());\r\nexport { NotificationManager };\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=NotificationManager.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\nimport { isArray, isFunction, objDefine, utcNow } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_COMPLETE, _DYN_GET_CTX, _DYN_IS_ASYNC, _DYN_IS_CHILD_EVT, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_NAME, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_SET_CTX, _DYN_TIME } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { STR_GET_PERF_MGR, STR_PERF_EVENT } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nvar strExecutionContextKey = \"ctx\";\r\nvar strParentContextKey = \"ParentContextKey\";\r\nvar strChildrenContextKey = \"ChildrenContextKey\";\r\nvar _defaultPerfManager = null;\r\nvar PerfEvent = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function PerfEvent(name, payloadDetails, isAsync) {\r\n var _self = this;\r\n _self.start = utcNow();\r\n _self[_DYN_NAME /* @min:%2ename */] = name;\r\n _self[_DYN_IS_ASYNC /* @min:%2eisAsync */] = isAsync;\r\n _self[_DYN_IS_CHILD_EVT /* @min:%2eisChildEvt */] = function () { return false; };\r\n if (isFunction(payloadDetails)) {\r\n // Create an accessor to minimize the potential performance impact of executing the payloadDetails callback\r\n var theDetails_1;\r\n objDefine(_self, \"payload\", {\r\n g: function () {\r\n // Delay the execution of the payloadDetails until needed\r\n if (!theDetails_1 && isFunction(payloadDetails)) {\r\n theDetails_1 = payloadDetails();\r\n // clear it out now so the referenced objects can be garbage collected\r\n payloadDetails = null;\r\n }\r\n return theDetails_1;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n _self[_DYN_GET_CTX /* @min:%2egetCtx */] = function (key) {\r\n if (key) {\r\n // The parent and child links are located directly on the object (for better viewing in the DebugPlugin)\r\n if (key === PerfEvent[strParentContextKey] || key === PerfEvent[strChildrenContextKey]) {\r\n return _self[key];\r\n }\r\n return (_self[strExecutionContextKey] || {})[key];\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */] = function (key, value) {\r\n if (key) {\r\n // Put the parent and child links directly on the object (for better viewing in the DebugPlugin)\r\n if (key === PerfEvent[strParentContextKey]) {\r\n // Simple assumption, if we are setting a parent then we must be a child\r\n if (!_self[key]) {\r\n _self[_DYN_IS_CHILD_EVT /* @min:%2eisChildEvt */] = function () { return true; };\r\n }\r\n _self[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n else if (key === PerfEvent[strChildrenContextKey]) {\r\n _self[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var ctx = _self[strExecutionContextKey] = _self[strExecutionContextKey] || {};\r\n ctx[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_COMPLETE /* @min:%2ecomplete */] = function () {\r\n var childTime = 0;\r\n var childEvts = _self[_DYN_GET_CTX /* @min:%2egetCtx */](PerfEvent[strChildrenContextKey]);\r\n if (isArray(childEvts)) {\r\n for (var lp = 0; lp < childEvts[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]; lp++) {\r\n var childEvt = childEvts[lp];\r\n if (childEvt) {\r\n childTime += childEvt[_DYN_TIME /* @min:%2etime */];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n _self[_DYN_TIME /* @min:%2etime */] = utcNow() - _self.start;\r\n _self.exTime = _self[_DYN_TIME /* @min:%2etime */] - childTime;\r\n _self[_DYN_COMPLETE /* @min:%2ecomplete */] = function () { };\r\n };\r\n }\r\n PerfEvent.ParentContextKey = \"parent\";\r\n PerfEvent.ChildrenContextKey = \"childEvts\";\r\n return PerfEvent;\r\n}());\r\nexport { PerfEvent };\r\nvar PerfManager = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function PerfManager(manager) {\r\n /**\r\n * General bucket used for execution context set and retrieved via setCtx() and getCtx.\r\n * Defined as private so it can be visualized via the DebugPlugin\r\n */\r\n this.ctx = {};\r\n dynamicProto(PerfManager, this, function (_self) {\r\n _self.create = function (src, payloadDetails, isAsync) {\r\n // TODO (@MSNev): at some point we will want to add additional configuration to \"select\" which events to instrument\r\n // for now this is just a simple do everything.\r\n return new PerfEvent(src, payloadDetails, isAsync);\r\n };\r\n _self.fire = function (perfEvent) {\r\n if (perfEvent) {\r\n perfEvent[_DYN_COMPLETE /* @min:%2ecomplete */]();\r\n if (manager && isFunction(manager[STR_PERF_EVENT /* @min:%2eperfEvent */])) {\r\n manager[STR_PERF_EVENT /* @min:%2eperfEvent */](perfEvent);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */] = function (key, value) {\r\n if (key) {\r\n var ctx = _self[strExecutionContextKey] = _self[strExecutionContextKey] || {};\r\n ctx[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_GET_CTX /* @min:%2egetCtx */] = function (key) {\r\n return (_self[strExecutionContextKey] || {})[key];\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Create a new event and start timing, the manager may return null/undefined to indicate that it does not\r\n * want to monitor this source event.\r\n * @param src - The source name of the event\r\n * @param payloadDetails - An optional callback function to fetch the payload details for the event.\r\n * @param isAsync - Is the event occurring from a async event\r\n */\r\n PerfManager.prototype.create = function (src, payload, isAsync) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Complete the perfEvent and fire any notifications.\r\n * @param perfEvent - Fire the event which will also complete the passed event\r\n */\r\n PerfManager.prototype.fire = function (perfEvent) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Set an execution context value\r\n * @param key - The context key name\r\n * @param value - The value\r\n */\r\n PerfManager.prototype.setCtx = function (key, value) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Get the execution context value\r\n * @param key - The context key\r\n */\r\n PerfManager.prototype.getCtx = function (key) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n return PerfManager;\r\n}());\r\nexport { PerfManager };\r\nvar doPerfActiveKey = \"CoreUtils.doPerf\";\r\n/**\r\n * Helper function to wrap a function with a perf event\r\n * @param mgrSource - The Performance Manager or a Performance provider source (may be null)\r\n * @param getSource - The callback to create the source name for the event (if perf monitoring is enabled)\r\n * @param func - The function to call and measure\r\n * @param details - A function to return the payload details\r\n * @param isAsync - Is the event / function being call asynchronously or synchronously\r\n */\r\nexport function doPerf(mgrSource, getSource, func, details, isAsync) {\r\n if (mgrSource) {\r\n var perfMgr = mgrSource;\r\n if (perfMgr[STR_GET_PERF_MGR]) {\r\n // Looks like a perf manager provider object\r\n perfMgr = perfMgr[STR_GET_PERF_MGR]();\r\n }\r\n if (perfMgr) {\r\n var perfEvt = void 0;\r\n var currentActive = perfMgr[_DYN_GET_CTX /* @min:%2egetCtx */](doPerfActiveKey);\r\n try {\r\n perfEvt = perfMgr.create(getSource(), details, isAsync);\r\n if (perfEvt) {\r\n if (currentActive && perfEvt[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */]) {\r\n perfEvt[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */](PerfEvent[strParentContextKey], currentActive);\r\n if (currentActive[_DYN_GET_CTX /* @min:%2egetCtx */] && currentActive[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */]) {\r\n var children = currentActive[_DYN_GET_CTX /* @min:%2egetCtx */](PerfEvent[strChildrenContextKey]);\r\n if (!children) {\r\n children = [];\r\n currentActive[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */](PerfEvent[strChildrenContextKey], children);\r\n }\r\n children[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](perfEvt);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Set this event as the active event now\r\n perfMgr[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */](doPerfActiveKey, perfEvt);\r\n return func(perfEvt);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (ex) {\r\n if (perfEvt && perfEvt[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */]) {\r\n perfEvt[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */](\"exception\", ex);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n finally {\r\n // fire the perf event\r\n if (perfEvt) {\r\n perfMgr.fire(perfEvt);\r\n }\r\n // Reset the active event to the previous value\r\n perfMgr[_DYN_SET_CTX /* @min:%2esetCtx */](doPerfActiveKey, currentActive);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return func();\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Set the global performance manager to use when there is no core instance or it has not been initialized yet.\r\n * @param perfManager - The IPerfManager instance to use when no performance manager is supplied.\r\n */\r\nexport function setGblPerfMgr(perfManager) {\r\n _defaultPerfManager = perfManager;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Get the current global performance manager that will be used with no performance manager is supplied.\r\n * @returns - The current default manager\r\n */\r\nexport function getGblPerfMgr() {\r\n return _defaultPerfManager;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=PerfManager.js.map","import { isArray, isString, strLeft, strTrim } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_SPAN_ID, _DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE, _DYN_TRACE_FLAGS, _DYN_TRACE_ID, _DYN_VERSION } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { generateW3CId } from \"./CoreUtils\";\r\nimport { findMetaTag, findNamedServerTiming } from \"./EnvUtils\";\r\nimport { STR_EMPTY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\n// using {0,16} for leading and trailing whitespace just to constrain the possible runtime of a random string\r\nvar TRACE_PARENT_REGEX = /^([\\da-f]{2})-([\\da-f]{32})-([\\da-f]{16})-([\\da-f]{2})(-[^\\s]{1,64})?$/i;\r\nvar DEFAULT_VERSION = \"00\";\r\nvar INVALID_VERSION = \"ff\";\r\nvar INVALID_TRACE_ID = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\r\nvar INVALID_SPAN_ID = \"0000000000000000\";\r\nvar SAMPLED_FLAG = 0x01;\r\nfunction _isValid(value, len, invalidValue) {\r\n if (value && value[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] === len && value !== invalidValue) {\r\n return !!value.match(/^[\\da-f]*$/i);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\nfunction _formatValue(value, len, defValue) {\r\n if (_isValid(value, len)) {\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n return defValue;\r\n}\r\nfunction _formatFlags(value) {\r\n if (isNaN(value) || value < 0 || value > 255) {\r\n value = 0x01;\r\n }\r\n var result = value.toString(16);\r\n while (result[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] < 2) {\r\n result = \"0\" + result;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Create a new ITraceParent instance using the provided values.\r\n * @param traceId - The traceId to use, when invalid a new random W3C id will be generated.\r\n * @param spanId - The parent/span id to use, a new random value will be generated if it is invalid.\r\n * @param flags - The traceFlags to use, defaults to zero (0) if not supplied or invalid\r\n * @param version - The version to used, defaults to version \"01\" if not supplied or invalid.\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function createTraceParent(traceId, spanId, flags, version) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return _a = {},\r\n _a[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:version */] = _isValid(version, 2, INVALID_VERSION) ? version : DEFAULT_VERSION,\r\n _a[_DYN_TRACE_ID /* @min:traceId */] = isValidTraceId(traceId) ? traceId : generateW3CId(),\r\n _a[_DYN_SPAN_ID /* @min:spanId */] = isValidSpanId(spanId) ? spanId : strLeft(generateW3CId(), 16),\r\n _a.traceFlags = flags >= 0 && flags <= 0xFF ? flags : 1,\r\n _a;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Attempt to parse the provided string as a W3C TraceParent header value (https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#traceparent-header)\r\n *\r\n * @param value\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function parseTraceParent(value) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (!value) {\r\n // Don't pass a null/undefined or empty string\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n if (isArray(value)) {\r\n // The value may have been encoded on the page into an array so handle this automatically\r\n value = value[0] || \"\";\r\n }\r\n if (!value || !isString(value) || value[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 8192) {\r\n // limit potential processing based on total length\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n // See https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#versioning-of-traceparent\r\n var match = TRACE_PARENT_REGEX.exec(strTrim(value));\r\n if (!match || // No match\r\n match[1] === INVALID_VERSION || // version ff is forbidden\r\n match[2] === INVALID_TRACE_ID || // All zeros is considered to be invalid\r\n match[3] === INVALID_SPAN_ID) { // All zeros is considered to be invalid\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n return _a = {\r\n version: (match[1] || STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */](),\r\n traceId: (match[2] || STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */](),\r\n spanId: (match[3] || STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_TO_LOWER_CASE /* @min:%2etoLowerCase */]()\r\n },\r\n _a[_DYN_TRACE_FLAGS /* @min:traceFlags */] = parseInt(match[4], 16),\r\n _a;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Is the provided W3c Trace Id a valid string representation, it must be a 32-character string\r\n * of lowercase hexadecimal characters for example, 4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736.\r\n * If all characters as zero (00000000000000000000000000000000) it will be considered an invalid value.\r\n * @param value - The W3c trace Id to be validated\r\n * @returns true if valid otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function isValidTraceId(value) {\r\n return _isValid(value, 32, INVALID_TRACE_ID);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Is the provided W3c span id (aka. parent id) a valid string representation, it must be a 16-character\r\n * string of lowercase hexadecimal characters, for example, 00f067aa0ba902b7.\r\n * If all characters are zero (0000000000000000) this is considered an invalid value.\r\n * @param value - The W3c span id to be validated\r\n * @returns true if valid otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function isValidSpanId(value) {\r\n return _isValid(value, 16, INVALID_SPAN_ID);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Validates that the provided ITraceParent instance conforms to the currently supported specifications\r\n * @param value\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function isValidTraceParent(value) {\r\n if (!value ||\r\n !_isValid(value[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */], 2, INVALID_VERSION) ||\r\n !_isValid(value[_DYN_TRACE_ID /* @min:%2etraceId */], 32, INVALID_TRACE_ID) ||\r\n !_isValid(value[_DYN_SPAN_ID /* @min:%2espanId */], 16, INVALID_SPAN_ID) ||\r\n !_isValid(_formatFlags(value[_DYN_TRACE_FLAGS /* @min:%2etraceFlags */]), 2)) {\r\n // Each known field must contain a valid value\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Is the parsed traceParent indicating that the trace is currently sampled.\r\n * @param value - The parsed traceParent value\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function isSampledFlag(value) {\r\n if (isValidTraceParent(value)) {\r\n return (value[_DYN_TRACE_FLAGS /* @min:%2etraceFlags */] & SAMPLED_FLAG) === SAMPLED_FLAG;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Format the ITraceParent value as a string using the supported and know version formats.\r\n * So even if the passed traceParent is a later version the string value returned from this\r\n * function will convert it to only the known version formats.\r\n * This currently only supports version \"00\" and invalid \"ff\"\r\n * @param value - The parsed traceParent value\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function formatTraceParent(value) {\r\n if (value) {\r\n // Special Note: This only supports formatting as version 00, future versions should encode any known supported version\r\n // So parsing a future version will populate the correct version value but reformatting will reduce it to version 00.\r\n var flags = _formatFlags(value[_DYN_TRACE_FLAGS /* @min:%2etraceFlags */]);\r\n if (!_isValid(flags, 2)) {\r\n flags = \"01\";\r\n }\r\n var version = value[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] || DEFAULT_VERSION;\r\n if (version !== \"00\" && version !== \"ff\") {\r\n // Reduce version to \"00\"\r\n version = DEFAULT_VERSION;\r\n }\r\n // Format as version 00\r\n return \"\".concat(version.toLowerCase(), \"-\").concat(_formatValue(value.traceId, 32, INVALID_TRACE_ID).toLowerCase(), \"-\").concat(_formatValue(value.spanId, 16, INVALID_SPAN_ID).toLowerCase(), \"-\").concat(flags.toLowerCase());\r\n }\r\n return \"\";\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Helper function to fetch the passed traceparent from the page, looking for it as a meta-tag or a Server-Timing header.\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function findW3cTraceParent() {\r\n var name = \"traceparent\";\r\n var traceParent = parseTraceParent(findMetaTag(name));\r\n if (!traceParent) {\r\n traceParent = parseTraceParent(findNamedServerTiming(name));\r\n }\r\n return traceParent;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=W3cTraceParent.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\"use strict\";\r\nimport { arrForEach, isFunction } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_GET_NEXT, _DYN_GET_PLUGIN, _DYN_INITIALIZE, _DYN_IS_INITIALIZED, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_NAME, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN, _DYN_SPAN_ID, _DYN_TEARDOWN, _DYN_TRACE_FLAGS, _DYN_TRACE_ID, _DYN__DO_TEARDOWN } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { createElmNodeData } from \"./DataCacheHelper\";\r\nimport { STR_CORE, STR_PRIORITY, STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { isValidSpanId, isValidTraceId } from \"./W3cTraceParent\";\r\nvar pluginStateData = createElmNodeData(\"plugin\");\r\nexport function _getPluginState(plugin) {\r\n return pluginStateData.get(plugin, \"state\", {}, true);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Initialize the queue of plugins\r\n * @param plugins - The array of plugins to initialize and setting of the next plugin\r\n * @param config - The current config for the instance\r\n * @param core - THe current core instance\r\n * @param extensions - The extensions\r\n */\r\nexport function initializePlugins(processContext, extensions) {\r\n // Set the next plugin and identified the uninitialized plugins\r\n var initPlugins = [];\r\n var lastPlugin = null;\r\n var proxy = processContext[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */]();\r\n var pluginState;\r\n while (proxy) {\r\n var thePlugin = proxy[_DYN_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */]();\r\n if (thePlugin) {\r\n if (lastPlugin && lastPlugin[_DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN /* @min:%2esetNextPlugin */] && thePlugin[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY /* @min:%2eprocessTelemetry */]) {\r\n // Set this plugin as the next for the previous one\r\n lastPlugin[_DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN /* @min:%2esetNextPlugin */](thePlugin);\r\n }\r\n pluginState = _getPluginState(thePlugin);\r\n var isInitialized = !!pluginState[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */];\r\n if (thePlugin[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */]) {\r\n isInitialized = thePlugin[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */]();\r\n }\r\n if (!isInitialized) {\r\n initPlugins[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](thePlugin);\r\n }\r\n lastPlugin = thePlugin;\r\n proxy = proxy[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */]();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Now initialize the plugins\r\n arrForEach(initPlugins, function (thePlugin) {\r\n var core = processContext[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */]();\r\n thePlugin[_DYN_INITIALIZE /* @min:%2einitialize */](processContext.getCfg(), core, extensions, processContext[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */]());\r\n pluginState = _getPluginState(thePlugin);\r\n // Only add the core to the state if the plugin didn't set it (doesn't extend from BaseTelemetryPlugin)\r\n if (!thePlugin[STR_CORE] && !pluginState[STR_CORE]) {\r\n pluginState[STR_CORE] = core;\r\n }\r\n pluginState[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */] = true;\r\n delete pluginState[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */];\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexport function sortPlugins(plugins) {\r\n // Sort by priority\r\n return plugins.sort(function (extA, extB) {\r\n var result = 0;\r\n if (extB) {\r\n var bHasProcess = extB[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY];\r\n if (extA[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY]) {\r\n result = bHasProcess ? extA[STR_PRIORITY] - extB[STR_PRIORITY] : 1;\r\n }\r\n else if (bHasProcess) {\r\n result = -1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n result = extA ? 1 : -1;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n });\r\n // sort complete\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Teardown / Unload helper to perform teardown/unloading operations for the provided components synchronously or asynchronously, this will call any\r\n * _doTeardown() or _doUnload() functions on the provided components to allow them to finish removal.\r\n * @param components - The components you want to unload\r\n * @param unloadCtx - This is the context that should be used during unloading.\r\n * @param unloadState - The details / state of the unload process, it holds details like whether it should be unloaded synchronously or asynchronously and the reason for the unload.\r\n * @param asyncCallback - An optional callback that the plugin must call if it returns true to inform the caller that it has completed any async unload/teardown operations.\r\n * @returns boolean - true if the plugin has or will call asyncCallback, this allows the plugin to perform any asynchronous operations.\r\n */\r\nexport function unloadComponents(components, unloadCtx, unloadState, asyncCallback) {\r\n var idx = 0;\r\n function _doUnload() {\r\n while (idx < components[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]) {\r\n var component = components[idx++];\r\n if (component) {\r\n var func = component._doUnload || component[_DYN__DO_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2e_doTeardown */];\r\n if (isFunction(func)) {\r\n if (func.call(component, unloadCtx, unloadState, _doUnload) === true) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return _doUnload();\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates a IDistributedTraceContext which optionally also \"sets\" the value on a parent\r\n * @param parentCtx - An optional parent distributed trace instance\r\n * @returns A new IDistributedTraceContext instance that uses an internal temporary object\r\n */\r\nexport function createDistributedTraceContext(parentCtx) {\r\n var trace = {};\r\n return {\r\n getName: function () {\r\n return trace[_DYN_NAME /* @min:%2ename */];\r\n },\r\n setName: function (newValue) {\r\n parentCtx && parentCtx.setName(newValue);\r\n trace[_DYN_NAME /* @min:%2ename */] = newValue;\r\n },\r\n getTraceId: function () {\r\n return trace[_DYN_TRACE_ID /* @min:%2etraceId */];\r\n },\r\n setTraceId: function (newValue) {\r\n parentCtx && parentCtx.setTraceId(newValue);\r\n if (isValidTraceId(newValue)) {\r\n trace[_DYN_TRACE_ID /* @min:%2etraceId */] = newValue;\r\n }\r\n },\r\n getSpanId: function () {\r\n return trace[_DYN_SPAN_ID /* @min:%2espanId */];\r\n },\r\n setSpanId: function (newValue) {\r\n parentCtx && parentCtx.setSpanId(newValue);\r\n if (isValidSpanId(newValue)) {\r\n trace[_DYN_SPAN_ID /* @min:%2espanId */] = newValue;\r\n }\r\n },\r\n getTraceFlags: function () {\r\n return trace[_DYN_TRACE_FLAGS /* @min:%2etraceFlags */];\r\n },\r\n setTraceFlags: function (newTraceFlags) {\r\n parentCtx && parentCtx.setTraceFlags(newTraceFlags);\r\n trace[_DYN_TRACE_FLAGS /* @min:%2etraceFlags */] = newTraceFlags;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=TelemetryHelpers.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\"use strict\";\r\nimport { arrForEach, dumpObj, isArray, isFunction, isNullOrUndefined, isUndefined, objForEachKey, objFreeze, objKeys } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _applyDefaultValue } from \"../Config/ConfigDefaults\";\r\nimport { createDynamicConfig } from \"../Config/DynamicConfig\";\r\nimport { _DYN_CREATE_NEW, _DYN_DIAG_LOG, _DYN_GET_NEXT, _DYN_GET_PLUGIN, _DYN_IDENTIFIER, _DYN_IS_ASYNC, _DYN_IS_INITIALIZED, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_LOGGER, _DYN_PROCESS_NEXT, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_SET_DF, _DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN, _DYN_TEARDOWN, _DYN_UNLOAD, _DYN_UPDATE } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { _throwInternal, safeGetLogger } from \"./DiagnosticLogger\";\r\nimport { proxyFunctions } from \"./HelperFuncs\";\r\nimport { STR_CORE, STR_DISABLED, STR_EMPTY, STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG, STR_PRIORITY, STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { doPerf } from \"./PerfManager\";\r\nimport { _getPluginState } from \"./TelemetryHelpers\";\r\nvar strTelemetryPluginChain = \"TelemetryPluginChain\";\r\nvar strHasRunFlags = \"_hasRun\";\r\nvar strGetTelCtx = \"_getTelCtx\";\r\nvar _chainId = 0;\r\nfunction _getNextProxyStart(proxy, core, startAt) {\r\n while (proxy) {\r\n if (proxy[_DYN_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */]() === startAt) {\r\n return proxy;\r\n }\r\n proxy = proxy[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */]();\r\n }\r\n // This wasn't found in the existing chain so create an isolated one with just this plugin\r\n return createTelemetryProxyChain([startAt], core.config || {}, core);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * @ignore\r\n * @param telemetryChain\r\n * @param dynamicHandler\r\n * @param core\r\n * @param startAt - Identifies the next plugin to execute, if null there is no \"next\" plugin and if undefined it should assume the start of the chain\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nfunction _createInternalContext(telemetryChain, dynamicHandler, core, startAt) {\r\n // We have a special case where we want to start execution from this specific plugin\r\n // or we simply reuse the existing telemetry plugin chain (normal execution case)\r\n var _nextProxy = null; // By Default set as no next plugin\r\n var _onComplete = [];\r\n if (!dynamicHandler) {\r\n dynamicHandler = createDynamicConfig({}, null, core[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */]);\r\n }\r\n if (startAt !== null) {\r\n // There is no next element (null) vs not defined (undefined) so use the full chain\r\n _nextProxy = startAt ? _getNextProxyStart(telemetryChain, core, startAt) : telemetryChain;\r\n }\r\n var context = {\r\n _next: _moveNext,\r\n ctx: {\r\n core: function () {\r\n return core;\r\n },\r\n diagLog: function () {\r\n return safeGetLogger(core, dynamicHandler.cfg);\r\n },\r\n getCfg: function () {\r\n return dynamicHandler.cfg;\r\n },\r\n getExtCfg: _resolveExtCfg,\r\n getConfig: _getConfig,\r\n hasNext: function () {\r\n return !!_nextProxy;\r\n },\r\n getNext: function () {\r\n return _nextProxy;\r\n },\r\n setNext: function (nextPlugin) {\r\n _nextProxy = nextPlugin;\r\n },\r\n iterate: _iterateChain,\r\n onComplete: _addOnComplete\r\n }\r\n };\r\n function _addOnComplete(onComplete, that) {\r\n var args = [];\r\n for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {\r\n args[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];\r\n }\r\n if (onComplete) {\r\n _onComplete[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */]({\r\n func: onComplete,\r\n self: !isUndefined(that) ? that : context.ctx,\r\n args: args\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _moveNext() {\r\n var nextProxy = _nextProxy;\r\n // Automatically move to the next plugin\r\n _nextProxy = nextProxy ? nextProxy[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */]() : null;\r\n if (!nextProxy) {\r\n var onComplete = _onComplete;\r\n if (onComplete && onComplete[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n arrForEach(onComplete, function (completeDetails) {\r\n try {\r\n completeDetails.func.call(completeDetails.self, completeDetails.args);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n _throwInternal(core[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */], 2 /* eLoggingSeverity.WARNING */, 73 /* _eInternalMessageId.PluginException */, \"Unexpected Exception during onComplete - \" + dumpObj(e));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n _onComplete = [];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return nextProxy;\r\n }\r\n function _getExtCfg(identifier, createIfMissing) {\r\n var idCfg = null;\r\n var cfg = dynamicHandler.cfg;\r\n if (cfg && identifier) {\r\n var extCfg = cfg[STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG /* @min:%2eextensionConfig */];\r\n if (!extCfg && createIfMissing) {\r\n extCfg = {};\r\n }\r\n // Always set the value so that the property always exists\r\n cfg[STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG] = extCfg; // Note: it is valid for the \"value\" to be undefined\r\n // Calling `ref()` has a side effect of causing the referenced property to become dynamic (if not already)\r\n extCfg = dynamicHandler.ref(cfg, STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG);\r\n if (extCfg) {\r\n idCfg = extCfg[identifier];\r\n if (!idCfg && createIfMissing) {\r\n idCfg = {};\r\n }\r\n // Always set the value so that the property always exists\r\n extCfg[identifier] = idCfg; // Note: it is valid for the \"value\" to be undefined\r\n // Calling `ref()` has a side effect of causing the referenced property to become dynamic (if not already)\r\n idCfg = dynamicHandler.ref(extCfg, identifier);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return idCfg;\r\n }\r\n function _resolveExtCfg(identifier, defaultValues) {\r\n var newConfig = _getExtCfg(identifier, true);\r\n if (defaultValues) {\r\n // Enumerate over the defaultValues and if not already populated attempt to\r\n // find a value from the root config or use the default value\r\n objForEachKey(defaultValues, function (field, defaultValue) {\r\n // for each unspecified field, set the default value\r\n if (isNullOrUndefined(newConfig[field])) {\r\n var cfgValue = dynamicHandler.cfg[field];\r\n if (cfgValue || !isNullOrUndefined(cfgValue)) {\r\n newConfig[field] = cfgValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n _applyDefaultValue(dynamicHandler, newConfig, field, defaultValue);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return dynamicHandler[_DYN_SET_DF /* @min:%2esetDf */](newConfig, defaultValues);\r\n }\r\n function _getConfig(identifier, field, defaultValue) {\r\n if (defaultValue === void 0) { defaultValue = false; }\r\n var theValue;\r\n var extConfig = _getExtCfg(identifier, false);\r\n var rootConfig = dynamicHandler.cfg;\r\n if (extConfig && (extConfig[field] || !isNullOrUndefined(extConfig[field]))) {\r\n theValue = extConfig[field];\r\n }\r\n else if (rootConfig[field] || !isNullOrUndefined(rootConfig[field])) {\r\n theValue = rootConfig[field];\r\n }\r\n return (theValue || !isNullOrUndefined(theValue)) ? theValue : defaultValue;\r\n }\r\n function _iterateChain(cb) {\r\n // Keep processing until we reach the end of the chain\r\n var nextPlugin;\r\n while (!!(nextPlugin = context._next())) {\r\n var plugin = nextPlugin[_DYN_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */]();\r\n if (plugin) {\r\n // callback with the current on\r\n cb(plugin);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return context;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates a new Telemetry Item context with the current config, core and plugin execution chain\r\n * @param plugins - The plugin instances that will be executed\r\n * @param config - The current config\r\n * @param core - The current core instance\r\n * @param startAt - Identifies the next plugin to execute, if null there is no \"next\" plugin and if undefined it should assume the start of the chain\r\n */\r\nexport function createProcessTelemetryContext(telemetryChain, cfg, core, startAt) {\r\n var config = createDynamicConfig(cfg);\r\n var internalContext = _createInternalContext(telemetryChain, config, core, startAt);\r\n var context = internalContext.ctx;\r\n function _processNext(env) {\r\n var nextPlugin = internalContext._next();\r\n if (nextPlugin) {\r\n // Run the next plugin which will call \"processNext()\"\r\n nextPlugin[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY /* @min:%2eprocessTelemetry */](env, context);\r\n }\r\n return !nextPlugin;\r\n }\r\n function _createNew(plugins, startAt) {\r\n if (plugins === void 0) { plugins = null; }\r\n if (isArray(plugins)) {\r\n plugins = createTelemetryProxyChain(plugins, config.cfg, core, startAt);\r\n }\r\n return createProcessTelemetryContext(plugins || context[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */](), config.cfg, core, startAt);\r\n }\r\n context[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */] = _processNext;\r\n context[_DYN_CREATE_NEW /* @min:%2ecreateNew */] = _createNew;\r\n return context;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates a new Telemetry Item context with the current config, core and plugin execution chain for handling the unloading of the chain\r\n * @param plugins - The plugin instances that will be executed\r\n * @param config - The current config\r\n * @param core - The current core instance\r\n * @param startAt - Identifies the next plugin to execute, if null there is no \"next\" plugin and if undefined it should assume the start of the chain\r\n */\r\nexport function createProcessTelemetryUnloadContext(telemetryChain, core, startAt) {\r\n var config = createDynamicConfig(core.config);\r\n var internalContext = _createInternalContext(telemetryChain, config, core, startAt);\r\n var context = internalContext.ctx;\r\n function _processNext(unloadState) {\r\n var nextPlugin = internalContext._next();\r\n nextPlugin && nextPlugin[_DYN_UNLOAD /* @min:%2eunload */](context, unloadState);\r\n return !nextPlugin;\r\n }\r\n function _createNew(plugins, startAt) {\r\n if (plugins === void 0) { plugins = null; }\r\n if (isArray(plugins)) {\r\n plugins = createTelemetryProxyChain(plugins, config.cfg, core, startAt);\r\n }\r\n return createProcessTelemetryUnloadContext(plugins || context[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */](), core, startAt);\r\n }\r\n context[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */] = _processNext;\r\n context[_DYN_CREATE_NEW /* @min:%2ecreateNew */] = _createNew;\r\n return context;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates a new Telemetry Item context with the current config, core and plugin execution chain for updating the configuration\r\n * @param plugins - The plugin instances that will be executed\r\n * @param config - The current config\r\n * @param core - The current core instance\r\n * @param startAt - Identifies the next plugin to execute, if null there is no \"next\" plugin and if undefined it should assume the start of the chain\r\n */\r\nexport function createProcessTelemetryUpdateContext(telemetryChain, core, startAt) {\r\n var config = createDynamicConfig(core.config);\r\n var internalContext = _createInternalContext(telemetryChain, config, core, startAt);\r\n var context = internalContext.ctx;\r\n function _processNext(updateState) {\r\n return context.iterate(function (plugin) {\r\n if (isFunction(plugin[_DYN_UPDATE /* @min:%2eupdate */])) {\r\n plugin[_DYN_UPDATE /* @min:%2eupdate */](context, updateState);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n function _createNew(plugins, startAt) {\r\n if (plugins === void 0) { plugins = null; }\r\n if (isArray(plugins)) {\r\n plugins = createTelemetryProxyChain(plugins, config.cfg, core, startAt);\r\n }\r\n return createProcessTelemetryUpdateContext(plugins || context[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */](), core, startAt);\r\n }\r\n context[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */] = _processNext;\r\n context[_DYN_CREATE_NEW /* @min:%2ecreateNew */] = _createNew;\r\n return context;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Creates an execution chain from the array of plugins\r\n * @param plugins - The array of plugins that will be executed in this order\r\n * @param defItemCtx - The default execution context to use when no telemetry context is passed to processTelemetry(), this\r\n * should be for legacy plugins only. Currently, only used for passing the current core instance and to provide better error\r\n * reporting (hasRun) when errors occur.\r\n */\r\nexport function createTelemetryProxyChain(plugins, config, core, startAt) {\r\n var firstProxy = null;\r\n var add = startAt ? false : true;\r\n if (isArray(plugins) && plugins[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n // Create the proxies and wire up the next plugin chain\r\n var lastProxy_1 = null;\r\n arrForEach(plugins, function (thePlugin) {\r\n if (!add && startAt === thePlugin) {\r\n add = true;\r\n }\r\n if (add && thePlugin && isFunction(thePlugin[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY /* @min:%2eprocessTelemetry */])) {\r\n // Only add plugins that are processors\r\n var newProxy = createTelemetryPluginProxy(thePlugin, config, core);\r\n if (!firstProxy) {\r\n firstProxy = newProxy;\r\n }\r\n if (lastProxy_1) {\r\n // Set this new proxy as the next for the previous one\r\n lastProxy_1._setNext(newProxy);\r\n }\r\n lastProxy_1 = newProxy;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (startAt && !firstProxy) {\r\n // Special case where the \"startAt\" was not in the original list of plugins\r\n return createTelemetryProxyChain([startAt], config, core);\r\n }\r\n return firstProxy;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Create the processing telemetry proxy instance, the proxy is used to abstract the current plugin to allow monitoring and\r\n * execution plugins while passing around the dynamic execution state (IProcessTelemetryContext), the proxy instance no longer\r\n * contains any execution state and can be reused between requests (this was not the case for 2.7.2 and earlier with the\r\n * TelemetryPluginChain class).\r\n * @param plugin - The plugin instance to proxy\r\n * @param config - The default execution context to use when no telemetry context is passed to processTelemetry(), this\r\n * should be for legacy plugins only. Currently, only used for passing the current core instance and to provide better error\r\n * reporting (hasRun) when errors occur.\r\n * @returns\r\n */\r\nexport function createTelemetryPluginProxy(plugin, config, core) {\r\n var nextProxy = null;\r\n var hasProcessTelemetry = isFunction(plugin[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY /* @min:%2eprocessTelemetry */]);\r\n var hasSetNext = isFunction(plugin[_DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN /* @min:%2esetNextPlugin */]);\r\n var chainId;\r\n if (plugin) {\r\n chainId = plugin[_DYN_IDENTIFIER /* @min:%2eidentifier */] + \"-\" + plugin[STR_PRIORITY /* @min:%2epriority */] + \"-\" + _chainId++;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n chainId = \"Unknown-0-\" + _chainId++;\r\n }\r\n var proxyChain = {\r\n getPlugin: function () {\r\n return plugin;\r\n },\r\n getNext: function () {\r\n return nextProxy;\r\n },\r\n processTelemetry: _processTelemetry,\r\n unload: _unloadPlugin,\r\n update: _updatePlugin,\r\n _id: chainId,\r\n _setNext: function (nextPlugin) {\r\n nextProxy = nextPlugin;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n function _getTelCtx() {\r\n var itemCtx;\r\n // Looks like a plugin didn't pass the (optional) context, so create a new one\r\n if (plugin && isFunction(plugin[strGetTelCtx])) {\r\n // This plugin extends from the BaseTelemetryPlugin so lets use it\r\n itemCtx = plugin[strGetTelCtx]();\r\n }\r\n if (!itemCtx) {\r\n // Create a temporary one\r\n itemCtx = createProcessTelemetryContext(proxyChain, config, core);\r\n }\r\n return itemCtx;\r\n }\r\n function _processChain(itemCtx, processPluginFn, name, details, isAsync) {\r\n var hasRun = false;\r\n var identifier = plugin ? plugin[_DYN_IDENTIFIER /* @min:%2eidentifier */] : strTelemetryPluginChain;\r\n var hasRunContext = itemCtx[strHasRunFlags];\r\n if (!hasRunContext) {\r\n // Assign and populate\r\n hasRunContext = itemCtx[strHasRunFlags] = {};\r\n }\r\n // Ensure that we keep the context in sync\r\n itemCtx.setNext(nextProxy);\r\n if (plugin) {\r\n doPerf(itemCtx[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */](), function () { return identifier + \":\" + name; }, function () {\r\n // Mark this component as having run\r\n hasRunContext[chainId] = true;\r\n try {\r\n // Set a flag on the next plugin so we know if it was attempted to be executed\r\n var nextId = nextProxy ? nextProxy._id : STR_EMPTY;\r\n if (nextId) {\r\n hasRunContext[nextId] = false;\r\n }\r\n hasRun = processPluginFn(itemCtx);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n var hasNextRun = nextProxy ? hasRunContext[nextProxy._id] : true;\r\n if (hasNextRun) {\r\n // The next plugin after us has already run so set this one as complete\r\n hasRun = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!nextProxy || !hasNextRun) {\r\n // Either we have no next plugin or the current one did not attempt to call the next plugin\r\n // Which means the current one is the root of the failure so log/report this failure\r\n _throwInternal(itemCtx[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */](), 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */, 73 /* _eInternalMessageId.PluginException */, \"Plugin [\" + identifier + \"] failed during \" + name + \" - \" + dumpObj(error) + \", run flags: \" + dumpObj(hasRunContext));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, details, isAsync);\r\n }\r\n return hasRun;\r\n }\r\n function _processTelemetry(env, itemCtx) {\r\n itemCtx = itemCtx || _getTelCtx();\r\n function _callProcessTelemetry(itemCtx) {\r\n if (!plugin || !hasProcessTelemetry) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var pluginState = _getPluginState(plugin);\r\n if (pluginState[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */] || pluginState[STR_DISABLED]) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n // Ensure that we keep the context in sync (for processNext()), just in case a plugin\r\n // doesn't calls processTelemetry() instead of itemContext.processNext() or some\r\n // other form of error occurred\r\n if (hasSetNext) {\r\n // Backward compatibility setting the next plugin on the instance\r\n plugin[_DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN /* @min:%2esetNextPlugin */](nextProxy);\r\n }\r\n plugin[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY /* @min:%2eprocessTelemetry */](env, itemCtx);\r\n // Process Telemetry is expected to call itemCtx.processNext() or nextPlugin.processTelemetry()\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n if (!_processChain(itemCtx, _callProcessTelemetry, \"processTelemetry\", function () { return ({ item: env }); }, !(env.sync))) {\r\n // The underlying plugin is either not defined, not enabled or does not have a processTelemetry implementation\r\n // so we still want the next plugin to be executed.\r\n itemCtx[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](env);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _unloadPlugin(unloadCtx, unloadState) {\r\n function _callTeardown() {\r\n // Setting default of hasRun as false so the proxyProcessFn() is called as teardown() doesn't have to exist or call unloadNext().\r\n var hasRun = false;\r\n if (plugin) {\r\n var pluginState = _getPluginState(plugin);\r\n var pluginCore = plugin[STR_CORE] || pluginState[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */];\r\n // Only teardown the plugin if it was initialized by the current core (i.e. It's not a shared plugin)\r\n if (plugin && (!pluginCore || pluginCore === unloadCtx.core()) && !pluginState[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */]) {\r\n // Handle plugins that don't extend from the BaseTelemetryPlugin\r\n pluginState[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */] = null;\r\n pluginState[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */] = true;\r\n pluginState[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */] = false;\r\n if (plugin[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */] && plugin[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */](unloadCtx, unloadState) === true) {\r\n // plugin told us that it was going to (or has) call unloadCtx.processNext()\r\n hasRun = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return hasRun;\r\n }\r\n if (!_processChain(unloadCtx, _callTeardown, \"unload\", function () { }, unloadState[_DYN_IS_ASYNC /* @min:%2eisAsync */])) {\r\n // Only called if we hasRun was not true\r\n unloadCtx[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](unloadState);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _updatePlugin(updateCtx, updateState) {\r\n function _callUpdate() {\r\n // Setting default of hasRun as false so the proxyProcessFn() is called as teardown() doesn't have to exist or call unloadNext().\r\n var hasRun = false;\r\n if (plugin) {\r\n var pluginState = _getPluginState(plugin);\r\n var pluginCore = plugin[STR_CORE] || pluginState[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */];\r\n // Only update the plugin if it was initialized by the current core (i.e. It's not a shared plugin)\r\n if (plugin && (!pluginCore || pluginCore === updateCtx.core()) && !pluginState[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */]) {\r\n if (plugin[_DYN_UPDATE /* @min:%2eupdate */] && plugin[_DYN_UPDATE /* @min:%2eupdate */](updateCtx, updateState) === true) {\r\n // plugin told us that it was going to (or has) call unloadCtx.processNext()\r\n hasRun = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return hasRun;\r\n }\r\n if (!_processChain(updateCtx, _callUpdate, \"update\", function () { }, false)) {\r\n // Only called if we hasRun was not true\r\n updateCtx[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](updateState);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return objFreeze(proxyChain);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * This class will be removed!\r\n * @deprecated use createProcessTelemetryContext() instead\r\n */\r\nvar ProcessTelemetryContext = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n /**\r\n * Creates a new Telemetry Item context with the current config, core and plugin execution chain\r\n * @param plugins - The plugin instances that will be executed\r\n * @param config - The current config\r\n * @param core - The current core instance\r\n */\r\n function ProcessTelemetryContext(pluginChain, config, core, startAt) {\r\n var _self = this;\r\n var context = createProcessTelemetryContext(pluginChain, config, core, startAt);\r\n // Proxy all functions of the context to this object\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, context, objKeys(context));\r\n }\r\n return ProcessTelemetryContext;\r\n}());\r\nexport { ProcessTelemetryContext };\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=ProcessTelemetryContext.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\"use strict\";\r\nvar _a;\r\nimport dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\nimport { isFunction, objDefine } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { createDynamicConfig } from \"../Config/DynamicConfig\";\r\nimport { _DYN_CREATE_NEW, _DYN_DIAG_LOG, _DYN_GET_NEXT, _DYN_GET_PROCESS_TEL_CONT0, _DYN_INITIALIZE, _DYN_IS_ASYNC, _DYN_IS_INITIALIZED, _DYN_PROCESS_NEXT, _DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN, _DYN_TEARDOWN, _DYN_UPDATE, _DYN__DO_TEARDOWN } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { safeGetLogger } from \"./DiagnosticLogger\";\r\nimport { isNotNullOrUndefined, proxyFunctionAs } from \"./HelperFuncs\";\r\nimport { STR_CORE, STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG, STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { createProcessTelemetryContext, createProcessTelemetryUnloadContext, createProcessTelemetryUpdateContext } from \"./ProcessTelemetryContext\";\r\nimport { createUnloadHandlerContainer } from \"./UnloadHandlerContainer\";\r\nimport { createUnloadHookContainer } from \"./UnloadHookContainer\";\r\nvar strGetPlugin = \"getPlugin\";\r\nvar defaultValues = (_a = {},\r\n _a[STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG] = { isVal: isNotNullOrUndefined, v: {} },\r\n _a);\r\n/**\r\n * BaseTelemetryPlugin provides a basic implementation of the ITelemetryPlugin interface so that plugins\r\n * can avoid implementation the same set of boiler plate code as well as provide a base\r\n * implementation so that new default implementations can be added without breaking all plugins.\r\n */\r\nvar BaseTelemetryPlugin = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function BaseTelemetryPlugin() {\r\n var _self = this; // Setting _self here as it's used outside of the dynamicProto as well\r\n // NOTE!: DON'T set default values here, instead set them in the _initDefaults() function as it is also called during teardown()\r\n var _isinitialized;\r\n var _rootCtx; // Used as the root context, holding the current config and initialized core\r\n var _nextPlugin; // Used for backward compatibility where plugins don't call the main pipeline\r\n var _unloadHandlerContainer;\r\n var _hookContainer;\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n dynamicProto(BaseTelemetryPlugin, _self, function (_self) {\r\n _self[_DYN_INITIALIZE /* @min:%2einitialize */] = function (config, core, extensions, pluginChain) {\r\n _setDefaults(config, core, pluginChain);\r\n _isinitialized = true;\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */] = function (unloadCtx, unloadState) {\r\n var _a;\r\n // If this plugin has already been torn down (not operational) or is not initialized (core is not set)\r\n // or the core being used for unload was not the same core used for initialization.\r\n var core = _self[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */];\r\n if (!core || (unloadCtx && core !== unloadCtx[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */]())) {\r\n // Do Nothing as either the plugin is not initialized or was not initialized by the current core\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var result;\r\n var unloadDone = false;\r\n var theUnloadCtx = unloadCtx || createProcessTelemetryUnloadContext(null, core, _nextPlugin && _nextPlugin[strGetPlugin] ? _nextPlugin[strGetPlugin]() : _nextPlugin);\r\n var theUnloadState = unloadState || (_a = {\r\n reason: 0 /* TelemetryUnloadReason.ManualTeardown */\r\n },\r\n _a[_DYN_IS_ASYNC /* @min:isAsync */] = false,\r\n _a);\r\n function _unloadCallback() {\r\n if (!unloadDone) {\r\n unloadDone = true;\r\n _unloadHandlerContainer.run(theUnloadCtx, unloadState);\r\n _hookContainer.run(theUnloadCtx[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */]());\r\n if (result === true) {\r\n theUnloadCtx[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](theUnloadState);\r\n }\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!_self[_DYN__DO_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2e_doTeardown */] || _self[_DYN__DO_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2e_doTeardown */](theUnloadCtx, theUnloadState, _unloadCallback) !== true) {\r\n _unloadCallback();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Tell the caller that we will be calling processNext()\r\n result = true;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_UPDATE /* @min:%2eupdate */] = function (updateCtx, updateState) {\r\n // If this plugin has already been torn down (not operational) or is not initialized (core is not set)\r\n // or the core being used for unload was not the same core used for initialization.\r\n var core = _self[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */];\r\n if (!core || (updateCtx && core !== updateCtx[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */]())) {\r\n // Do Nothing\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var result;\r\n var updateDone = false;\r\n var theUpdateCtx = updateCtx || createProcessTelemetryUpdateContext(null, core, _nextPlugin && _nextPlugin[strGetPlugin] ? _nextPlugin[strGetPlugin]() : _nextPlugin);\r\n var theUpdateState = updateState || {\r\n reason: 0 /* TelemetryUpdateReason.Unknown */\r\n };\r\n function _updateCallback() {\r\n if (!updateDone) {\r\n updateDone = true;\r\n _setDefaults(theUpdateCtx.getCfg(), theUpdateCtx.core(), theUpdateCtx[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */]());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!_self._doUpdate || _self._doUpdate(theUpdateCtx, theUpdateState, _updateCallback) !== true) {\r\n _updateCallback();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n result = true;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n };\r\n proxyFunctionAs(_self, \"_addUnloadCb\", function () { return _unloadHandlerContainer; }, \"add\");\r\n proxyFunctionAs(_self, \"_addHook\", function () { return _hookContainer; }, \"add\");\r\n objDefine(_self, \"_unloadHooks\", { g: function () { return _hookContainer; } });\r\n });\r\n // These are added after the dynamicProto so that are not moved to the prototype\r\n _self[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */] = function (itemCtx) {\r\n return _getTelCtx(itemCtx)[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */]();\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */] = function () {\r\n return _isinitialized;\r\n };\r\n _self.setInitialized = function (isInitialized) {\r\n _isinitialized = isInitialized;\r\n };\r\n // _self.getNextPlugin = () => DO NOT IMPLEMENT\r\n // Sub-classes of this base class *should* not be relying on this value and instead\r\n // should use processNext() function. If you require access to the plugin use the\r\n // IProcessTelemetryContext.getNext().getPlugin() while in the pipeline, Note getNext() may return null.\r\n _self[_DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN /* @min:%2esetNextPlugin */] = function (next) {\r\n _nextPlugin = next;\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */] = function (env, itemCtx) {\r\n if (itemCtx) {\r\n // Normal core execution sequence\r\n itemCtx[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](env);\r\n }\r\n else if (_nextPlugin && isFunction(_nextPlugin[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY /* @min:%2eprocessTelemetry */])) {\r\n // Looks like backward compatibility or out of band processing. And as it looks\r\n // like a ITelemetryPlugin or ITelemetryPluginChain, just call processTelemetry\r\n _nextPlugin[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY /* @min:%2eprocessTelemetry */](env, null);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self._getTelCtx = _getTelCtx;\r\n function _getTelCtx(currentCtx) {\r\n if (currentCtx === void 0) { currentCtx = null; }\r\n var itemCtx = currentCtx;\r\n if (!itemCtx) {\r\n var rootCtx = _rootCtx || createProcessTelemetryContext(null, {}, _self[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */]);\r\n // tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-conditional-expression\r\n if (_nextPlugin && _nextPlugin[strGetPlugin]) {\r\n // Looks like a chain object\r\n itemCtx = rootCtx[_DYN_CREATE_NEW /* @min:%2ecreateNew */](null, _nextPlugin[strGetPlugin]);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n itemCtx = rootCtx[_DYN_CREATE_NEW /* @min:%2ecreateNew */](null, _nextPlugin);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return itemCtx;\r\n }\r\n function _setDefaults(config, core, pluginChain) {\r\n // Make sure the extensionConfig exists and the config is dynamic\r\n createDynamicConfig(config, defaultValues, safeGetLogger(core));\r\n if (!pluginChain && core) {\r\n // Get the first plugin from the core\r\n pluginChain = core[_DYN_GET_PROCESS_TEL_CONT0 /* @min:%2egetProcessTelContext */]()[_DYN_GET_NEXT /* @min:%2egetNext */]();\r\n }\r\n var nextPlugin = _nextPlugin;\r\n if (_nextPlugin && _nextPlugin[strGetPlugin]) {\r\n // If it looks like a proxy/chain then get the plugin\r\n nextPlugin = _nextPlugin[strGetPlugin]();\r\n }\r\n // Support legacy plugins where core was defined as a property\r\n _self[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */] = core;\r\n _rootCtx = createProcessTelemetryContext(pluginChain, config, core, nextPlugin);\r\n }\r\n function _initDefaults() {\r\n _isinitialized = false;\r\n _self[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */] = null;\r\n _rootCtx = null;\r\n _nextPlugin = null;\r\n _hookContainer = createUnloadHookContainer();\r\n _unloadHandlerContainer = createUnloadHandlerContainer();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n BaseTelemetryPlugin.prototype.initialize = function (config, core, extensions, pluginChain) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Tear down the plugin and remove any hooked value, the plugin should be removed so that it is no longer initialized and\r\n * therefore could be re-initialized after being torn down. The plugin should ensure that once this has been called any further\r\n * processTelemetry calls are ignored and it just calls the processNext() with the provided context.\r\n * @param unloadCtx - This is the context that should be used during unloading.\r\n * @param unloadState - The details / state of the unload process, it holds details like whether it should be unloaded synchronously or asynchronously and the reason for the unload.\r\n * @returns boolean - true if the plugin has or will call processNext(), this for backward compatibility as previously teardown was synchronous and returned nothing.\r\n */\r\n BaseTelemetryPlugin.prototype.teardown = function (unloadCtx, unloadState) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return false;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * The the plugin should re-evaluate configuration and update any cached configuration settings.\r\n * @param updateCtx - This is the context that should be used during updating.\r\n * @param updateState - The details / state of the update process, it holds details like the current and previous configuration.\r\n * @returns boolean - true if the plugin has or will call updateCtx.processNext(), this allows the plugin to perform any asynchronous operations.\r\n */\r\n BaseTelemetryPlugin.prototype.update = function (updateCtx, updateState) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add an unload handler that will be called when the SDK is being unloaded\r\n * @param handler - the handler\r\n */\r\n BaseTelemetryPlugin.prototype._addUnloadCb = function (handler) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add this hook so that it is automatically removed during unloading\r\n * @param hooks - The single hook or an array of IInstrumentHook objects\r\n */\r\n BaseTelemetryPlugin.prototype._addHook = function (hooks) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n return BaseTelemetryPlugin;\r\n}());\r\nexport { BaseTelemetryPlugin };\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=BaseTelemetryPlugin.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { arrForEach, dumpObj } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_DIAG_LOG, _DYN_PUSH } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { _throwInternal } from \"./DiagnosticLogger\";\r\nexport function createUnloadHandlerContainer() {\r\n var handlers = [];\r\n function _addHandler(handler) {\r\n if (handler) {\r\n handlers[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](handler);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _runHandlers(unloadCtx, unloadState) {\r\n arrForEach(handlers, function (handler) {\r\n try {\r\n handler(unloadCtx, unloadState);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n _throwInternal(unloadCtx[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */](), 2 /* eLoggingSeverity.WARNING */, 73 /* _eInternalMessageId.PluginException */, \"Unexpected error calling unload handler - \" + dumpObj(e));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n handlers = [];\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n add: _addHandler,\r\n run: _runHandlers\r\n };\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=UnloadHandlerContainer.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { arrAppend, arrForEach, dumpObj } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _throwInternal } from \"./DiagnosticLogger\";\r\n/**\r\n * Create a IUnloadHookContainer which can be used to remember unload hook functions to be executed during the component unloading\r\n * process.\r\n * @returns A new IUnloadHookContainer instance\r\n */\r\nexport function createUnloadHookContainer() {\r\n var _hooks = [];\r\n function _doUnload(logger) {\r\n var oldHooks = _hooks;\r\n _hooks = [];\r\n // Remove all registered unload hooks\r\n arrForEach(oldHooks, function (fn) {\r\n // allow either rm or remove callback function\r\n try {\r\n (fn.rm || fn.remove).call(fn);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n _throwInternal(logger, 2 /* eLoggingSeverity.WARNING */, 73 /* _eInternalMessageId.PluginException */, \"Unloading:\" + dumpObj(e));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n function _addHook(hooks) {\r\n if (hooks) {\r\n arrAppend(_hooks, hooks);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n run: _doUnload,\r\n add: _addHook\r\n };\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=UnloadHookContainer.js.map","// // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// // Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { __extends } from \"tslib\";\r\nimport dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\nimport { arrAppend, arrForEach, dumpObj } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_APPLY, _DYN_DIAG_LOG, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_PROCESS_NEXT, _DYN_SPLICE, _DYN__DO_TEARDOWN } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { BaseTelemetryPlugin } from \"./BaseTelemetryPlugin\";\r\nimport { _throwInternal } from \"./DiagnosticLogger\";\r\nimport { getExceptionName } from \"./HelperFuncs\";\r\nimport { STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nfunction _addInitializer(_initializers, id, telemetryInitializer) {\r\n var theInitializer = {\r\n id: id,\r\n fn: telemetryInitializer\r\n };\r\n arrAppend(_initializers, theInitializer);\r\n var handler = {\r\n remove: function () {\r\n arrForEach(_initializers, function (initializer, idx) {\r\n if (initializer.id === theInitializer.id) {\r\n _initializers[_DYN_SPLICE /* @min:%2esplice */](idx, 1);\r\n return -1;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return handler;\r\n}\r\nfunction _runInitializers(_initializers, item, logger) {\r\n var doNotSendItem = false;\r\n var telemetryInitializersCount = _initializers[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < telemetryInitializersCount; ++i) {\r\n var telemetryInitializer = _initializers[i];\r\n if (telemetryInitializer) {\r\n try {\r\n if (telemetryInitializer.fn[_DYN_APPLY /* @min:%2eapply */](null, [item]) === false) {\r\n doNotSendItem = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // log error but dont stop executing rest of the telemetry initializers\r\n // doNotSendItem = true;\r\n _throwInternal(logger, 2 /* eLoggingSeverity.WARNING */, 64 /* _eInternalMessageId.TelemetryInitializerFailed */, \"Telemetry initializer failed: \" + getExceptionName(e), { exception: dumpObj(e) }, true);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return !doNotSendItem;\r\n}\r\nvar TelemetryInitializerPlugin = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\r\n __extends(TelemetryInitializerPlugin, _super);\r\n function TelemetryInitializerPlugin() {\r\n var _this = _super.call(this) || this;\r\n _this.identifier = \"TelemetryInitializerPlugin\";\r\n _this.priority = 199;\r\n // NOTE!: DON'T set default values here, instead set them in the _initDefaults() function as it is also called during teardown()\r\n var _id;\r\n var _initializers;\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n dynamicProto(TelemetryInitializerPlugin, _this, function (_self, _base) {\r\n _self.addTelemetryInitializer = function (telemetryInitializer) {\r\n return _addInitializer(_initializers, _id++, telemetryInitializer);\r\n };\r\n _self[STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY /* @min:%2eprocessTelemetry */] = function (item, itemCtx) {\r\n if (_runInitializers(_initializers, item, itemCtx ? itemCtx[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */]() : _self[_DYN_DIAG_LOG /* @min:%2ediagLog */]())) {\r\n _self[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](item, itemCtx);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN__DO_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2e_doTeardown */] = function () {\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n };\r\n });\r\n function _initDefaults() {\r\n _id = 0;\r\n _initializers = [];\r\n }\r\n return _this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Add a telemetry processor to decorate or drop telemetry events.\r\n * @param telemetryInitializer - The Telemetry Initializer function\r\n * @returns - A ITelemetryInitializerHandler to enable the initializer to be removed\r\n */\r\n TelemetryInitializerPlugin.prototype.addTelemetryInitializer = function (telemetryInitializer) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n TelemetryInitializerPlugin.prototype.processTelemetry = function (env, itemCtx) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n return TelemetryInitializerPlugin;\r\n}(BaseTelemetryPlugin));\r\nexport { TelemetryInitializerPlugin };\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=TelemetryInitializerPlugin.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\"use strict\";\r\nvar _a;\r\nimport { __spreadArray } from \"tslib\";\r\nimport dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\nimport { createPromise } from \"@nevware21/ts-async\";\r\nimport { arrAppend, arrForEach, arrIndexOf, createTimeout, deepExtend, hasDocument, isFunction, isNullOrUndefined, isPlainObject, objDeepFreeze, objDefine, objForEachKey, objFreeze, objHasOwn, scheduleTimeout, throwError } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { createDynamicConfig, onConfigChange } from \"../Config/DynamicConfig\";\r\nimport { _DYN_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LIS1, _DYN_CANCEL, _DYN_CREATE_NEW, _DYN_ENABLED, _DYN_GET_NOTIFY_MGR, _DYN_GET_PLUGIN, _DYN_GET_PROCESS_TEL_CONT0, _DYN_IDENTIFIER, _DYN_INITIALIZE, _DYN_IS_ASYNC, _DYN_IS_INITIALIZED, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_LOGGER, _DYN_LOGGING_LEVEL_CONSOL4, _DYN_MESSAGE, _DYN_MESSAGE_ID, _DYN_NAME, _DYN_NOTIFY, _DYN_ON_COMPLETE, _DYN_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS, _DYN_PROCESS_NEXT, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_2, _DYN_SET_DF, _DYN_SPLICE, _DYN_STOP_POLLING_INTERNA3, _DYN_TEARDOWN, _DYN_TIME, _DYN_UNLOAD, _DYN_VERSION, _DYN_WATCH } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { doUnloadAll, runTargetUnload } from \"./AsyncUtils\";\r\nimport { ChannelControllerPriority } from \"./Constants\";\r\nimport { createCookieMgr } from \"./CookieMgr\";\r\nimport { createUniqueNamespace } from \"./DataCacheHelper\";\r\nimport { getDebugListener } from \"./DbgExtensionUtils\";\r\nimport { DiagnosticLogger, _InternalLogMessage, _throwInternal, _warnToConsole } from \"./DiagnosticLogger\";\r\nimport { getSetValue, proxyFunctionAs, proxyFunctions, toISOString } from \"./HelperFuncs\";\r\nimport { STR_CHANNELS, STR_CORE, STR_CREATE_PERF_MGR, STR_DISABLED, STR_EMPTY, STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED, STR_EXTENSIONS, STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG, STR_GET_PERF_MGR, STR_PRIORITY, UNDEFINED_VALUE } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { NotificationManager } from \"./NotificationManager\";\r\nimport { PerfManager, doPerf, getGblPerfMgr } from \"./PerfManager\";\r\nimport { createProcessTelemetryContext, createProcessTelemetryUnloadContext, createProcessTelemetryUpdateContext, createTelemetryProxyChain } from \"./ProcessTelemetryContext\";\r\nimport { _getPluginState, createDistributedTraceContext, initializePlugins, sortPlugins } from \"./TelemetryHelpers\";\r\nimport { TelemetryInitializerPlugin } from \"./TelemetryInitializerPlugin\";\r\nimport { createUnloadHandlerContainer } from \"./UnloadHandlerContainer\";\r\nimport { createUnloadHookContainer } from \"./UnloadHookContainer\";\r\nvar strValidationError = \"Plugins must provide initialize method\";\r\nvar strNotificationManager = \"_notificationManager\";\r\nvar strSdkUnloadingError = \"SDK is still unloading...\";\r\nvar strSdkNotInitialized = \"SDK is not initialized\";\r\n// const strPluginUnloadFailed = \"Failed to unload plugin\";\r\n/**\r\n * The default settings for the config.\r\n * WE MUST include all defaults here to ensure that the config is created with all of the properties\r\n * defined as dynamic.\r\n */\r\nvar defaultConfig = objDeepFreeze((_a = {\r\n cookieCfg: {}\r\n },\r\n _a[STR_EXTENSIONS] = { rdOnly: true, ref: true, v: [] },\r\n _a[STR_CHANNELS] = { rdOnly: true, ref: true, v: [] },\r\n _a[STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG] = { ref: true, v: {} },\r\n _a[STR_CREATE_PERF_MGR] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _a.loggingLevelConsole = 0 /* eLoggingSeverity.DISABLED */,\r\n _a.diagnosticLogInterval = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _a));\r\n/**\r\n * Helper to create the default performance manager\r\n * @param core\r\n * @param notificationMgr\r\n */\r\nfunction _createPerfManager(core, notificationMgr) {\r\n return new PerfManager(notificationMgr);\r\n}\r\nfunction _validateExtensions(logger, channelPriority, allExtensions) {\r\n var _a;\r\n // Concat all available extensions\r\n var coreExtensions = [];\r\n var channels = [];\r\n // Check if any two extensions have the same priority, then warn to console\r\n // And extract the local extensions from the\r\n var extPriorities = {};\r\n // Extension validation\r\n arrForEach(allExtensions, function (ext) {\r\n // Check for ext.initialize\r\n if (isNullOrUndefined(ext) || isNullOrUndefined(ext[_DYN_INITIALIZE /* @min:%2einitialize */])) {\r\n throwError(strValidationError);\r\n }\r\n var extPriority = ext[STR_PRIORITY /* @min:%2epriority */];\r\n var identifier = ext[_DYN_IDENTIFIER /* @min:%2eidentifier */];\r\n if (ext && extPriority) {\r\n if (!isNullOrUndefined(extPriorities[extPriority])) {\r\n _warnToConsole(logger, \"Two extensions have same priority #\" + extPriority + \" - \" + extPriorities[extPriority] + \", \" + identifier);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // set a value\r\n extPriorities[extPriority] = identifier;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Split extensions to core and channels\r\n if (!extPriority || extPriority < channelPriority) {\r\n // Add to core extension that will be managed by AppInsightsCore\r\n coreExtensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](ext);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n channels[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](ext);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return _a = {},\r\n _a[STR_CORE /* @min:core */] = coreExtensions,\r\n _a[STR_CHANNELS /* @min:channels */] = channels,\r\n _a;\r\n}\r\nfunction _isPluginPresent(thePlugin, plugins) {\r\n var exists = false;\r\n arrForEach(plugins, function (plugin) {\r\n if (plugin === thePlugin) {\r\n exists = true;\r\n return -1;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return exists;\r\n}\r\nfunction _deepMergeConfig(details, target, newValues, merge) {\r\n // Lets assign the new values to the existing config\r\n if (newValues) {\r\n objForEachKey(newValues, function (key, value) {\r\n if (merge) {\r\n if (isPlainObject(value) && isPlainObject(target[key])) {\r\n // The target is an object and it has a value\r\n _deepMergeConfig(details, target[key], value, merge);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (merge && isPlainObject(value) && isPlainObject(target[key])) {\r\n // The target is an object and it has a value\r\n _deepMergeConfig(details, target[key], value, merge);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Just Assign (replace) and/or make the property dynamic\r\n details.set(target, key, value);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction _findWatcher(listeners, newWatcher) {\r\n var theListener = null;\r\n var idx = -1;\r\n arrForEach(listeners, function (listener, lp) {\r\n if (listener.w === newWatcher) {\r\n theListener = listener;\r\n idx = lp;\r\n return -1;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return { i: idx, l: theListener };\r\n}\r\nfunction _addDelayedCfgListener(listeners, newWatcher) {\r\n var theListener = _findWatcher(listeners, newWatcher).l;\r\n if (!theListener) {\r\n theListener = {\r\n w: newWatcher,\r\n rm: function () {\r\n var fnd = _findWatcher(listeners, newWatcher);\r\n if (fnd.i !== -1) {\r\n listeners[_DYN_SPLICE /* @min:%2esplice */](fnd.i, 1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n listeners[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](theListener);\r\n }\r\n return theListener;\r\n}\r\nfunction _registerDelayedCfgListener(config, listeners, logger) {\r\n arrForEach(listeners, function (listener) {\r\n var unloadHdl = onConfigChange(config, listener.w, logger);\r\n delete listener.w; // Clear the listener reference so it will get garbage collected.\r\n // replace the remove function\r\n listener.rm = function () {\r\n unloadHdl.rm();\r\n };\r\n });\r\n}\r\nvar AppInsightsCore = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function AppInsightsCore() {\r\n // NOTE!: DON'T set default values here, instead set them in the _initDefaults() function as it is also called during teardown()\r\n var _configHandler;\r\n var _isInitialized;\r\n var _logger;\r\n var _eventQueue;\r\n var _notificationManager;\r\n var _perfManager;\r\n var _cfgPerfManager;\r\n var _cookieManager;\r\n var _pluginChain;\r\n var _configExtensions;\r\n var _channelConfig;\r\n var _channels;\r\n var _isUnloading;\r\n var _telemetryInitializerPlugin;\r\n var _internalLogsEventName;\r\n var _evtNamespace;\r\n var _unloadHandlers;\r\n var _hookContainer;\r\n var _debugListener;\r\n var _traceCtx;\r\n var _instrumentationKey;\r\n var _cfgListeners;\r\n var _extensions;\r\n var _pluginVersionStringArr;\r\n var _pluginVersionString;\r\n /**\r\n * Internal log poller\r\n */\r\n var _internalLogPoller;\r\n var _internalLogPollerListening;\r\n var _forceStopInternalLogPoller;\r\n dynamicProto(AppInsightsCore, this, function (_self) {\r\n // Set the default values (also called during teardown)\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n // Special internal method to allow the unit tests and DebugPlugin to hook embedded objects\r\n _self[\"_getDbgPlgTargets\"] = function () {\r\n return [_extensions];\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */] = function () { return _isInitialized; };\r\n // Creating the self.initialize = ()\r\n _self[_DYN_INITIALIZE /* @min:%2einitialize */] = function (config, extensions, logger, notificationManager) {\r\n if (_isUnloading) {\r\n throwError(strSdkUnloadingError);\r\n }\r\n // Make sure core is only initialized once\r\n if (_self[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */]()) {\r\n throwError(\"Core cannot be initialized more than once\");\r\n }\r\n _configHandler = createDynamicConfig(config, defaultConfig, logger || _self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */], false);\r\n // Re-assigning the local config property so we don't have any references to the passed value and it can be garbage collected\r\n config = _configHandler.cfg;\r\n // This will be \"re-run\" if the referenced config properties are changed\r\n _addUnloadHook(_configHandler[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:%2ewatch */](function (details) {\r\n _instrumentationKey = details.cfg.instrumentationKey;\r\n // Mark the extensionConfig and all first level keys as referenced\r\n // This is so that calls to getExtCfg() will always return the same object\r\n // Even when a user may \"re-assign\" the plugin properties (or it's unloaded/reloaded)\r\n var extCfg = details.ref(details.cfg, STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG);\r\n objForEachKey(extCfg, function (key) {\r\n details.ref(extCfg, key);\r\n });\r\n if (isNullOrUndefined(_instrumentationKey)) {\r\n throwError(\"Please provide instrumentation key\");\r\n }\r\n }));\r\n _notificationManager = notificationManager;\r\n _initDebugListener();\r\n _initPerfManager();\r\n _self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */] = logger;\r\n var cfgExtensions = config[STR_EXTENSIONS /* @min:%2eextensions */];\r\n // Extension validation\r\n _configExtensions = [];\r\n _configExtensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */].apply(_configExtensions, __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], extensions, false), cfgExtensions, false));\r\n _channelConfig = config[STR_CHANNELS /* @min:%2echannels */];\r\n _initPluginChain(null);\r\n if (!_channels || _channels[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] === 0) {\r\n throwError(\"No \" + STR_CHANNELS + \" available\");\r\n }\r\n if (_channelConfig && _channelConfig[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 1) {\r\n var teeController = _self[_DYN_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */](\"TeeChannelController\");\r\n if (!teeController || !teeController.plugin) {\r\n _throwInternal(_logger, 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */, 28 /* _eInternalMessageId.SenderNotInitialized */, \"TeeChannel required\");\r\n }\r\n }\r\n _registerDelayedCfgListener(config, _cfgListeners, _logger);\r\n _cfgListeners = null;\r\n _isInitialized = true;\r\n _self.releaseQueue();\r\n _self[_DYN_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS /* @min:%2epollInternalLogs */]();\r\n };\r\n _self.getChannels = function () {\r\n var controls = [];\r\n if (_channels) {\r\n arrForEach(_channels, function (channel) {\r\n controls[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](channel);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return objFreeze(controls);\r\n };\r\n _self.track = function (telemetryItem) {\r\n doPerf(_self[STR_GET_PERF_MGR /* @min:%2egetPerfMgr */](), function () { return \"AppInsightsCore:track\"; }, function () {\r\n if (telemetryItem === null) {\r\n _notifyInvalidEvent(telemetryItem);\r\n // throw error\r\n throwError(\"Invalid telemetry item\");\r\n }\r\n // do basic validation before sending it through the pipeline\r\n if (!telemetryItem[_DYN_NAME /* @min:%2ename */] && isNullOrUndefined(telemetryItem[_DYN_NAME /* @min:%2ename */])) {\r\n _notifyInvalidEvent(telemetryItem);\r\n throwError(\"telemetry name required\");\r\n }\r\n // setup default iKey if not passed in\r\n telemetryItem.iKey = telemetryItem.iKey || _instrumentationKey;\r\n // add default timestamp if not passed in\r\n telemetryItem[_DYN_TIME /* @min:%2etime */] = telemetryItem[_DYN_TIME /* @min:%2etime */] || toISOString(new Date());\r\n // Common Schema 4.0\r\n telemetryItem.ver = telemetryItem.ver || \"4.0\";\r\n if (!_isUnloading && _self[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */]()) {\r\n // Process the telemetry plugin chain\r\n _createTelCtx()[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](telemetryItem);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // Queue events until all extensions are initialized\r\n _eventQueue[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](telemetryItem);\r\n }\r\n }, function () { return ({ item: telemetryItem }); }, !(telemetryItem.sync));\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_GET_PROCESS_TEL_CONT0 /* @min:%2egetProcessTelContext */] = _createTelCtx;\r\n _self[_DYN_GET_NOTIFY_MGR /* @min:%2egetNotifyMgr */] = function () {\r\n if (!_notificationManager) {\r\n _notificationManager = new NotificationManager(_configHandler.cfg);\r\n // For backward compatibility only\r\n _self[strNotificationManager] = _notificationManager;\r\n }\r\n return _notificationManager;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Adds a notification listener. The SDK calls methods on the listener when an appropriate notification is raised.\r\n * The added plugins must raise notifications. If the plugins do not implement the notifications, then no methods will be\r\n * called.\r\n * @param listener - An INotificationListener object.\r\n */\r\n _self[_DYN_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LIS1 /* @min:%2eaddNotificationListener */] = function (listener) {\r\n _self[_DYN_GET_NOTIFY_MGR /* @min:%2egetNotifyMgr */]()[_DYN_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LIS1 /* @min:%2eaddNotificationListener */](listener);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Removes all instances of the listener.\r\n * @param listener - INotificationListener to remove.\r\n */\r\n _self[_DYN_REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_2 /* @min:%2eremoveNotificationListener */] = function (listener) {\r\n if (_notificationManager) {\r\n _notificationManager[_DYN_REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_2 /* @min:%2eremoveNotificationListener */](listener);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self.getCookieMgr = function () {\r\n if (!_cookieManager) {\r\n _cookieManager = createCookieMgr(_configHandler.cfg, _self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */]);\r\n }\r\n return _cookieManager;\r\n };\r\n _self.setCookieMgr = function (cookieMgr) {\r\n if (_cookieManager !== cookieMgr) {\r\n runTargetUnload(_cookieManager, false);\r\n _cookieManager = cookieMgr;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[STR_GET_PERF_MGR /* @min:%2egetPerfMgr */] = function () {\r\n if (!_perfManager && !_cfgPerfManager) {\r\n _addUnloadHook(_configHandler[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:%2ewatch */](function (details) {\r\n if (details.cfg.enablePerfMgr) {\r\n var createPerfMgr = details.cfg[STR_CREATE_PERF_MGR /* @min:%2ecreatePerfMgr */];\r\n if (isFunction(createPerfMgr)) {\r\n _cfgPerfManager = createPerfMgr(_self, _self[_DYN_GET_NOTIFY_MGR /* @min:%2egetNotifyMgr */]());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n return _perfManager || _cfgPerfManager || getGblPerfMgr();\r\n };\r\n _self.setPerfMgr = function (perfMgr) {\r\n _perfManager = perfMgr;\r\n };\r\n _self.eventCnt = function () {\r\n return _eventQueue[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */];\r\n };\r\n _self.releaseQueue = function () {\r\n if (_isInitialized && _eventQueue[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n var eventQueue = _eventQueue;\r\n _eventQueue = [];\r\n arrForEach(eventQueue, function (event) {\r\n _createTelCtx()[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](event);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS /* @min:%2epollInternalLogs */] = function (eventName) {\r\n _internalLogsEventName = eventName || null;\r\n _forceStopInternalLogPoller = false;\r\n _internalLogPoller && _internalLogPoller[_DYN_CANCEL /* @min:%2ecancel */]();\r\n return _startLogPoller(true);\r\n };\r\n function _startLogPoller(alwaysStart) {\r\n if ((!_internalLogPoller || !_internalLogPoller[_DYN_ENABLED /* @min:%2eenabled */]) && !_forceStopInternalLogPoller) {\r\n var shouldStart = alwaysStart || (_logger && _logger.queue[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0);\r\n if (shouldStart) {\r\n if (!_internalLogPollerListening) {\r\n _internalLogPollerListening = true;\r\n // listen for any configuration changes so that changes to the\r\n // interval will cause the timer to be re-initialized\r\n _addUnloadHook(_configHandler[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:%2ewatch */](function (details) {\r\n var interval = details.cfg.diagnosticLogInterval;\r\n if (!interval || !(interval > 0)) {\r\n interval = 10000;\r\n }\r\n var isRunning = false;\r\n if (_internalLogPoller) {\r\n // It was already created so remember it's running and cancel\r\n isRunning = _internalLogPoller[_DYN_ENABLED /* @min:%2eenabled */];\r\n _internalLogPoller[_DYN_CANCEL /* @min:%2ecancel */]();\r\n }\r\n // Create / reconfigure\r\n _internalLogPoller = createTimeout(_flushInternalLogs, interval);\r\n _internalLogPoller.unref();\r\n // Restart if previously running\r\n _internalLogPoller[_DYN_ENABLED /* @min:%2eenabled */] = isRunning;\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n _internalLogPoller[_DYN_ENABLED /* @min:%2eenabled */] = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return _internalLogPoller;\r\n }\r\n _self[_DYN_STOP_POLLING_INTERNA3 /* @min:%2estopPollingInternalLogs */] = function () {\r\n _forceStopInternalLogPoller = true;\r\n _internalLogPoller && _internalLogPoller[_DYN_CANCEL /* @min:%2ecancel */]();\r\n _flushInternalLogs();\r\n };\r\n // Add addTelemetryInitializer\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, function () { return _telemetryInitializerPlugin; }, [\"addTelemetryInitializer\"]);\r\n _self[_DYN_UNLOAD /* @min:%2eunload */] = function (isAsync, unloadComplete, cbTimeout) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (isAsync === void 0) { isAsync = true; }\r\n if (!_isInitialized) {\r\n // The SDK is not initialized\r\n throwError(strSdkNotInitialized);\r\n }\r\n // Check if the SDK still unloading so throw\r\n if (_isUnloading) {\r\n // The SDK is already unloading\r\n throwError(strSdkUnloadingError);\r\n }\r\n var unloadState = (_a = {\r\n reason: 50 /* TelemetryUnloadReason.SdkUnload */\r\n },\r\n _a[_DYN_IS_ASYNC /* @min:isAsync */] = isAsync,\r\n _a.flushComplete = false,\r\n _a);\r\n var result;\r\n if (isAsync && !unloadComplete) {\r\n result = createPromise(function (resolve) {\r\n // Set the callback to the promise resolve callback\r\n unloadComplete = resolve;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n var processUnloadCtx = createProcessTelemetryUnloadContext(_getPluginChain(), _self);\r\n processUnloadCtx[_DYN_ON_COMPLETE /* @min:%2eonComplete */](function () {\r\n _hookContainer.run(_self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */]);\r\n // Run any \"unload\" functions for the _cookieManager, _notificationManager and _logger\r\n doUnloadAll([_cookieManager, _notificationManager, _logger], isAsync, function () {\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n unloadComplete && unloadComplete(unloadState);\r\n });\r\n }, _self);\r\n function _doUnload(flushComplete) {\r\n unloadState.flushComplete = flushComplete;\r\n _isUnloading = true;\r\n // Run all of the unload handlers first (before unloading the plugins)\r\n _unloadHandlers.run(processUnloadCtx, unloadState);\r\n // Stop polling the internal logs\r\n _self[_DYN_STOP_POLLING_INTERNA3 /* @min:%2estopPollingInternalLogs */]();\r\n // Start unloading the components, from this point onwards the SDK should be considered to be in an unstable state\r\n processUnloadCtx[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](unloadState);\r\n }\r\n _flushInternalLogs();\r\n if (!_flushChannels(isAsync, _doUnload, 6 /* SendRequestReason.SdkUnload */, cbTimeout)) {\r\n _doUnload(false);\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */] = _getPlugin;\r\n _self.addPlugin = function (plugin, replaceExisting, isAsync, addCb) {\r\n if (!plugin) {\r\n addCb && addCb(false);\r\n _logOrThrowError(strValidationError);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var existingPlugin = _getPlugin(plugin[_DYN_IDENTIFIER /* @min:%2eidentifier */]);\r\n if (existingPlugin && !replaceExisting) {\r\n addCb && addCb(false);\r\n _logOrThrowError(\"Plugin [\" + plugin[_DYN_IDENTIFIER /* @min:%2eidentifier */] + \"] is already loaded!\");\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var updateState = {\r\n reason: 16 /* TelemetryUpdateReason.PluginAdded */\r\n };\r\n function _addPlugin(removed) {\r\n _configExtensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](plugin);\r\n updateState.added = [plugin];\r\n // Re-Initialize the plugin chain\r\n _initPluginChain(updateState);\r\n addCb && addCb(true);\r\n }\r\n if (existingPlugin) {\r\n var removedPlugins_1 = [existingPlugin.plugin];\r\n var unloadState = {\r\n reason: 2 /* TelemetryUnloadReason.PluginReplace */,\r\n isAsync: !!isAsync\r\n };\r\n _removePlugins(removedPlugins_1, unloadState, function (removed) {\r\n if (!removed) {\r\n // Previous plugin was successfully removed or was not installed\r\n addCb && addCb(false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n updateState.removed = removedPlugins_1;\r\n updateState.reason |= 32 /* TelemetryUpdateReason.PluginRemoved */;\r\n _addPlugin(true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _addPlugin(false);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self.updateCfg = function (newConfig, mergeExisting) {\r\n if (mergeExisting === void 0) { mergeExisting = true; }\r\n var updateState;\r\n if (_self[_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED /* @min:%2eisInitialized */]()) {\r\n updateState = {\r\n reason: 1 /* TelemetryUpdateReason.ConfigurationChanged */,\r\n cfg: _configHandler.cfg,\r\n oldCfg: deepExtend({}, _configHandler.cfg),\r\n newConfig: deepExtend({}, newConfig),\r\n merge: mergeExisting\r\n };\r\n newConfig = updateState.newConfig;\r\n var cfg = _configHandler.cfg;\r\n // replace the immutable (if initialized) values\r\n // We don't currently allow updating the extensions and channels via the update config\r\n // So overwriting any user provided values to reuse the existing values\r\n newConfig[STR_EXTENSIONS /* @min:%2eextensions */] = cfg[STR_EXTENSIONS /* @min:%2eextensions */];\r\n newConfig[STR_CHANNELS /* @min:%2echannels */] = cfg[STR_CHANNELS /* @min:%2echannels */];\r\n }\r\n // Explicitly blocking any previous config watchers so that they don't get called because\r\n // of this bulk update (Probably not necessary)\r\n _configHandler._block(function (details) {\r\n // Lets assign the new values to the existing config either overwriting or re-assigning\r\n var theConfig = details.cfg;\r\n _deepMergeConfig(details, theConfig, newConfig, mergeExisting);\r\n if (!mergeExisting) {\r\n // Remove (unassign) the values \"missing\" from the newConfig and also not in the default config\r\n objForEachKey(theConfig, function (key) {\r\n if (!objHasOwn(newConfig, key)) {\r\n // Set the value to undefined\r\n details.set(theConfig, key, UNDEFINED_VALUE);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // Apply defaults to the new config\r\n details[_DYN_SET_DF /* @min:%2esetDf */](theConfig, defaultConfig);\r\n }, true);\r\n // Now execute all of the listeners (synchronously) so they update their values immediately\r\n _configHandler[_DYN_NOTIFY /* @min:%2enotify */]();\r\n if (updateState) {\r\n _doUpdate(updateState);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self.evtNamespace = function () {\r\n return _evtNamespace;\r\n };\r\n _self.flush = _flushChannels;\r\n _self.getTraceCtx = function (createNew) {\r\n if (!_traceCtx) {\r\n _traceCtx = createDistributedTraceContext();\r\n }\r\n return _traceCtx;\r\n };\r\n _self.setTraceCtx = function (traceCtx) {\r\n _traceCtx = traceCtx || null;\r\n };\r\n _self.addUnloadHook = _addUnloadHook;\r\n // Create the addUnloadCb\r\n proxyFunctionAs(_self, \"addUnloadCb\", function () { return _unloadHandlers; }, \"add\");\r\n _self.onCfgChange = function (handler) {\r\n var unloadHook;\r\n if (!_isInitialized) {\r\n unloadHook = _addDelayedCfgListener(_cfgListeners, handler);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n unloadHook = onConfigChange(_configHandler.cfg, handler, _self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */]);\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n rm: function () {\r\n unloadHook.rm();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n };\r\n _self.getWParam = function () {\r\n return (hasDocument() || !!_configHandler.cfg.enableWParam) ? 0 : -1;\r\n };\r\n function _setPluginVersions() {\r\n var thePlugins = {};\r\n _pluginVersionStringArr = [];\r\n var _addPluginVersions = function (plugins) {\r\n if (plugins) {\r\n arrForEach(plugins, function (plugin) {\r\n if (plugin[_DYN_IDENTIFIER /* @min:%2eidentifier */] && plugin[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] && !thePlugins[plugin.identifier]) {\r\n var ver = plugin[_DYN_IDENTIFIER /* @min:%2eidentifier */] + \"=\" + plugin[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */];\r\n _pluginVersionStringArr[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](ver);\r\n thePlugins[plugin.identifier] = plugin;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _addPluginVersions(_channels);\r\n if (_channelConfig) {\r\n arrForEach(_channelConfig, function (channels) {\r\n _addPluginVersions(channels);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n _addPluginVersions(_configExtensions);\r\n }\r\n function _initDefaults() {\r\n _isInitialized = false;\r\n // Use a default logger so initialization errors are not dropped on the floor with full logging\r\n _configHandler = createDynamicConfig({}, defaultConfig, _self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */]);\r\n // Set the logging level to critical so that any critical initialization failures are displayed on the console\r\n _configHandler.cfg[_DYN_LOGGING_LEVEL_CONSOL4 /* @min:%2eloggingLevelConsole */] = 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */;\r\n // Define _self.config\r\n objDefine(_self, \"config\", {\r\n g: function () { return _configHandler.cfg; },\r\n s: function (newValue) {\r\n _self.updateCfg(newValue, false);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n objDefine(_self, \"pluginVersionStringArr\", {\r\n g: function () {\r\n if (!_pluginVersionStringArr) {\r\n _setPluginVersions();\r\n }\r\n return _pluginVersionStringArr;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n objDefine(_self, \"pluginVersionString\", {\r\n g: function () {\r\n if (!_pluginVersionString) {\r\n if (!_pluginVersionStringArr) {\r\n _setPluginVersions();\r\n }\r\n _pluginVersionString = _pluginVersionStringArr.join(\";\");\r\n }\r\n return _pluginVersionString || STR_EMPTY;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n objDefine(_self, \"logger\", {\r\n g: function () {\r\n if (!_logger) {\r\n _logger = new DiagnosticLogger(_configHandler.cfg);\r\n _configHandler[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */] = _logger;\r\n }\r\n return _logger;\r\n },\r\n s: function (newLogger) {\r\n _configHandler[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */] = newLogger;\r\n if (_logger !== newLogger) {\r\n runTargetUnload(_logger, false);\r\n _logger = newLogger;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n _self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */] = new DiagnosticLogger(_configHandler.cfg);\r\n _extensions = [];\r\n var cfgExtensions = _self.config[STR_EXTENSIONS /* @min:%2eextensions */] || [];\r\n cfgExtensions.splice(0, cfgExtensions[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]);\r\n arrAppend(cfgExtensions, _extensions);\r\n _telemetryInitializerPlugin = new TelemetryInitializerPlugin();\r\n _eventQueue = [];\r\n runTargetUnload(_notificationManager, false);\r\n _notificationManager = null;\r\n _perfManager = null;\r\n _cfgPerfManager = null;\r\n runTargetUnload(_cookieManager, false);\r\n _cookieManager = null;\r\n _pluginChain = null;\r\n _configExtensions = [];\r\n _channelConfig = null;\r\n _channels = null;\r\n _isUnloading = false;\r\n _internalLogsEventName = null;\r\n _evtNamespace = createUniqueNamespace(\"AIBaseCore\", true);\r\n _unloadHandlers = createUnloadHandlerContainer();\r\n _traceCtx = null;\r\n _instrumentationKey = null;\r\n _hookContainer = createUnloadHookContainer();\r\n _cfgListeners = [];\r\n _pluginVersionString = null;\r\n _pluginVersionStringArr = null;\r\n _forceStopInternalLogPoller = false;\r\n }\r\n function _createTelCtx() {\r\n var theCtx = createProcessTelemetryContext(_getPluginChain(), _configHandler.cfg, _self);\r\n theCtx[_DYN_ON_COMPLETE /* @min:%2eonComplete */](_startLogPoller);\r\n return theCtx;\r\n }\r\n // Initialize or Re-initialize the plugins\r\n function _initPluginChain(updateState) {\r\n // Extension validation\r\n var theExtensions = _validateExtensions(_self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */], ChannelControllerPriority, _configExtensions);\r\n _pluginChain = null;\r\n _pluginVersionString = null;\r\n _pluginVersionStringArr = null;\r\n // Get the primary channel queue and include as part of the normal extensions\r\n _channels = (_channelConfig || [])[0] || [];\r\n // Add any channels provided in the extensions and sort them\r\n _channels = sortPlugins(arrAppend(_channels, theExtensions[STR_CHANNELS /* @min:%2echannels */]));\r\n // Create an array of all extensions, including the _channels\r\n var allExtensions = arrAppend(sortPlugins(theExtensions[STR_CORE /* @min:%2ecore */]), _channels);\r\n // Required to allow plugins to call core.getPlugin() during their own initialization\r\n _extensions = objFreeze(allExtensions);\r\n // This has a side effect of adding the extensions passed during initialization\r\n // into the config.extensions, so you can see all of the extensions loaded.\r\n // This will also get updated by the addPlugin() and remove plugin code.\r\n var cfgExtensions = _self.config[STR_EXTENSIONS /* @min:%2eextensions */] || [];\r\n cfgExtensions.splice(0, cfgExtensions[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */]);\r\n arrAppend(cfgExtensions, _extensions);\r\n var rootCtx = _createTelCtx();\r\n // Initializing the channels first\r\n if (_channels && _channels[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n initializePlugins(rootCtx[_DYN_CREATE_NEW /* @min:%2ecreateNew */](_channels), allExtensions);\r\n }\r\n // Now initialize the normal extensions (explicitly not including the _channels as this can cause duplicate initialization)\r\n initializePlugins(rootCtx, allExtensions);\r\n if (updateState) {\r\n _doUpdate(updateState);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _getPlugin(pluginIdentifier) {\r\n var theExt = null;\r\n var thePlugin = null;\r\n var channelHosts = [];\r\n arrForEach(_extensions, function (ext) {\r\n if (ext[_DYN_IDENTIFIER /* @min:%2eidentifier */] === pluginIdentifier && ext !== _telemetryInitializerPlugin) {\r\n thePlugin = ext;\r\n return -1;\r\n }\r\n if (ext.getChannel) {\r\n channelHosts[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](ext);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!thePlugin && channelHosts[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n arrForEach(channelHosts, function (host) {\r\n thePlugin = host.getChannel(pluginIdentifier);\r\n if (!thePlugin) {\r\n return -1;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (thePlugin) {\r\n theExt = {\r\n plugin: thePlugin,\r\n setEnabled: function (enabled) {\r\n _getPluginState(thePlugin)[STR_DISABLED] = !enabled;\r\n },\r\n isEnabled: function () {\r\n var pluginState = _getPluginState(thePlugin);\r\n return !pluginState[_DYN_TEARDOWN /* @min:%2eteardown */] && !pluginState[STR_DISABLED];\r\n },\r\n remove: function (isAsync, removeCb) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (isAsync === void 0) { isAsync = true; }\r\n var pluginsToRemove = [thePlugin];\r\n var unloadState = (_a = {\r\n reason: 1 /* TelemetryUnloadReason.PluginUnload */\r\n },\r\n _a[_DYN_IS_ASYNC /* @min:isAsync */] = isAsync,\r\n _a);\r\n _removePlugins(pluginsToRemove, unloadState, function (removed) {\r\n if (removed) {\r\n // Re-Initialize the plugin chain\r\n _initPluginChain({\r\n reason: 32 /* TelemetryUpdateReason.PluginRemoved */,\r\n removed: pluginsToRemove\r\n });\r\n }\r\n removeCb && removeCb(removed);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n return theExt;\r\n }\r\n function _getPluginChain() {\r\n if (!_pluginChain) {\r\n // copy the collection of extensions\r\n var extensions = (_extensions || []).slice();\r\n // During add / remove this may get called again, so don't read if already present\r\n if (arrIndexOf(extensions, _telemetryInitializerPlugin) === -1) {\r\n extensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](_telemetryInitializerPlugin);\r\n }\r\n _pluginChain = createTelemetryProxyChain(sortPlugins(extensions), _configHandler.cfg, _self);\r\n }\r\n return _pluginChain;\r\n }\r\n function _removePlugins(thePlugins, unloadState, removeComplete) {\r\n if (thePlugins && thePlugins[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n var unloadChain = createTelemetryProxyChain(thePlugins, _configHandler.cfg, _self);\r\n var unloadCtx = createProcessTelemetryUnloadContext(unloadChain, _self);\r\n unloadCtx[_DYN_ON_COMPLETE /* @min:%2eonComplete */](function () {\r\n var removed = false;\r\n // Remove the listed config extensions\r\n var newConfigExtensions = [];\r\n arrForEach(_configExtensions, function (plugin, idx) {\r\n if (!_isPluginPresent(plugin, thePlugins)) {\r\n newConfigExtensions[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](plugin);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n removed = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n _configExtensions = newConfigExtensions;\r\n _pluginVersionString = null;\r\n _pluginVersionStringArr = null;\r\n // Re-Create the channel config\r\n var newChannelConfig = [];\r\n if (_channelConfig) {\r\n arrForEach(_channelConfig, function (queue, idx) {\r\n var newQueue = [];\r\n arrForEach(queue, function (channel) {\r\n if (!_isPluginPresent(channel, thePlugins)) {\r\n newQueue[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](channel);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n removed = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n newChannelConfig[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](newQueue);\r\n });\r\n _channelConfig = newChannelConfig;\r\n }\r\n removeComplete && removeComplete(removed);\r\n _startLogPoller();\r\n });\r\n unloadCtx[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](unloadState);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n removeComplete(false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _flushInternalLogs() {\r\n if (_logger && _logger.queue) {\r\n var queue = _logger.queue.slice(0);\r\n _logger.queue[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] = 0;\r\n arrForEach(queue, function (logMessage) {\r\n var _a;\r\n var item = (_a = {},\r\n _a[_DYN_NAME /* @min:name */] = _internalLogsEventName ? _internalLogsEventName : \"InternalMessageId: \" + logMessage[_DYN_MESSAGE_ID /* @min:%2emessageId */],\r\n _a.iKey = _instrumentationKey,\r\n _a[_DYN_TIME /* @min:time */] = toISOString(new Date()),\r\n _a.baseType = _InternalLogMessage.dataType,\r\n _a.baseData = { message: logMessage[_DYN_MESSAGE /* @min:%2emessage */] },\r\n _a);\r\n _self.track(item);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _flushChannels(isAsync, callBack, sendReason, cbTimeout) {\r\n // Setting waiting to one so that we don't call the callBack until we finish iterating\r\n var waiting = 1;\r\n var doneIterating = false;\r\n var cbTimer = null;\r\n cbTimeout = cbTimeout || 5000;\r\n function doCallback() {\r\n waiting--;\r\n if (doneIterating && waiting === 0) {\r\n cbTimer && cbTimer[_DYN_CANCEL /* @min:%2ecancel */]();\r\n cbTimer = null;\r\n callBack && callBack(doneIterating);\r\n callBack = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (_channels && _channels[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n var flushCtx = _createTelCtx()[_DYN_CREATE_NEW /* @min:%2ecreateNew */](_channels);\r\n flushCtx.iterate(function (plugin) {\r\n if (plugin.flush) {\r\n waiting++;\r\n var handled_1 = false;\r\n // Not all channels will call this callback for every scenario\r\n if (!plugin.flush(isAsync, function () {\r\n handled_1 = true;\r\n doCallback();\r\n }, sendReason)) {\r\n if (!handled_1) {\r\n // If any channel doesn't return true and it didn't call the callback, then we should assume that the callback\r\n // will never be called, so use a timeout to allow the channel(s) some time to \"finish\" before triggering any\r\n // followup function (such as unloading)\r\n if (isAsync && cbTimer == null) {\r\n cbTimer = scheduleTimeout(function () {\r\n cbTimer = null;\r\n doCallback();\r\n }, cbTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n doCallback();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n doneIterating = true;\r\n doCallback();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n function _initDebugListener() {\r\n // Lazily ensure that the notification manager is created\r\n !_notificationManager && _self[_DYN_GET_NOTIFY_MGR /* @min:%2egetNotifyMgr */]();\r\n // Will get recalled if any referenced config values are changed\r\n _addUnloadHook(_configHandler[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:%2ewatch */](function (details) {\r\n var disableDbgExt = details.cfg.disableDbgExt;\r\n if (disableDbgExt === true && _debugListener) {\r\n // Remove any previously loaded debug listener\r\n _notificationManager[_DYN_REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_2 /* @min:%2eremoveNotificationListener */](_debugListener);\r\n _debugListener = null;\r\n }\r\n if (_notificationManager && !_debugListener && disableDbgExt !== true) {\r\n _debugListener = getDebugListener(details.cfg);\r\n _notificationManager[_DYN_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LIS1 /* @min:%2eaddNotificationListener */](_debugListener);\r\n }\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n function _initPerfManager() {\r\n // Will get recalled if any referenced config values are changed\r\n _addUnloadHook(_configHandler[_DYN_WATCH /* @min:%2ewatch */](function (details) {\r\n var enablePerfMgr = details.cfg.enablePerfMgr;\r\n if (!enablePerfMgr && _cfgPerfManager) {\r\n // Remove any existing config based performance manager\r\n _cfgPerfManager = null;\r\n }\r\n if (enablePerfMgr) {\r\n // Set the performance manager creation function if not defined\r\n getSetValue(details.cfg, STR_CREATE_PERF_MGR, _createPerfManager);\r\n }\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n function _doUpdate(updateState) {\r\n var updateCtx = createProcessTelemetryUpdateContext(_getPluginChain(), _self);\r\n updateCtx[_DYN_ON_COMPLETE /* @min:%2eonComplete */](_startLogPoller);\r\n if (!_self._updateHook || _self._updateHook(updateCtx, updateState) !== true) {\r\n updateCtx[_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT /* @min:%2eprocessNext */](updateState);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _logOrThrowError(message) {\r\n var logger = _self[_DYN_LOGGER /* @min:%2elogger */];\r\n if (logger) {\r\n // there should always be a logger\r\n _throwInternal(logger, 2 /* eLoggingSeverity.WARNING */, 73 /* _eInternalMessageId.PluginException */, message);\r\n _startLogPoller();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n throwError(message);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _notifyInvalidEvent(telemetryItem) {\r\n var manager = _self[_DYN_GET_NOTIFY_MGR /* @min:%2egetNotifyMgr */]();\r\n if (manager) {\r\n manager[STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED /* @min:%2eeventsDiscarded */]([telemetryItem], 2 /* eEventsDiscardedReason.InvalidEvent */);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _addUnloadHook(hooks) {\r\n _hookContainer.add(hooks);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.initialize = function (config, extensions, logger, notificationManager) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.getChannels = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.track = function (telemetryItem) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.getProcessTelContext = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.getNotifyMgr = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Adds a notification listener. The SDK calls methods on the listener when an appropriate notification is raised.\r\n * The added plugins must raise notifications. If the plugins do not implement the notifications, then no methods will be\r\n * called.\r\n * @param listener - An INotificationListener object.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.addNotificationListener = function (listener) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Removes all instances of the listener.\r\n * @param listener - INotificationListener to remove.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.removeNotificationListener = function (listener) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Get the current cookie manager for this instance\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.getCookieMgr = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Set the current cookie manager for this instance\r\n * @param cookieMgr - The manager, if set to null/undefined will cause the default to be created\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.setCookieMgr = function (cookieMgr) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.getPerfMgr = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.setPerfMgr = function (perfMgr) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.eventCnt = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return 0;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Enable the timer that checks the logger.queue for log messages to be flushed.\r\n * Note: Since 3.0.1 and 2.8.13 this is no longer an interval timer but is a normal\r\n * timer that is only started when this function is called and then subsequently\r\n * only _if_ there are any logger.queue messages to be sent.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.pollInternalLogs = function (eventName) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Stop the timer that log messages from logger.queue when available\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.stopPollingInternalLogs = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add a telemetry processor to decorate or drop telemetry events.\r\n * @param telemetryInitializer - The Telemetry Initializer function\r\n * @returns - A ITelemetryInitializerHandler to enable the initializer to be removed\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.addTelemetryInitializer = function (telemetryInitializer) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Unload and Tear down the SDK and any initialized plugins, after calling this the SDK will be considered\r\n * to be un-initialized and non-operational, re-initializing the SDK should only be attempted if the previous\r\n * unload call return `true` stating that all plugins reported that they also unloaded, the recommended\r\n * approach is to create a new instance and initialize that instance.\r\n * This is due to possible unexpected side effects caused by plugins not supporting unload / teardown, unable\r\n * to successfully remove any global references or they may just be completing the unload process asynchronously.\r\n * If you pass isAsync as `true` (also the default) and DO NOT pass a callback function then an [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * will be returned which will resolve once the unload is complete. The actual implementation of the `IPromise`\r\n * will be a native Promise (if supported) or the default as supplied by [ts-async library](https://github.com/nevware21/ts-async)\r\n * @param isAsync - Can the unload be performed asynchronously (default)\r\n * @param unloadComplete - An optional callback that will be called once the unload has completed\r\n * @param cbTimeout - An optional timeout to wait for any flush operations to complete before proceeding with the\r\n * unload. Defaults to 5 seconds.\r\n * @return Nothing or if occurring asynchronously a [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * which will be resolved once the unload is complete, the [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * will only be returned when no callback is provided and isAsync is true\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.unload = function (isAsync, unloadComplete, cbTimeout) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.getPlugin = function (pluginIdentifier) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add a new plugin to the installation\r\n * @param plugin - The new plugin to add\r\n * @param replaceExisting - should any existing plugin be replaced, default is false\r\n * @param doAsync - Should the add be performed asynchronously\r\n * @param addCb - [Optional] callback to call after the plugin has been added\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.addPlugin = function (plugin, replaceExisting, doAsync, addCb) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Update the configuration used and broadcast the changes to all loaded plugins\r\n * @param newConfig - The new configuration is apply\r\n * @param mergeExisting - Should the new configuration merge with the existing or just replace it. Default is to true.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.updateCfg = function (newConfig, mergeExisting) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Returns the unique event namespace that should be used\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.evtNamespace = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add an unload handler that will be called when the SDK is being unloaded\r\n * @param handler - the handler\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.addUnloadCb = function (handler) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Flush and send any batched / cached data immediately\r\n * @param async - send data asynchronously when true (defaults to true)\r\n * @param callBack - if specified, notify caller when send is complete, the channel should return true to indicate to the caller that it will be called.\r\n * If the caller doesn't return true the caller should assume that it may never be called.\r\n * @param sendReason - specify the reason that you are calling \"flush\" defaults to ManualFlush (1) if not specified\r\n * @returns - true if the callback will be return after the flush is complete otherwise the caller should assume that any provided callback will never be called\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.flush = function (isAsync, callBack, sendReason) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Gets the current distributed trace context for this instance if available\r\n * @param createNew - Optional flag to create a new instance if one doesn't currently exist, defaults to true\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.getTraceCtx = function (createNew) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Sets the current distributed trace context for this instance if available\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.setTraceCtx = function (newTracectx) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add this hook so that it is automatically removed during unloading\r\n * @param hooks - The single hook or an array of IInstrumentHook objects\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.addUnloadHook = function (hooks) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Watches and tracks changes for accesses to the current config, and if the accessed config changes the\r\n * handler will be recalled.\r\n * @param handler\r\n * @returns A watcher handler instance that can be used to remove itself when being unloaded\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.onCfgChange = function (handler) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype.releaseQueue = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Hook for Core extensions to allow them to update their own configuration before updating all of the plugins.\r\n * @param updateCtx - The plugin update context\r\n * @param updateState - The Update State\r\n * @returns boolean - True means the extension class will call updateState otherwise the Core will\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsCore.prototype._updateHook = function (updateCtx, updateState) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return false;\r\n };\r\n return AppInsightsCore;\r\n}());\r\nexport { AppInsightsCore };\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=AppInsightsCore.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\nimport { arrForEach, arrIndexOf, getDocument, getWindow, isArray, objForEachKey, objKeys } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { _DYN_HANDLER, _DYN_LENGTH, _DYN_NAME, _DYN_PUSH, _DYN_REPLACE, _DYN_SPLICE, _DYN_SPLIT, _DYN_TYPE } from \"../__DynamicConstants\";\r\nimport { createElmNodeData, createUniqueNamespace } from \"./DataCacheHelper\";\r\nimport { STR_EMPTY } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\n// Added to help with minfication\r\nvar strOnPrefix = \"on\";\r\nvar strAttachEvent = \"attachEvent\";\r\nvar strAddEventHelper = \"addEventListener\";\r\nvar strDetachEvent = \"detachEvent\";\r\nvar strRemoveEventListener = \"removeEventListener\";\r\nvar strEvents = \"events\";\r\nvar strVisibilityChangeEvt = \"visibilitychange\";\r\nvar strPageHide = \"pagehide\";\r\nvar strPageShow = \"pageshow\";\r\nvar strUnload = \"unload\";\r\nvar strBeforeUnload = \"beforeunload\";\r\nvar strPageHideNamespace = createUniqueNamespace(\"aiEvtPageHide\");\r\nvar strPageShowNamespace = createUniqueNamespace(\"aiEvtPageShow\");\r\nvar rRemoveEmptyNs = /\\.[\\.]+/g;\r\nvar rRemoveTrailingEmptyNs = /[\\.]+$/;\r\nvar _guid = 1;\r\nvar elmNodeData = createElmNodeData(\"events\");\r\nvar eventNamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\\.(.+)|)/;\r\nfunction _normalizeNamespace(name) {\r\n if (name && name[_DYN_REPLACE /* @min:%2ereplace */]) {\r\n return name[_DYN_REPLACE /* @min:%2ereplace */](/^[\\s\\.]+|(?=[\\s\\.])[\\.\\s]+$/g, STR_EMPTY);\r\n }\r\n return name;\r\n}\r\nfunction _getEvtNamespace(eventName, evtNamespace) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (evtNamespace) {\r\n var theNamespace_1 = STR_EMPTY;\r\n if (isArray(evtNamespace)) {\r\n theNamespace_1 = STR_EMPTY;\r\n arrForEach(evtNamespace, function (name) {\r\n name = _normalizeNamespace(name);\r\n if (name) {\r\n if (name[0] !== \".\") {\r\n name = \".\" + name;\r\n }\r\n theNamespace_1 += name;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n theNamespace_1 = _normalizeNamespace(evtNamespace);\r\n }\r\n if (theNamespace_1) {\r\n if (theNamespace_1[0] !== \".\") {\r\n theNamespace_1 = \".\" + theNamespace_1;\r\n }\r\n // We may only have the namespace and not an eventName\r\n eventName = (eventName || STR_EMPTY) + theNamespace_1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var parsedEvent = (eventNamespace.exec(eventName || STR_EMPTY) || []);\r\n return _a = {},\r\n _a[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:type */] = parsedEvent[1],\r\n _a.ns = ((parsedEvent[2] || STR_EMPTY).replace(rRemoveEmptyNs, \".\").replace(rRemoveTrailingEmptyNs, STR_EMPTY)[_DYN_SPLIT /* @min:%2esplit */](\".\").sort()).join(\".\"),\r\n _a;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Get all of the registered events on the target object, this is primarily used for testing cleanup but may also be used by\r\n * applications to remove their own events\r\n * @param target - The EventTarget that has registered events\r\n * @param eventName - [Optional] The name of the event to return the registered handlers and full name (with namespaces)\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Additional namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace,\r\n * if the eventName also includes a namespace the namespace(s) are merged into a single namespace\r\n */\r\nexport function __getRegisteredEvents(target, eventName, evtNamespace) {\r\n var theEvents = [];\r\n var eventCache = elmNodeData.get(target, strEvents, {}, false);\r\n var evtName = _getEvtNamespace(eventName, evtNamespace);\r\n objForEachKey(eventCache, function (evtType, registeredEvents) {\r\n arrForEach(registeredEvents, function (value) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (!evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */] || evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */] === value.evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */]) {\r\n if (!evtName.ns || evtName.ns === evtName.ns) {\r\n theEvents[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */]((_a = {},\r\n _a[_DYN_NAME /* @min:name */] = value.evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */] + (value.evtName.ns ? \".\" + value.evtName.ns : STR_EMPTY),\r\n _a.handler = value[_DYN_HANDLER /* @min:%2ehandler */],\r\n _a));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n return theEvents;\r\n}\r\n// Exported for internal unit testing only\r\nfunction _getRegisteredEvents(target, evtName, addDefault) {\r\n if (addDefault === void 0) { addDefault = true; }\r\n var aiEvts = elmNodeData.get(target, strEvents, {}, addDefault);\r\n var registeredEvents = aiEvts[evtName];\r\n if (!registeredEvents) {\r\n registeredEvents = aiEvts[evtName] = [];\r\n }\r\n return registeredEvents;\r\n}\r\nfunction _doDetach(obj, evtName, handlerRef, useCapture) {\r\n if (obj && evtName && evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */]) {\r\n if (obj[strRemoveEventListener]) {\r\n obj[strRemoveEventListener](evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */], handlerRef, useCapture);\r\n }\r\n else if (obj[strDetachEvent]) {\r\n obj[strDetachEvent](strOnPrefix + evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */], handlerRef);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction _doAttach(obj, evtName, handlerRef, useCapture) {\r\n var result = false;\r\n if (obj && evtName && evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */] && handlerRef) {\r\n if (obj[strAddEventHelper]) {\r\n // all browsers except IE before version 9\r\n obj[strAddEventHelper](evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */], handlerRef, useCapture);\r\n result = true;\r\n }\r\n else if (obj[strAttachEvent]) {\r\n // IE before version 9\r\n obj[strAttachEvent](strOnPrefix + evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */], handlerRef);\r\n result = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nfunction _doUnregister(target, events, evtName, unRegFn) {\r\n var idx = events[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */];\r\n while (idx--) {\r\n var theEvent = events[idx];\r\n if (theEvent) {\r\n if (!evtName.ns || evtName.ns === theEvent.evtName.ns) {\r\n if (!unRegFn || unRegFn(theEvent)) {\r\n _doDetach(target, theEvent.evtName, theEvent[_DYN_HANDLER /* @min:%2ehandler */], theEvent.capture);\r\n // Remove the registered event\r\n events[_DYN_SPLICE /* @min:%2esplice */](idx, 1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction _unregisterEvents(target, evtName, unRegFn) {\r\n if (evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */]) {\r\n _doUnregister(target, _getRegisteredEvents(target, evtName[_DYN_TYPE /* @min:%2etype */]), evtName, unRegFn);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var eventCache = elmNodeData.get(target, strEvents, {});\r\n objForEachKey(eventCache, function (evtType, events) {\r\n _doUnregister(target, events, evtName, unRegFn);\r\n });\r\n // Cleanup\r\n if (objKeys(eventCache)[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] === 0) {\r\n elmNodeData.kill(target, strEvents);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexport function mergeEvtNamespace(theNamespace, namespaces) {\r\n var newNamespaces;\r\n if (namespaces) {\r\n if (isArray(namespaces)) {\r\n newNamespaces = [theNamespace].concat(namespaces);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n newNamespaces = [theNamespace, namespaces];\r\n }\r\n // resort the namespaces so they are always in order\r\n newNamespaces = (_getEvtNamespace(\"xx\", newNamespaces).ns)[_DYN_SPLIT /* @min:%2esplit */](\".\");\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n newNamespaces = theNamespace;\r\n }\r\n return newNamespaces;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Binds the specified function to an event, so that the function gets called whenever the event fires on the object\r\n * @param obj - Object to add the event too.\r\n * @param eventName - String that specifies any of the standard DHTML Events without \"on\" prefix, if may also include an optional (dot \".\" prefixed)\r\n * namespaces \"click\" \"click.mynamespace\" in addition to specific namespaces.\r\n * @param handlerRef - Pointer that specifies the function to call when event fires\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Additional namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace,\r\n * if the eventName also includes a namespace the namespace(s) are merged into a single namespace\r\n * @param useCapture - [Optional] Defaults to false\r\n * @returns True if the function was bound successfully to the event, otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function eventOn(target, eventName, handlerRef, evtNamespace, useCapture) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (useCapture === void 0) { useCapture = false; }\r\n var result = false;\r\n if (target) {\r\n try {\r\n var evtName = _getEvtNamespace(eventName, evtNamespace);\r\n result = _doAttach(target, evtName, handlerRef, useCapture);\r\n if (result && elmNodeData.accept(target)) {\r\n var registeredEvent = (_a = {\r\n guid: _guid++,\r\n evtName: evtName\r\n },\r\n _a[_DYN_HANDLER /* @min:handler */] = handlerRef,\r\n _a.capture = useCapture,\r\n _a);\r\n _getRegisteredEvents(target, evtName.type)[_DYN_PUSH /* @min:%2epush */](registeredEvent);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Just Ignore any error so that we don't break any execution path\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Removes an event handler for the specified event\r\n * @param Object - to remove the event from\r\n * @param eventName - {string} - The name of the event, with optional namespaces or just the namespaces,\r\n * such as \"click\", \"click.mynamespace\" or \".mynamespace\"\r\n * @param handlerRef - {any} - The callback function that needs to be removed from the given event, when using a\r\n * namespace (with or without a qualifying event) this may be null to remove all previously attached event handlers\r\n * otherwise this will only remove events with this specific handler.\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Additional namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace,\r\n * if the eventName also includes a namespace the namespace(s) are merged into a single namespace\r\n * @param useCapture - [Optional] Defaults to false\r\n */\r\nexport function eventOff(target, eventName, handlerRef, evtNamespace, useCapture) {\r\n if (useCapture === void 0) { useCapture = false; }\r\n if (target) {\r\n try {\r\n var evtName_1 = _getEvtNamespace(eventName, evtNamespace);\r\n var found_1 = false;\r\n _unregisterEvents(target, evtName_1, function (regEvent) {\r\n if ((evtName_1.ns && !handlerRef) || regEvent[_DYN_HANDLER /* @min:%2ehandler */] === handlerRef) {\r\n found_1 = true;\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n if (!found_1) {\r\n // fallback to try and remove as requested\r\n _doDetach(target, evtName_1, handlerRef, useCapture);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // Just Ignore any error so that we don't break any execution path\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Binds the specified function to an event, so that the function gets called whenever the event fires on the object\r\n * @param obj - Object to add the event too.\r\n * @param eventNameWithoutOn - String that specifies any of the standard DHTML Events without \"on\" prefix and optional (dot \".\" prefixed) namespaces \"click\" \"click.mynamespace\".\r\n * @param handlerRef - Pointer that specifies the function to call when event fires\r\n * @param useCapture - [Optional] Defaults to false\r\n * @returns True if the function was bound successfully to the event, otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function attachEvent(obj, eventNameWithoutOn, handlerRef, useCapture) {\r\n if (useCapture === void 0) { useCapture = false; }\r\n return eventOn(obj, eventNameWithoutOn, handlerRef, null, useCapture);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Removes an event handler for the specified event\r\n * @param Object - to remove the event from\r\n * @param eventNameWithoutOn - {string} - The name of the event, with optional namespaces or just the namespaces,\r\n * such as \"click\", \"click.mynamespace\" or \".mynamespace\"\r\n * @param handlerRef - {any} - The callback function that needs to be removed from the given event, when using a\r\n * namespace (with or without a qualifying event) this may be null to remove all previously attached event handlers\r\n * otherwise this will only remove events with this specific handler.\r\n * @param useCapture - [Optional] Defaults to false\r\n */\r\nexport function detachEvent(obj, eventNameWithoutOn, handlerRef, useCapture) {\r\n if (useCapture === void 0) { useCapture = false; }\r\n eventOff(obj, eventNameWithoutOn, handlerRef, null, useCapture);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Trys to add an event handler for the specified event to the window, body and document\r\n * @param eventName - {string} - The name of the event\r\n * @param callback - {any} - The callback function that needs to be executed for the given event\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace.\r\n * @return {boolean} - true if the handler was successfully added\r\n */\r\nexport function addEventHandler(eventName, callback, evtNamespace) {\r\n var result = false;\r\n var w = getWindow();\r\n if (w) {\r\n result = eventOn(w, eventName, callback, evtNamespace);\r\n result = eventOn(w[\"body\"], eventName, callback, evtNamespace) || result;\r\n }\r\n var doc = getDocument();\r\n if (doc) {\r\n result = eventOn(doc, eventName, callback, evtNamespace) || result;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Trys to remove event handler(s) for the specified event/namespace to the window, body and document\r\n * @param eventName - {string} - The name of the event, with optional namespaces or just the namespaces,\r\n * such as \"click\", \"click.mynamespace\" or \".mynamespace\"\r\n * @param callback - {any} - - The callback function that needs to be removed from the given event, when using a\r\n * namespace (with or without a qualifying event) this may be null to remove all previously attached event handlers\r\n * otherwise this will only remove events with this specific handler.\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace.\r\n */\r\nexport function removeEventHandler(eventName, callback, evtNamespace) {\r\n var w = getWindow();\r\n if (w) {\r\n eventOff(w, eventName, callback, evtNamespace);\r\n eventOff(w[\"body\"], eventName, callback, evtNamespace);\r\n }\r\n var doc = getDocument();\r\n if (doc) {\r\n eventOff(doc, eventName, callback, evtNamespace);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Bind the listener to the array of events\r\n * @param events - An string array of event names to bind the listener to\r\n * @param listener - The event callback to call when the event is triggered\r\n * @param excludeEvents - [Optional] An array of events that should not be hooked (if possible), unless no other events can be.\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace.\r\n * @returns true - when at least one of the events was registered otherwise false\r\n */\r\nfunction _addEventListeners(events, listener, excludeEvents, evtNamespace) {\r\n var added = false;\r\n if (listener && events && events[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n arrForEach(events, function (name) {\r\n if (name) {\r\n if (!excludeEvents || arrIndexOf(excludeEvents, name) === -1) {\r\n added = addEventHandler(name, listener, evtNamespace) || added;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return added;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Bind the listener to the array of events\r\n * @param events - An string array of event names to bind the listener to\r\n * @param listener - The event callback to call when the event is triggered\r\n * @param excludeEvents - [Optional] An array of events that should not be hooked (if possible), unless no other events can be.\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace.\r\n * @returns true - when at least one of the events was registered otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function addEventListeners(events, listener, excludeEvents, evtNamespace) {\r\n var added = false;\r\n if (listener && events && isArray(events)) {\r\n added = _addEventListeners(events, listener, excludeEvents, evtNamespace);\r\n if (!added && excludeEvents && excludeEvents[_DYN_LENGTH /* @min:%2elength */] > 0) {\r\n // Failed to add any listeners and we excluded some, so just attempt to add the excluded events\r\n added = _addEventListeners(events, listener, null, evtNamespace);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return added;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Remove the listener from the array of events\r\n * @param events - An string array of event names to bind the listener to\r\n * @param listener - The event callback to call when the event is triggered\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace.\r\n */\r\nexport function removeEventListeners(events, listener, evtNamespace) {\r\n if (events && isArray(events)) {\r\n arrForEach(events, function (name) {\r\n if (name) {\r\n removeEventHandler(name, listener, evtNamespace);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Listen to the 'beforeunload', 'unload' and 'pagehide' events which indicates a page unload is occurring,\r\n * this does NOT listen to the 'visibilitychange' event as while it does indicate that the page is being hidden\r\n * it does not *necessarily* mean that the page is being completely unloaded, it can mean that the user is\r\n * just navigating to a different Tab and may come back (without unloading the page). As such you may also\r\n * need to listen to the 'addPageHideEventListener' and 'addPageShowEventListener' events.\r\n * @param listener - The event callback to call when a page unload event is triggered\r\n * @param excludeEvents - [Optional] An array of events that should not be hooked, unless no other events can be.\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Namespace(s) to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace.\r\n * @returns true - when at least one of the events was registered otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function addPageUnloadEventListener(listener, excludeEvents, evtNamespace) {\r\n // Hook the unload event for the document, window and body to ensure that the client events are flushed to the server\r\n // As just hooking the window does not always fire (on chrome) for page navigation's.\r\n return addEventListeners([strBeforeUnload, strUnload, strPageHide], listener, excludeEvents, evtNamespace);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Remove any matching 'beforeunload', 'unload' and 'pagehide' events that may have been added via addEventListener,\r\n * addEventListeners, addPageUnloadEventListener or addPageHideEventListener.\r\n * @param listener - The specific event callback to to be removed\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] Namespace(s) uniquely identified and removed based on this namespace.\r\n * @returns true - when at least one of the events was registered otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function removePageUnloadEventListener(listener, evtNamespace) {\r\n removeEventListeners([strBeforeUnload, strUnload, strPageHide], listener, evtNamespace);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Listen to the pagehide and visibility changing to 'hidden' events, because the 'visibilitychange' uses\r\n * an internal proxy to detect the visibility state you SHOULD use a unique namespace when if you plan to call\r\n * removePageShowEventListener as the remove ignores the listener argument for the 'visibilitychange' event.\r\n * @param listener - The event callback to call when a page hide event is triggered\r\n * @param excludeEvents - [Optional] An array of events that should not be hooked (if possible), unless no other events can be.\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional] A Namespace to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely identified and removed\r\n * based on this namespace. This call also adds an additional unique \"pageshow\" namespace to the events\r\n * so that only the matching \"removePageHideEventListener\" can remove these events.\r\n * Suggestion: pass as true if you are also calling addPageUnloadEventListener as that also hooks pagehide\r\n * @returns true - when at least one of the events was registered otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function addPageHideEventListener(listener, excludeEvents, evtNamespace) {\r\n function _handlePageVisibility(evt) {\r\n var doc = getDocument();\r\n if (listener && doc && doc.visibilityState === \"hidden\") {\r\n listener(evt);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // add the unique page show namespace to any provided namespace so we can only remove the ones added by \"pagehide\"\r\n var newNamespaces = mergeEvtNamespace(strPageHideNamespace, evtNamespace);\r\n var pageUnloadAdded = _addEventListeners([strPageHide], listener, excludeEvents, newNamespaces);\r\n if (!excludeEvents || arrIndexOf(excludeEvents, strVisibilityChangeEvt) === -1) {\r\n pageUnloadAdded = _addEventListeners([strVisibilityChangeEvt], _handlePageVisibility, excludeEvents, newNamespaces) || pageUnloadAdded;\r\n }\r\n if (!pageUnloadAdded && excludeEvents) {\r\n // Failed to add any listeners and we where requested to exclude some, so just call again without excluding anything\r\n pageUnloadAdded = addPageHideEventListener(listener, null, evtNamespace);\r\n }\r\n return pageUnloadAdded;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Removes the pageHide event listeners added by addPageHideEventListener, because the 'visibilitychange' uses\r\n * an internal proxy to detect the visibility state you SHOULD use a unique namespace when calling addPageHideEventListener\r\n * as the remove ignores the listener argument for the 'visibilitychange' event.\r\n * @param listener - The specific listener to remove for the 'pageshow' event only (ignored for 'visibilitychange')\r\n * @param evtNamespace - The unique namespace used when calling addPageShowEventListener\r\n */\r\nexport function removePageHideEventListener(listener, evtNamespace) {\r\n // add the unique page show namespace to any provided namespace so we only remove the ones added by \"pagehide\"\r\n var newNamespaces = mergeEvtNamespace(strPageHideNamespace, evtNamespace);\r\n removeEventListeners([strPageHide], listener, newNamespaces);\r\n removeEventListeners([strVisibilityChangeEvt], null, newNamespaces);\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Listen to the pageshow and visibility changing to 'visible' events, because the 'visibilitychange' uses\r\n * an internal proxy to detect the visibility state you SHOULD use a unique namespace when if you plan to call\r\n * removePageShowEventListener as the remove ignores the listener argument for the 'visibilitychange' event.\r\n * @param listener - The event callback to call when a page is show event is triggered\r\n * @param excludeEvents - [Optional] An array of events that should not be hooked (if possible), unless no other events can be.\r\n * @param evtNamespace - [Optional/Recommended] A Namespace to append to the event listeners so they can be uniquely\r\n * identified and removed based on this namespace. This call also adds an additional unique \"pageshow\" namespace to the events\r\n * so that only the matching \"removePageShowEventListener\" can remove these events.\r\n * @returns true - when at least one of the events was registered otherwise false\r\n */\r\nexport function addPageShowEventListener(listener, excludeEvents, evtNamespace) {\r\n function _handlePageVisibility(evt) {\r\n var doc = getDocument();\r\n if (listener && doc && doc.visibilityState === \"visible\") {\r\n listener(evt);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // add the unique page show namespace to any provided namespace so we can only remove the ones added by \"pageshow\"\r\n var newNamespaces = mergeEvtNamespace(strPageShowNamespace, evtNamespace);\r\n var pageShowAdded = _addEventListeners([strPageShow], listener, excludeEvents, newNamespaces);\r\n pageShowAdded = _addEventListeners([strVisibilityChangeEvt], _handlePageVisibility, excludeEvents, newNamespaces) || pageShowAdded;\r\n if (!pageShowAdded && excludeEvents) {\r\n // Failed to add any listeners and we where requested to exclude some, so just call again without excluding anything\r\n pageShowAdded = addPageShowEventListener(listener, null, evtNamespace);\r\n }\r\n return pageShowAdded;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Removes the pageShow event listeners added by addPageShowEventListener, because the 'visibilitychange' uses\r\n * an internal proxy to detect the visibility state you SHOULD use a unique namespace when calling addPageShowEventListener\r\n * as the remove ignores the listener argument for the 'visibilitychange' event.\r\n * @param listener - The specific listener to remove for the 'pageshow' event only (ignored for 'visibilitychange')\r\n * @param evtNamespace - The unique namespace used when calling addPageShowEventListener\r\n */\r\nexport function removePageShowEventListener(listener, evtNamespace) {\r\n // add the unique page show namespace to any provided namespace so we only remove the ones added by \"pageshow\"\r\n var newNamespaces = mergeEvtNamespace(strPageShowNamespace, evtNamespace);\r\n removeEventListeners([strPageShow], listener, newNamespaces);\r\n removeEventListeners([strVisibilityChangeEvt], null, newNamespaces);\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=EventHelpers.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n\"use strict\";\r\nvar _a;\r\nimport dynamicProto from \"@microsoft/dynamicproto-js\";\r\nimport { AnalyticsPlugin } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-analytics-js\";\r\nimport { Sender } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-channel-js\";\r\nimport { DEFAULT_BREEZE_PATH, PropertiesPluginIdentifier, parseConnectionString } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-common\";\r\nimport { AppInsightsCore, _throwInternal, addPageHideEventListener, addPageUnloadEventListener, cfgDfValidate, createDynamicConfig, createUniqueNamespace, doPerf, hasDocument, hasWindow, isArray, isFunction, isNullOrUndefined, isReactNative, isString, mergeEvtNamespace, onConfigChange, proxyAssign, proxyFunctions, removePageHideEventListener, removePageUnloadEventListener } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-core-js\";\r\nimport { AjaxPlugin as DependenciesPlugin } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js\";\r\nimport { PropertiesPlugin } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-properties-js\";\r\nimport { createPromise } from \"@nevware21/ts-async\";\r\nimport { arrForEach, arrIndexOf, objDefine, objForEachKey, strIndexOf, throwUnsupported } from \"@nevware21/ts-utils\";\r\nimport { STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER, STR_CLEAR_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT, STR_EVT_NAMESPACE, STR_FLUSH, STR_GET_COOKIE_MGR, STR_GET_PLUGIN, STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS, STR_SET_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT, STR_SNIPPET, STR_START_TRACK_EVENT, STR_START_TRACK_PAGE, STR_STOP_TRACK_EVENT, STR_STOP_TRACK_PAGE, STR_TRACK_DEPENDENCY_DATA, STR_TRACK_EVENT, STR_TRACK_EXCEPTION, STR_TRACK_METRIC, STR_TRACK_PAGE_VIEW, STR_TRACK_TRACE } from \"./InternalConstants\";\r\nimport { _DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF1, _DYN_CONNECTION_STRING, _DYN_CONTEXT, _DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA0, _DYN_ENDPOINT_URL, _DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY, _DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH, _DYN_QUEUE, _DYN_UPDATE_SNIPPET_DEFIN2, _DYN_VERSION } from \"./__DynamicConstants\";\r\nvar _internalSdkSrc;\r\n// This is an exclude list of properties that should not be updated during initialization\r\n// They include a combination of private and internal property names\r\nvar _ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties = [\r\n STR_SNIPPET, \"dependencies\", \"properties\", \"_snippetVersion\", \"appInsightsNew\", \"getSKUDefaults\"\r\n];\r\nvar UNDEFINED_VALUE = undefined;\r\n// We need to include all properties that we only reference that we want to be dynamically updatable here\r\n// So they are converted even when not specified in the passed configuration\r\nvar defaultConfigValues = (_a = {},\r\n _a[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:connectionString */] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _a[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:endpointUrl */] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _a[_DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY /* @min:instrumentationKey */] = UNDEFINED_VALUE,\r\n _a.diagnosticLogInterval = cfgDfValidate(_chkDiagLevel, 10000),\r\n _a);\r\nfunction _chkDiagLevel(value) {\r\n // Make sure we have a value > 0\r\n return value && value > 0;\r\n}\r\n/**\r\n * Application Insights API\r\n * @class Initialization\r\n * @implements {IApplicationInsights}\r\n */\r\nvar AppInsightsSku = /** @class */ (function () {\r\n function AppInsightsSku(snippet) {\r\n var _this = this;\r\n // NOTE!: DON'T set default values here, instead set them in the _initDefaults() function as it is also called during teardown()\r\n var dependencies;\r\n var properties;\r\n var _sender;\r\n var _snippetVersion;\r\n var _evtNamespace;\r\n var _houseKeepingNamespace;\r\n var _core;\r\n var _config;\r\n var _analyticsPlugin;\r\n dynamicProto(AppInsightsSku, this, function (_self) {\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n objDefine(_self, \"config\", {\r\n g: function () {\r\n return _config;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n arrForEach([\"pluginVersionStringArr\", \"pluginVersionString\"], function (key) {\r\n objDefine(_self, key, {\r\n g: function () {\r\n if (_core) {\r\n return _core[key];\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n // initialize the queue and config in case they are undefined\r\n _snippetVersion = \"\" + (snippet.sv || snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] || \"\");\r\n snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] = snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] || [];\r\n snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] = snippet[_DYN_VERSION /* @min:%2eversion */] || 2.0; // Default to new version\r\n var cfgHandler = createDynamicConfig(snippet.config || {}, defaultConfigValues);\r\n _config = cfgHandler.cfg;\r\n _analyticsPlugin = new AnalyticsPlugin();\r\n objDefine(_self, \"appInsights\", {\r\n g: function () {\r\n return _analyticsPlugin;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n properties = new PropertiesPlugin();\r\n dependencies = new DependenciesPlugin();\r\n _sender = new Sender();\r\n _core = new AppInsightsCore();\r\n objDefine(_self, \"core\", {\r\n g: function () {\r\n return _core;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n // Will get recalled if any referenced values are changed\r\n _addUnloadHook(onConfigChange(cfgHandler, function () {\r\n if (_config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */]) {\r\n var cs = parseConnectionString(_config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */]);\r\n var ingest = cs.ingestionendpoint;\r\n _config[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:%2eendpointUrl */] = ingest ? (ingest + DEFAULT_BREEZE_PATH) : _config[_DYN_ENDPOINT_URL /* @min:%2eendpointUrl */]; // only add /v2/track when from connectionstring\r\n _config[_DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY /* @min:%2einstrumentationKey */] = cs.instrumentationkey || _config[_DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY /* @min:%2einstrumentationKey */];\r\n }\r\n }));\r\n // Outside of the onConfigChange as we only want to do this once\r\n var isErrMessageDisabled = isNullOrUndefined(_config[_DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA0 /* @min:%2edisableIkeyDeprecationMessage */]) ? true : _config[_DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA0 /* @min:%2edisableIkeyDeprecationMessage */];\r\n if (!_config[_DYN_CONNECTION_STRING /* @min:%2econnectionString */] && !isErrMessageDisabled) {\r\n _throwInternal(_core.logger, 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */, 106 /* _eInternalMessageId.InstrumentationKeyDeprecation */, \"Instrumentation key support will end soon, see aka.ms/IkeyMigrate\");\r\n }\r\n _self[STR_SNIPPET /* @min:%2esnippet */] = snippet;\r\n _self[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */] = function (async, callBack) {\r\n if (async === void 0) { async = true; }\r\n var result;\r\n doPerf(_core, function () { return \"AISKU.flush\"; }, function () {\r\n if (async && !callBack) {\r\n result = createPromise(function (resolve) {\r\n callBack = resolve;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n var waiting = 1;\r\n var flushDone = function () {\r\n waiting--;\r\n if (waiting === 0) {\r\n callBack();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n arrForEach(_core.getChannels(), function (channel) {\r\n if (channel) {\r\n waiting++;\r\n channel[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */](async, flushDone);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n // decrement the initial \"waiting\"\r\n flushDone();\r\n }, null, async);\r\n return result;\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */] = function (async) {\r\n if (async === void 0) { async = true; }\r\n arrForEach(_core.getChannels(), function (channel) {\r\n if (channel[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */]) {\r\n channel[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */]();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n channel[STR_FLUSH /* @min:%2eflush */](async);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n _self.loadAppInsights = function (legacyMode, logger, notificationManager) {\r\n if (legacyMode === void 0) { legacyMode = false; }\r\n if (legacyMode) {\r\n throwUnsupported(\"Legacy Mode is no longer supported\");\r\n }\r\n function _updateSnippetProperties(snippet) {\r\n if (snippet) {\r\n var snippetVer = \"\";\r\n if (!isNullOrUndefined(_snippetVersion)) {\r\n snippetVer += _snippetVersion;\r\n }\r\n if (_self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */] && _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal) {\r\n _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal.snippetVer = snippetVer || \"-\";\r\n }\r\n // apply updated properties to the global instance (snippet)\r\n objForEachKey(_self, function (field, value) {\r\n if (isString(field) &&\r\n !isFunction(value) &&\r\n field && field[0] !== \"_\" && // Don't copy \"internal\" values\r\n arrIndexOf(_ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties, field) === -1) {\r\n if (snippet[field] !== value) {\r\n snippet[field] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n doPerf(_self.core, function () { return \"AISKU.loadAppInsights\"; }, function () {\r\n // initialize core\r\n _core.initialize(_config, [_sender, properties, dependencies, _analyticsPlugin], logger, notificationManager);\r\n objDefine(_self, \"context\", {\r\n g: function () { return properties[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]; }\r\n });\r\n var sdkSrc = _findSdkSourceFile();\r\n if (sdkSrc && _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]) {\r\n _self[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */].internal.sdkSrc = sdkSrc;\r\n }\r\n _updateSnippetProperties(_self[STR_SNIPPET /* @min:%2esnippet */]);\r\n // Empty queue of all api calls logged prior to sdk download\r\n _self.emptyQueue();\r\n _self[STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS /* @min:%2epollInternalLogs */]();\r\n _self[_DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF1 /* @min:%2eaddHousekeepingBeforeUnload */](_self);\r\n });\r\n return _self;\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_UPDATE_SNIPPET_DEFIN2 /* @min:%2eupdateSnippetDefinitions */] = function (snippet) {\r\n // apply full appInsights to the global instance\r\n // Note: This must be called before loadAppInsights is called\r\n proxyAssign(snippet, _self, function (name) {\r\n // Not excluding names prefixed with \"_\" as we need to proxy some functions like _onError\r\n return name && arrIndexOf(_ignoreUpdateSnippetProperties, name) === -1;\r\n });\r\n };\r\n _self.emptyQueue = function () {\r\n // call functions that were queued before the main script was loaded\r\n try {\r\n if (isArray(_self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */])) {\r\n // note: do not check length in the for-loop conditional in case something goes wrong and the stub methods are not overridden.\r\n var length_1 = _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */].length;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < length_1; i++) {\r\n var call = _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */][i];\r\n call();\r\n }\r\n _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */] = undefined;\r\n delete _self.snippet[_DYN_QUEUE /* @min:%2equeue */];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (exception) {\r\n var properties_1 = {};\r\n if (exception && isFunction(exception.toString)) {\r\n properties_1.exception = exception.toString();\r\n }\r\n // need from core\r\n // Microsoft.ApplicationInsights._InternalLogging.throwInternal(\r\n // eLoggingSeverity.WARNING,\r\n // _eInternalMessageId.FailedToSendQueuedTelemetry,\r\n // \"Failed to send queued telemetry\",\r\n // properties);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self[_DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF1 /* @min:%2eaddHousekeepingBeforeUnload */] = function (appInsightsInstance) {\r\n // Add callback to push events when the user navigates away\r\n if (hasWindow() || hasDocument()) {\r\n var performHousekeeping_1 = function () {\r\n // Adds the ability to flush all data before the page unloads.\r\n // Note: This approach tries to push a sync request with all the pending events onbeforeunload.\r\n // Firefox does not respect this.Other browsers DO push out the call with < 100% hit rate.\r\n // Telemetry here will help us analyze how effective this approach is.\r\n // Another approach would be to make this call sync with a acceptable timeout to reduce the\r\n // impact on user experience.\r\n // appInsightsInstance.context._sender.triggerSend();\r\n appInsightsInstance[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */](false);\r\n // Back up the current session to local storage\r\n // This lets us close expired sessions after the cookies themselves expire\r\n if (isFunction(_self.core[STR_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */])) {\r\n var loadedPlugin = _this.core[STR_GET_PLUGIN /* @min:%2egetPlugin */](PropertiesPluginIdentifier);\r\n if (loadedPlugin) {\r\n var propertiesPlugin = loadedPlugin.plugin;\r\n if (propertiesPlugin && propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */] && propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]._sessionManager) {\r\n propertiesPlugin[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */]._sessionManager.backup();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n var added_1 = false;\r\n var analyticsPlugin_1 = appInsightsInstance.appInsights;\r\n var theConfig_1 = analyticsPlugin_1.config;\r\n if (!_houseKeepingNamespace) {\r\n _houseKeepingNamespace = mergeEvtNamespace(_evtNamespace, _core[STR_EVT_NAMESPACE /* @min:%2eevtNamespace */] && _core[STR_EVT_NAMESPACE /* @min:%2eevtNamespace */]());\r\n }\r\n // Will be recalled if any referenced config properties change\r\n _addUnloadHook(onConfigChange(_config, function () {\r\n // As we could get recalled, remove any previously registered event handlers first\r\n _removePageEventHandlers();\r\n var excludePageUnloadEvents = theConfig_1.disablePageUnloadEvents;\r\n if (!theConfig_1.disableFlushOnBeforeUnload) {\r\n // Hook the unload event for the document, window and body to ensure that the client events are flushed to the server\r\n // As just hooking the window does not always fire (on chrome) for page navigation's.\r\n if (addPageUnloadEventListener(performHousekeeping_1, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace)) {\r\n added_1 = true;\r\n }\r\n // We also need to hook the pagehide and visibilitychange events as not all versions of Safari support load/unload events.\r\n if (addPageHideEventListener(performHousekeeping_1, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace)) {\r\n added_1 = true;\r\n }\r\n // A reactNative app may not have a window and therefore the beforeunload/pagehide events -- so don't\r\n // log the failure in this case\r\n if (!added_1 && !isReactNative()) {\r\n _throwInternal(analyticsPlugin_1.core.logger, 1 /* eLoggingSeverity.CRITICAL */, 19 /* _eInternalMessageId.FailedToAddHandlerForOnBeforeUnload */, \"Could not add handler for beforeunload and pagehide\");\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!added_1 && !theConfig_1.disableFlushOnUnload) {\r\n // If we didn't add the normal set then attempt to add the pagehide and visibilitychange only\r\n addPageHideEventListener(performHousekeeping_1, excludePageUnloadEvents, _houseKeepingNamespace);\r\n }\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n };\r\n _self.getSender = function () {\r\n return _sender;\r\n };\r\n _self.unload = function (isAsync, unloadComplete, cbTimeout) {\r\n var unloadDone = false;\r\n var result;\r\n if (isAsync && !unloadComplete) {\r\n result = createPromise(function (resolve) {\r\n // Set the callback to the promise resolve callback\r\n unloadComplete = resolve;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n function _unloadCallback(unloadState) {\r\n if (!unloadDone) {\r\n unloadDone = true;\r\n _initDefaults();\r\n unloadComplete && unloadComplete(unloadState);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n _self[_DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH /* @min:%2eonunloadFlush */](isAsync);\r\n _removePageEventHandlers();\r\n _core.unload && _core.unload(isAsync, _unloadCallback, cbTimeout);\r\n return result;\r\n };\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, _analyticsPlugin, [\r\n STR_GET_COOKIE_MGR,\r\n STR_TRACK_EVENT,\r\n STR_TRACK_PAGE_VIEW,\r\n \"trackPageViewPerformance\",\r\n STR_TRACK_EXCEPTION,\r\n \"_onerror\",\r\n STR_TRACK_TRACE,\r\n STR_TRACK_METRIC,\r\n STR_START_TRACK_PAGE,\r\n STR_STOP_TRACK_PAGE,\r\n STR_START_TRACK_EVENT,\r\n STR_STOP_TRACK_EVENT\r\n ]);\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, _getCurrentDependencies, [\r\n STR_TRACK_DEPENDENCY_DATA,\r\n \"addDependencyListener\",\r\n \"addDependencyInitializer\"\r\n ]);\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, _core, [\r\n STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER,\r\n STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS,\r\n \"stopPollingInternalLogs\",\r\n STR_GET_PLUGIN,\r\n \"addPlugin\",\r\n STR_EVT_NAMESPACE,\r\n \"addUnloadCb\",\r\n \"getTraceCtx\",\r\n \"updateCfg\",\r\n \"onCfgChange\"\r\n ]);\r\n proxyFunctions(_self, function () {\r\n var context = properties[_DYN_CONTEXT /* @min:%2econtext */];\r\n return context ? context.user : null;\r\n }, [\r\n STR_SET_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT,\r\n STR_CLEAR_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT\r\n ]);\r\n // Using a function to support the dynamic adding / removal of plugins, so this will always return the current value\r\n function _getCurrentDependencies() {\r\n return dependencies;\r\n }\r\n function _initDefaults() {\r\n _evtNamespace = createUniqueNamespace(\"AISKU\");\r\n _houseKeepingNamespace = null;\r\n dependencies = null;\r\n properties = null;\r\n _sender = null;\r\n _snippetVersion = null;\r\n }\r\n function _removePageEventHandlers() {\r\n // Remove any registered event handlers\r\n if (_houseKeepingNamespace) {\r\n removePageUnloadEventListener(null, _houseKeepingNamespace);\r\n removePageHideEventListener(null, _houseKeepingNamespace);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function _addUnloadHook(hooks) {\r\n _core.addUnloadHook(hooks);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // Analytics Plugin\r\n /**\r\n * Get the current cookie manager for this instance\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.getCookieMgr = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log a user action or other occurrence.\r\n * @param event\r\n * @param [customProperties]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackEvent = function (event, customProperties) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Logs that a page, or similar container was displayed to the user.\r\n * @param pageView\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackPageView = function (pageView) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log a bag of performance information via the customProperties field.\r\n * @param pageViewPerformance\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackPageViewPerformance = function (pageViewPerformance) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log an exception that you have caught.\r\n * @param exception\r\n * @param } customProperties Additional data used to filter pages and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackException = function (exception, customProperties) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Manually send uncaught exception telemetry. This method is automatically triggered\r\n * on a window.onerror event.\r\n * @param exception\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype._onerror = function (exception) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log a diagnostic scenario such entering or leaving a function.\r\n * @param trace\r\n * @param [customProperties]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackTrace = function (trace, customProperties) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log a numeric value that is not associated with a specific event. Typically used\r\n * to send regular reports of performance indicators.\r\n *\r\n * To send a single measurement, just use the `name` and `average` fields\r\n * of {@link IMetricTelemetry}.\r\n *\r\n * If you take measurements frequently, you can reduce the telemetry bandwidth by\r\n * aggregating multiple measurements and sending the resulting average and modifying\r\n * the `sampleCount` field of {@link IMetricTelemetry}.\r\n * @param metric - input object argument. Only `name` and `average` are mandatory.\r\n * @param [customProperties]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackMetric = function (metric, customProperties) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Starts the timer for tracking a page load time. Use this instead of `trackPageView` if you want to control when the page view timer starts and stops,\r\n * but don't want to calculate the duration yourself. This method doesn't send any telemetry. Call `stopTrackPage` to log the end of the page view\r\n * and send the event.\r\n * @param name - A string that idenfities this item, unique within this HTML document. Defaults to the document title.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.startTrackPage = function (name) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Stops the timer that was started by calling `startTrackPage` and sends the pageview load time telemetry with the specified properties and measurements.\r\n * The duration of the page view will be the time between calling `startTrackPage` and `stopTrackPage`.\r\n * @param name The string you used as the name in startTrackPage. Defaults to the document title.\r\n * @param url String - a relative or absolute URL that identifies the page or other item. Defaults to the window location.\r\n * @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter pages and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n * @param measurements map[string, number] - metrics associated with this page, displayed in Metrics Explorer on the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.stopTrackPage = function (name, url, customProperties, measurements) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.startTrackEvent = function (name) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Log an extended event that you started timing with `startTrackEvent`.\r\n * @param name The string you used to identify this event in `startTrackEvent`.\r\n * @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter events and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n * @param measurements map[string, number] - metrics associated with this event, displayed in Metrics Explorer on the portal. Defaults to empty.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.stopTrackEvent = function (name, properties, measurements) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.addTelemetryInitializer = function (telemetryInitializer) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n // Properties Plugin\r\n /**\r\n * Set the authenticated user id and the account id. Used for identifying a specific signed-in user. Parameters must not contain whitespace or ,;=|\r\n *\r\n * The method will only set the `authenticatedUserId` and `accountId` in the current page view. To set them for the whole session, you should set `storeInCookie = true`\r\n * @param authenticatedUserId\r\n * @param [accountId]\r\n * @param [storeInCookie=false]\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.setAuthenticatedUserContext = function (authenticatedUserId, accountId, storeInCookie) {\r\n if (storeInCookie === void 0) { storeInCookie = false; }\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Clears the authenticated user id and account id. The associated cookie is cleared, if present.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.clearAuthenticatedUserContext = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n // Dependencies Plugin\r\n /**\r\n * Log a dependency call (e.g. ajax)\r\n * @param dependency\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.trackDependencyData = function (dependency) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n // Misc\r\n /**\r\n * Attempt to flush data immediately; If executing asynchronously (the default) and\r\n * you DO NOT pass a callback function then a [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * will be returned which will resolve once the flush is complete. The actual implementation of the `IPromise`\r\n * will be a native Promise (if supported) or the default as supplied by [ts-async library](https://github.com/nevware21/ts-async)\r\n * @param async - send data asynchronously when true\r\n * @param callBack - if specified, notify caller when send is complete, the channel should return true to indicate to the caller that it will be called.\r\n * If the caller doesn't return true the caller should assume that it may never be called.\r\n * @returns - If a callback is provided `true` to indicate that callback will be called after the flush is complete otherwise the caller\r\n * should assume that any provided callback will never be called, Nothing or if occurring asynchronously a\r\n * [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html) which will be resolved once the unload is complete,\r\n * the [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html) will only be returned when no callback is provided\r\n * and async is true.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.flush = function (async, callBack) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Manually trigger an immediate send of all telemetry still in the buffer using beacon Sender.\r\n * Fall back to xhr sender if beacon is not supported.\r\n * @param [async=true]\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.onunloadFlush = function (async) {\r\n if (async === void 0) { async = true; }\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Initialize this instance of ApplicationInsights\r\n * @returns {IApplicationInsights}\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n * @param legacyMode - MUST always be false, it is no longer supported from v3.x onwards\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.loadAppInsights = function (legacyMode, logger, notificationManager) {\r\n if (legacyMode === void 0) { legacyMode = false; }\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Overwrite the lazy loaded fields of global window snippet to contain the\r\n * actual initialized API methods\r\n * @param snippet\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.updateSnippetDefinitions = function (snippet) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Call any functions that were queued before the main script was loaded\r\n * @memberof Initialization\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.emptyQueue = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.pollInternalLogs = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.stopPollingInternalLogs = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.addHousekeepingBeforeUnload = function (appInsightsInstance) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.getSender = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Unload and Tear down the SDK and any initialized plugins, after calling this the SDK will be considered\r\n * to be un-initialized and non-operational, re-initializing the SDK should only be attempted if the previous\r\n * unload call return `true` stating that all plugins reported that they also unloaded, the recommended\r\n * approach is to create a new instance and initialize that instance.\r\n * This is due to possible unexpected side effects caused by plugins not supporting unload / teardown, unable\r\n * to successfully remove any global references or they may just be completing the unload process asynchronously.\r\n * If you pass isAsync as true and do not provide\r\n * If you pass isAsync as `true` (also the default) and DO NOT pass a callback function then an [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * will be returned which will resolve once the unload is complete. The actual implementation of the `IPromise`\r\n * will be a native Promise (if supported) or the default as supplied by [ts-async library](https://github.com/nevware21/ts-async)\r\n * @param isAsync - Can the unload be performed asynchronously (default)\r\n * @param unloadComplete - An optional callback that will be called once the unload has completed\r\n * @param cbTimeout - An optional timeout to wait for any flush operations to complete before proceeding with the\r\n * unload. Defaults to 5 seconds.\r\n * @return Nothing or if occurring asynchronously a [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * which will be resolved once the unload is complete, the [IPromise](https://nevware21.github.io/ts-async/typedoc/interfaces/IPromise.html)\r\n * will only be returned when no callback is provided and isAsync is true\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.unload = function (isAsync, unloadComplete, cbTimeout) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.getPlugin = function (pluginIdentifier) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add a new plugin to the installation\r\n * @param plugin - The new plugin to add\r\n * @param replaceExisting - should any existing plugin be replaced, default is false\r\n * @param doAsync - Should the add be performed asynchronously\r\n * @param addCb - [Optional] callback to call after the plugin has been added\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.addPlugin = function (plugin, replaceExisting, doAsync, addCb) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Update the configuration used and broadcast the changes to all loaded plugins\r\n * @param newConfig - The new configuration is apply\r\n * @param mergeExisting - Should the new configuration merge with the existing or just replace it. Default is to merge.\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.updateCfg = function (newConfig, mergeExisting) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Returns the unique event namespace that should be used\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.evtNamespace = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add an unload handler that will be called when the SDK is being unloaded\r\n * @param handler - the handler\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.addUnloadCb = function (handler) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add an ajax listener which is called just prior to the request being sent and before the correlation headers are added, to allow you\r\n * to access the headers and modify the values used to generate the distributed tracing correlation headers. (added in v2.8.4)\r\n * @param dependencyListener - The Telemetry Initializer function\r\n * @returns - A IDependencyListenerHandler to enable the initializer to be removed\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.addDependencyListener = function (dependencyListener) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Add an dependency telemetry initializer callback function to allow populating additional properties or drop the request.\r\n * It is called after the dependency call has completed and any available performance details are available. A dependency\r\n * initializer is similar to the TelemetryInitializer function but it allows you to block the reporting of the dependency\r\n * request so that it doesn't count against the `maxAjaxCallsPerView`.\r\n * @param dependencyInitializer - The Dependency Telemetry Initializer function\r\n * @returns - A IDependencyInitializerHandler to enable the initializer to be removed\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.addDependencyInitializer = function (dependencyInitializer) {\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Gets the current distributed trace context for this instance if available\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.getTraceCtx = function () {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * Watches and tracks changes for accesses to the current config, and if the accessed config changes the\r\n * handler will be recalled.\r\n * @param handler\r\n * @returns A watcher handler instance that can be used to remove itself when being unloaded\r\n */\r\n AppInsightsSku.prototype.onCfgChange = function (handler) {\r\n // @DynamicProtoStub -- DO NOT add any code as this will be removed during packaging\r\n return null;\r\n };\r\n return AppInsightsSku;\r\n}());\r\nexport { AppInsightsSku };\r\n// tslint:disable-next-line\r\nexport function _findSdkSourceFile() {\r\n if (_internalSdkSrc) {\r\n // Use the cached value\r\n return _internalSdkSrc;\r\n }\r\n var sdkSrc = null;\r\n var isModule = false;\r\n var cdns = [\r\n \"://js.monitor.azure.com/\",\r\n \"://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/\"\r\n ];\r\n try {\r\n // Try and determine whether the sdk is being loaded from the CDN\r\n // currentScript is only valid during initial processing\r\n var scrpt = (document || {}).currentScript;\r\n if (scrpt) {\r\n sdkSrc = scrpt.src;\r\n // } else {\r\n // // We need to update to at least typescript 2.9 for this to work :-(\r\n // // Leaving as a stub for now so after we upgrade this breadcrumb is available\r\n // let meta = import.meta;\r\n // sdkSrc = (meta || {}).url;\r\n // isModule = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\r\n }\r\n if (sdkSrc) {\r\n try {\r\n var url_1 = sdkSrc.toLowerCase();\r\n if (url_1) {\r\n var src_1 = \"\";\r\n arrForEach(cdns, function (value, idx) {\r\n if (strIndexOf(url_1, value) !== -1) {\r\n src_1 = \"cdn\" + (idx + 1);\r\n if (strIndexOf(url_1, \"/scripts/\") === -1) {\r\n if (strIndexOf(url_1, \"/next/\") !== -1) {\r\n src_1 += \"-next\";\r\n }\r\n else if (strIndexOf(url_1, \"/beta/\") !== -1) {\r\n src_1 += \"-beta\";\r\n }\r\n }\r\n _internalSdkSrc = src_1 + (isModule ? \".mod\" : \"\");\r\n return -1;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\r\n }\r\n // Cache the found value so we don't have to look it up again\r\n _internalSdkSrc = sdkSrc;\r\n }\r\n return _internalSdkSrc;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=AISku.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n// ###################################################################################################################################################\r\n// Note: DON'T Export these const from the package as we are still targeting IE/ES5 this will export a mutable variables that someone could change ###\r\n// ###################################################################################################################################################\r\n// Generally you should only put values that are used more than 2 times and then only if not already exposed as a constant (such as SdkCoreNames)\r\n// as when using \"short\" named values from here they will be will be minified smaller than the SdkCoreNames[eSdkCoreNames.xxxx] value.\r\nvar _AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT = \"AuthenticatedUserContext\";\r\nvar _TRACK = \"track\";\r\nexport var STR_EMPTY = \"\";\r\nexport var STR_SNIPPET = \"snippet\";\r\nexport var STR_GET_COOKIE_MGR = \"getCookieMgr\";\r\nexport var STR_START_TRACK_PAGE = \"startTrackPage\";\r\nexport var STR_STOP_TRACK_PAGE = \"stopTrackPage\";\r\nexport var STR_FLUSH = \"flush\";\r\nexport var STR_START_TRACK_EVENT = \"startTrackEvent\";\r\nexport var STR_STOP_TRACK_EVENT = \"stopTrackEvent\";\r\nexport var STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER = \"addTelemetryInitializer\";\r\nexport var STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZERS = STR_ADD_TELEMETRY_INITIALIZER + \"s\";\r\nexport var STR_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS = \"pollInternalLogs\";\r\nexport var STR_GET_PLUGIN = \"getPlugin\";\r\nexport var STR_EVT_NAMESPACE = \"evtNamespace\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_EVENT = _TRACK + \"Event\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_TRACE = _TRACK + \"Trace\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_METRIC = _TRACK + \"Metric\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_PAGE_VIEW = _TRACK + \"PageView\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_EXCEPTION = _TRACK + \"Exception\";\r\nexport var STR_TRACK_DEPENDENCY_DATA = _TRACK + \"DependencyData\";\r\nexport var STR_SET_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT = \"set\" + _AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT;\r\nexport var STR_CLEAR_AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT = \"clear\" + _AUTHENTICATED_USER_CONTEXT;\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=InternalConstants.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the MIT License.\r\n// @skip-file-minify\r\n// ##############################################################\r\n// AUTO GENERATED FILE: This file is Auto Generated during build.\r\n// ##############################################################\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n// Note: DON'T Export these const from the package as we are still targeting ES3 this will export a mutable variables that someone could change!!!\r\n// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\nexport var _DYN_VERSION = \"version\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_QUEUE = \"queue\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_CONNECTION_STRING = \"connectionString\"; // Count: 4\r\nexport var _DYN_ENDPOINT_URL = \"endpointUrl\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY = \"instrumentationKey\"; // Count: 3\r\nexport var _DYN_DISABLE_IKEY_DEPRECA0 = \"disableIkeyDeprecationMessage\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_ONUNLOAD_FLUSH = \"onunloadFlush\"; // Count: 6\r\nexport var _DYN_CONTEXT = \"context\"; // Count: 5\r\nexport var _DYN_ADD_HOUSEKEEPING_BEF1 = \"addHousekeepingBeforeUnload\"; // Count: 2\r\nexport var _DYN_UPDATE_SNIPPET_DEFIN2 = \"updateSnippetDefinitions\"; // Count: 2\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=__DynamicConstants.js.map","// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n// Licensed under the\r\nexport { correlationIdSetPrefix, correlationIdGetPrefix, correlationIdCanIncludeCorrelationHeader, correlationIdGetCorrelationContext, correlationIdGetCorrelationContextValue, dateTimeUtilsNow, dateTimeUtilsDuration, isInternalApplicationInsightsEndpoint, createDistributedTraceContextFromTrace } from \"./Util\";\r\nexport { ThrottleMgr } from \"./ThrottleMgr\";\r\nexport { parseConnectionString, ConnectionStringParser } from \"./ConnectionStringParser\";\r\nexport { RequestHeaders } from \"./RequestResponseHeaders\";\r\nexport { DisabledPropertyName, ProcessLegacy, SampleRate, HttpMethod, DEFAULT_BREEZE_ENDPOINT, DEFAULT_BREEZE_PATH, strNotSpecified } from \"./Constants\";\r\nexport { Envelope } from \"./Telemetry/Common/Envelope\";\r\nexport { Event } from \"./Telemetry/Event\";\r\nexport { Exception } from \"./Telemetry/Exception\";\r\nexport { Metric } from \"./Telemetry/Metric\";\r\nexport { PageView } from \"./Telemetry/PageView\";\r\nexport { RemoteDependencyData } from \"./Telemetry/RemoteDependencyData\";\r\nexport { Trace } from \"./Telemetry/Trace\";\r\nexport { PageViewPerformance } from \"./Telemetry/PageViewPerformance\";\r\nexport { Data } from \"./Telemetry/Common/Data\";\r\nexport { SeverityLevel } from \"./Interfaces/Contracts/SeverityLevel\";\r\nexport { ConfigurationManager } from \"./Interfaces/IConfig\";\r\nexport { ContextTagKeys } from \"./Interfaces/Contracts/ContextTagKeys\";\r\nexport { dataSanitizeKeyAndAddUniqueness, dataSanitizeKey, dataSanitizeString, dataSanitizeUrl, dataSanitizeMessage, dataSanitizeException, dataSanitizeProperties, dataSanitizeMeasurements, dataSanitizeId, dataSanitizeInput, dsPadNumber } from \"./Telemetry/Common/DataSanitizer\";\r\nexport { TelemetryItemCreator, createTelemetryItem } from \"./TelemetryItemCreator\";\r\nexport { CtxTagKeys, Extensions } from \"./Interfaces/PartAExtensions\";\r\nexport { DistributedTracingModes } from \"./Enums\";\r\nexport { stringToBoolOrDefault, msToTimeSpan, getExtensionByName, isCrossOriginError } from \"./HelperFuncs\";\r\nexport { isBeaconsSupported as isBeaconApiSupported, createTraceParent, parseTraceParent, isValidTraceId, isValidSpanId, isValidTraceParent, isSampledFlag, formatTraceParent, findW3cTraceParent } from \"@microsoft/applicationinsights-core-js\";\r\nexport { createDomEvent } from \"./DomHelperFuncs\";\r\nexport { utlDisableStorage, utlEnableStorage, utlCanUseLocalStorage, utlGetLocalStorage, utlSetLocalStorage, utlRemoveStorage, utlCanUseSessionStorage, utlGetSessionStorageKeys, utlGetSessionStorage, utlSetSessionStorage, utlRemoveSessionStorage } from \"./StorageHelperFuncs\";\r\nexport { urlParseUrl, urlGetAbsoluteUrl, urlGetPathName, urlGetCompleteUrl, urlParseHost, urlParseFullHost } from \"./UrlHelperFuncs\";\r\nexport var PropertiesPluginIdentifier = \"AppInsightsPropertiesPlugin\";\r\nexport var BreezeChannelIdentifier = \"AppInsightsChannelPlugin\";\r\nexport var AnalyticsPluginIdentifier = \"ApplicationInsightsAnalytics\";\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=applicationinsights-common.js.map"],"names":["SeverityLevel","createEnumStyle","createEnum","Verbose","Information","Warning","Error","Critical","Constructor","Prototype","strFunction","DynInstFuncTable","DynProxyTag","DynClassName","DynInstChkTag","DynAllowInstChkTag","DynProtoDefaultOptions","UnknownValue","str__Proto","DynProtoBaseProto","DynProtoGlobalSettings","DynProtoCurrent","strUseBaseInst","strSetInstFuncs","Obj","Object","_objGetPrototypeOf","_objGetOwnProps","_gbl","getGlobal","_gblInst","o","_a","n","_isObjectOrArrayPrototype","target","Array","_isObjectArrayOrFunctionPrototype","Function","_getObjProto","newProto","curProto","objHasOwnProperty","_forEachProp","func","props","name_1","push","length","lp","_isDynamicCandidate","funcName","skipOwn","_throwTypeError","message","throwTypeError","_hasVisited","values","value","_populatePrototype","proto","className","baseInstFuncs","setInstanceFunc","_createDynamicPrototype","dynProtoProxy","instFunc","currentDynProtoProxy","instFuncTable","objCreate","canAddInst","objProto","visited","protoFunc","e","_getInstFunc","this","_getProtoFunc","apply","arguments","instFuncs_1","name","_getObjName","unknownValue","dynamicProto","theClass","delegateFunc","options","classProto","thisTarget","thisProto","_checkPrototype","perfOptions","useBaseInst","undefined","instFuncs","_getInstanceFuncs","baseFuncs","_instFuncProxy","funcHost","theFunc","baseProto","_getBaseFuncs","_DYN_SPLIT","_DYN_LENGTH","_DYN_INGESTIONENDPOINT","parseConnectionString","connectionString","kvPairs","result","arrReduce","fields","kv","kvParts","key","objKeys","endpointsuffix","locationPrefix","location","_DYN_BLK_VAL","_DYN_RD_ONLY","_DYN_NOTIFY","_DYN_WARN_TO_CONSOLE","_DYN_THROW_INTERNAL","_DYN_SET_DF","_DYN_WATCH","_DYN_LOGGER","_DYN_APPLY","_DYN_PUSH","_DYN_SPLICE","_DYN_HDLR","_DYN_CANCEL","_DYN_INITIALIZE","_DYN_IDENTIFIER","_DYN_IS_INITIALIZED","_DYN_GET_PLUGIN","_DYN_POLL_INTERNAL_LOGS","_DYN_NAME","_DYN_TIME","_DYN_PROCESS_NEXT","_DYN_GET_PROCESS_TEL_CONT0","_DYN_GET_NOTIFY_MGR","_DYN_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LIS1","_DYN_REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_2","_DYN_ENABLED","_DYN_STOP_POLLING_INTERNA3","_DYN_UNLOAD","_DYN_ON_COMPLETE","_DYN_VERSION","_DYN_LOGGING_LEVEL_CONSOL4","_DYN_CREATE_NEW","_DYN_TEARDOWN","_DYN_MESSAGE_ID","_DYN_MESSAGE","_DYN_IS_ASYNC","_DYN_DIAG_LOG","_DYN__DO_TEARDOWN","_DYN_UPDATE","_DYN_GET_NEXT","_DYN_SET_NEXT_PLUGIN","_DYN_USER_AGENT","_DYN_NODE_TYPE","_DYN_REPLACE","_DYN_TYPE","_DYN_HANDLER","_DYN_IS_CHILD_EVT","_DYN_GET_CTX","_DYN_SET_CTX","_DYN_COMPLETE","_DYN_TRACE_ID","_DYN_SPAN_ID","_DYN_TRACE_FLAGS","UNDEFINED_VALUE","STR_EMPTY","STR_CHANNELS","STR_CORE","STR_CREATE_PERF_MGR","STR_DISABLED","STR_EXTENSION_CONFIG","STR_EXTENSIONS","STR_PROCESS_TELEMETRY","STR_PRIORITY","STR_EVENTS_SENT","STR_EVENTS_DISCARDED","STR_EVENTS_SEND_REQUEST","STR_PERF_EVENT","STR_GET_PERF_MGR","STR_DOMAIN","STR_PATH","rCamelCase","rNormalizeInvalid","rLeadingNumeric","isNotNullOrUndefined","isNullOrUndefined","normalizeJsName","isString","_all","letter","toUpperCase","match","strContains","search","strIndexOf","toISOString","date","getExceptionName","object","isError","setValue","field","valChk","srcChk","theValue","_createProxyFunction","source","srcFunc","src","isFunction","originalArguments","proxyFunctionAs","overwriteTarget","isUndefined","proxyFunctions","functionsToProxy","isObject","isArray","arrForEach","theFuncName","strShimObject","strShimPrototype","ObjClass","strJSON","strMsie","strTrident","_isTrident","_navUserAgentCheck","_enableMocks","hasJSON","Boolean","JSON","getInst","isIE","nav","getNavigator","userAgent","UInt32Mask","MaxUInt32","SEED1","SEED2","_mwcSeeded","_mwcW","_mwcZ","_mwcSeed","seedValue","_autoSeedMwc","now","utcNow","Math","random","random32","signed","c","getRandomValues","Uint32Array","mwcRandom32","floor","version","instanceName","maxLength","number","chars","charAt","newId","_dataUid","_canAcceptData","createUniqueNamespace","includeVersion","createElmNodeData","data","id","accept","get","defValue","addDefault","theCache","objDefine","v","_getCache","kill","_isConfigDefaults","isVal","fb","objHasOwn","set","_getDefault","dynamicHandler","theConfig","cfgDefaults","isDefaultValid","dfVal","isDefined","fallbacks","fallback","fbValue","cfg","asString","_resolveDefaultValue","newValue_1","isPlainObject","objForEachKey","_applyDefaultValue","defaultValue","isValid","setFn","mergeDf","reference","readOnly","blkDynamicValue","mrg","ref","usingDefault","cfgValue","dfName","dfValue","CFG_HANDLER_LINK","symbolFor","BLOCK_DYNAMIC","FORCE_DYNAMIC","_cfgDeepCopy","target_1","_canMakeDynamic","getFunc","state","blkVal","throwInvalidAccess","aggregationErrorType","arrayMethodsToPatch","_throwDynamicError","logger","desc","concat","dumpObj","_getOwnPropGetter","propDesc","objGetOwnPropertyDescriptor","_setDynamicProperty","getter","prop","detail","h","trk","handler","fn","arrIndexOf","clr","idx","checkDynamic","isObjectOrArray","_getProperty","_makeDynami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